On a dark and stormy night, a single security guard is doing his rounds when he hears something up ahead of him and goes toward the sound. He opens the door a little as he sees that a few creatures have entered the morgue and are breaking open various containers to get access to the bodies! The guard then turns around and runs off.

The next day, a news report goes out and people see that some bodies were taken from a morgue of a local medical university. The reporter mentions that the people who took the bodies were dressed up as monsters. The report shows sketches of the monsters, which shows Dauros and Gilmer.


Inside the base, there is a large shrine, which has a glowing, pulsating, spherical object in it. Near to this object, Blood performs a spell, which has him infuse the corpses they have collected with energy.

This brings the corpses back to life, and Blood tells them they are part of the Destron army. They are to go out and throw the human population into an abyss of fear! The zombie army -known as "Destroids" moves out and attacks a city.

Some armed police turn up, but their bullets can't seem to stop these monsters. Thankfully Lander arrives on the scene, and easily batters them down. The ones he doesn't hit end up just vanishing into thin air, and as Blood watches, he realises this first attack has been a failure.


Lander contacts Hawk and tells him that it must have been the Destrons who created the zombies. Gō wonders how the Destron Pretenders were released from their prisons. Hawk has been thinking about it and says that some unnatural phenomenon must have revived them all at the same time somehow, as they were sealed up in separate places across the Earth. Gō says that if the Destrons are active again...then they will have to use them.

At the Destron base, Dauros, Blood and Gilmer bow in front of the shrine. Blood says that controlling corpses is useless, but they will alter their plans so they control living humans instead. Blood tells Gilmer and Dauros to go and bring him some humans, and suggests they go to an out of the way area. He finds a suitable location to send them to, and explains that he will be heading out somewhere else.

The location Blood has selected just so happens to be an area where Diver happens to be, as the Cybertron Pretender is relaxing on a boat. But he sees that not far away, two primitive ships are attacked. Some giant claws appear out of the water and Diver knows it must be the Destrons! He contacts Hawk and tells him that the Destrons have shown up at the Karin Islands. Hawk says he and Phoenix are on the way, whilst Diver tells him he will rescue the passengers of the attacked ships.

Shūta runs in and sees Hawk in his armor. His father tells him not to get involved, but Shūta knows the Destrons must be doing something and he begs Hawk to take him with him. Hawk is reluctant, and thinks it is too dangerous, but Shūta wants to see the Destrons himself. Hawk becomes Metalhawk, and tells Shūta to hurry up and get in. The two head towards the Karin Islands, unaware that Blood has seen them depart...

"That takes care of any interlopers!"


In the Karin Islands, a boy called Cab is swinging around the jungle when he comes across an injured monkey. He seems to be able to talk to the animals, and finds out the monkey was attacked by a panther, again. As he heals his wound, Donq, Cab's guardian, comes running, saying he has great news. He has received a letter from the International School -a letter of acceptance! Cab will be able to go to the school, which is located in Japan. However, Cab says he likes it here, and as for studying, no thanks. Donq reminds him that he is a Prince -he will become a King one day, so he needs a proper education.

Cab refuses, and runs off. But as he sees some birds randomly flying off, he comes to a stop...only for the Destrons to appear! Dauros wants to capture Cab, and has some new type of Seacons with him. However, Dauros is distracted when Metalhawk appears, giving Cab the chance to hide. Metalhawk tells Dauros that they have already worked out the Destron's plans. Metalhawk lands to let Shūta out, and then transforms to robot mode. The new Seacons move in on him, and they are known as:


Metalhawk starts to fight the Lobclaws, as Dauros tries to find where Cab went. He can't find him, but does come across another kid instead: Shūta!

Metalhawk destroys the Lobclaws and then uses a flying kick on Dauros. Dauros tells him that they will get to fight later, and then backs off. Nearby, another new type of Seacon is on the hunt for humans.


Several Overbites capture some of Karin Island's population. Elsewhere Hawk and Shūta meet up with Diver, and tell him that Dauros just got away. The three of them head to the island's palace, where they meet Cab. However, Cab thinks they are robot monsters and does not believe Donq's claim that they are investigating the oceans. Donq doