In our last episode, Ryu, Ken and Chun Li had to battle their way through vicious martial arts gangs to get out of Hong Kong's notorious Kowloon Palace. Although they were drastically outnumbered at every turn, Ken and Ryu's fighting skills brought them victory right up to the end. Luckily, Chun Li's father, a Hong Kong vice squad officer, arrived at the last minute to save them all.

At Chun Li's home, Dorai is praying. Chun Li goes up to him and says she's seen that look in his eyes before -something big is going down. He says isn't there always, and them reminds her that she's supposed to be taking her friends to see Fei Long film his movie.

He says after they're done, she should invite them over to their dojo, for a little workout. Dorai then leaves, and meets up with some other detectives. He's told that the ship has arrived, so Dorai says they'd better get going. The police head off towards the docks.

At the hotel, Ken and Ryu head down to where Chun Li is. Ken says they're sorry for keeping them waiting, but Chun Li imagines they're chomping at the bit to meet Fei Long. Ryu's stomach rumbles, so Ken suggests they chomp at some breakfast first. But he was thinking for breakfast they could have something unusual. Ryu asks if he has something in mind, and he says a swallow's nest.

Hector then tells them the hotel limousine is awaiting them out front. The group head into the limo, and Chun Li tells the driver they're going to the Kin Ko Kai restaurant. Meanwhile, Dorai and his men arrive at the docks. He's told that the smugglers have entered Hong Kong waters, but aren't approaching any closer. Dorai thinks this could be a trap, and tells everyone to be on their guard. He and the rest of the police head out via boats.

At the restaurant, Chun Li says this place is known to have the best chefs in the city, and the menu has everything on it. Ken asks if she's been here before, but she says she hasn't. She always said that she would, but the stuff here is a bit out of her price range. The group's breakfast is then brought out, and Ryu wonders how a swallow's nest is prepared. The waiter says they prepare it in a special oven, as they strive to make sure it keeps its natural shape. He reveals the swallow's next, which is served with crab claws.

Ryu thinks they managed to make this look pretty good, and says Chinese swallows must be pretty big. Ken says it actually comes from the best of the native storm petrel, and is made of seaweed. The waiter says they'll find this meal exceptional, as the subtle flavor should be savored with each bite. Ryu tries it and says he's not sure what the fuss is about, but asks for more.

Ken asks Chun Li how she and Fei Long became friends. She says they've known each other forever, as Fei Long has been coming to her father's dojo for practice ever since he was a little boy. She says he's a very nice person, and very reliable -someone she's always been able to confide in, kind of like the big brother she'd always wanted, but never had. Ryu and Ken realize Chun Li's dad is Fei Long's mentor. Ken says he looks forward to meeting Fei Long. Meanwhile, Dorai's team arrive on the smuggler's boat.

They head inside it, but Dorai thinks something is wrong. He sees a bomb wired up inside, and the countdown suddenly decreases to 15 seconds. He tells everyone to run for their lives.

Everyone jumps off the boat, which explodes seconds later. The explosion is seen at the restaurant, and one of the waiters thinks they must be filming a movie out there. Ryu says he'll say one thing for this city: you never know what to expect.

Dorai and his men have all survived, but Dorai curses the Ashura, and says they'll pay for this. Meanwhile, Ken's group have left the restaurant. Ken says he was thinking it'd be cool of they let them be in the movie, even if they were just in the background. They arrive at the place the movie is being filmed...

...the Tiger Balm Garden. They then see Fei Long in action, as he takes out several opponents with ease.

The last guy standing runs off in fear, as Fei Long asks where his next opponent is. The film crew are watching, and one says Fei Long has beaten up everyone, they don't have anyone else prepped. The director yells cut, and Fei Long says these guys were an embarrassment -he hasn't even worked up a sweat! He wants to fight someone who's a real challenge.

The director says to trust him -this may not seem like much now, but once it's edited and on the big screen, nobody will know the difference. Fei Long says he'll know the difference, as this is his first starring role. He wants to make sure he gives the public something special, a real battle. The director says that's fine, but in order to do it, they've got to get it on film first. With him putting all of their stunt men in comas, they'll never have enough footage to edit! Fei Long says he's wrong, what they need is a convincing fight, not a bunch of editing. The director says he's never worked with an actor who complains so much, if it's a real fight he wants, he should go back to his black belt competitions! The rest of them are making a movie. Fei Long says so is he, but he's a making a film that'll make the competition seem like bad B movies, by making the fight look real. No amount of fancy film work can make a fight like that.

The director asks if he's implying he's not a capable enough director to pull that off, and Fei Long says he wouldn't dream of it. The director says not to waste his time, but Fei Long tells him to look over there. He points at the stuntmen, and says the film calls for him to fight a bunch of brutal martial arts assassins. He wants the director to bring him a challenge, and he'll give him a real fight, as simple stunt men are no match for him.

The director says this is just a movie, he's not meant to fight them for real! Ken's group then shows up, and Chun Li asks Fei Long if he's too busy for a visitor. Fei Long says never, and explains what's going on.

Chun Li says she knows some fighters, and explains that they fought at Kowloon Palace, and fought in the Devil's Battle Cave. The director says that's perfect, as they have a scene coming up where Fei Long fights a slum lord. He wants Ken or Ryu to play the part, and Ryu can't believe it -they're going to be in a martial arts movie! Ken says they don't want both of them, Fei Long is going to fight one slum lord, and he'll be the one. Ryu asks what makes him a better slum lord, and Ken tells him he doesn't have the presence.

The director tells Fei Long to pick, and he points at Ken. The director tells an assistant to get a costume for Ken. Ken says he has to report to his dressing room for a costume change, and leaves.

But when he comes back, he's not wearing something he likes -he always wanted to be a movie star, but this isn't exactly what he had in mind. Ryu and Chun Li start laughing at him. An assistant tells Fei Long and Ken that they don't have any more dialogue to worry about, but as they're rolling sound, he asks everyone else on set to be quiet. He explains to Ken what the scene entails.

Fei Long warns Ken that he's going to come at him with everything he's got. The assistant says Ken's not insured, but Fei Long tells the director that if Ken gets hurt, he'll cover him. The director says he'll keep that in mind, then orders to keep the cameras rolling, as this probably won't last very long. Fei Long tells Ken he hopes he knows what he's gotten himself into, and Ken says not to worry about it.

The scene starts, and Fei Long goes on the attack. Ken dodges or blocks all of his opponent's punches and kicks, but he doesn't try to strike back.

Ryu wonders why Ken isn't making any offensive moves, and yells for Ken to come on. The director's son holds up a sign, signaling Ryu to be quiet.

The fight continues, and Fei Long manages to land a punch on Ken, and then hits him with an elbow. Ryu shouts that he would have mopped the floor with Fei Long by now, and says he knew he was the better fighter for this part.

The director's son gets in Ryu's face again, so Ryu shuts up. Fei Long continues his attack.

The director says this film is getting better by the minute. He says he's ready for a little more action, and tells Ken to throw everything he's got at his opponent. The fight resumes, and as Ken avoids one of Fei Long's punches, he hits back, knocking his opponent back.

Fei Long goes on the attack again, only for Ken to grab one of his arms, and throw him into a wall. Ryu yells for Ken to put Fei Long down for the count, and is once again signaled to be quiet.

Ken goes for another punch, only for Fei Long to avoid it, and kick him in the face. Fei Long jumps up, but Ken avoids his kick, and then kicks him back.

As the two square off, the director says that was excellent, and thinks if they put that fight in the film, it'll be worth seeing! His son then comes up to him and signals for him to be quiet, but he tells him to get out of his face before he has him thrown off the set!

Fei Long tells Ken he's not easily impressed, but admits that Ken is a damn good opponent. Ken tells him he's impressive too, but he's going to win. Ryu asks Chun Li if everyone who trains with her father becomes an incredible fighter like Fei Long. She says Fei Long is one of a kind.

The fight resumes, and the two land several attacks on each other.

They also begin wrecking parts of the Tiger Balm Garden, which worries an assistant. The assistant warns the director if they let them damage the garden any more, it could become expensive. The director says they'll patch it up with tape when they're finished, but then everyone notices that the fight is also leading to some filming equipment getting wrecked.

The director tells them to keep it up, as this film is definitely going to make him a millionaire! But everyone then notices Ryu and Fei Long suddenly leap up. The director tells his crew to come on, as they can follow them with the porta-cams.

Ken lands another punch, but Fei Long knees him in the face, and pulls off his bald cap by mistake. Ken tosses his jacket off.

The assistant says they have to stop, as Ken has taken off the wig and the costume. Now it doesn't matter how much editing they do, it won't match! The director says they'll just have to rewrite the slum lord's part to give him a reason for having a wig. They continue following Ken and Fei Long, who continue to destroy parts of the garden with their fighting. The assistant says this is very bad, as some of the items being demolished are considered priceless by the government. The director says who cares -the budget is the producer's problem!

Ken and Fei Long land on the main entrance. As Fei Long jumps over, Ken gets out of the way. But he then has to defend himself from Fei Long's unrelenting kicks.

Ken then manages to block one of Fei Long's kicks, and hits him with a powerful jumping uppercut. He then lands a spin kick on Fei Long's face.

Fei Long gets up and is about to resume fighting, but the director yells cut. The assistant asks Ken if he's lost his mind -he can't mess up the main actor's face like that! Fei Long has a mark on his face, but Ken says he's never heard of a real fight where the face is off limits. The director says the fight was fine until he marked up Fei Long's face. Fei Long says his face has taken worse beatings, and says he's no pretty boy who worries about his complexion. He wants to finish the fight.

But the director gets in their way, and says today's filming is officially over. He's scrapping the footage, and tells his crew to pack everything up, and get some ice on Fei Long's face. Fei Long says this is the fight he wanted, they can't leave it unfinished. The director says on this film, he's calling the shots. Fei Long says it's a damn shame, and then tells Ken that one day, when he has creative control, he'll give Ken a call, so they can put their rematch on film. Ken says that sounds good, and says its been an honor.

Fei Long says the honor was his, and walks off. As the director and crew follow, Ryu says that Fei Long is one of the best.

Ryu finds himself at the mercy of a mysterious old man, who is neither real, nor imaginary. Who is this ancient one? And what power does he have over Ryu's soul? To find out, watch the next episode of Street Fighter II V: Appearance of the Secret Technique - The Ki Begins to Rise, the Awakening of Hadou. Gonna burn some muscle!

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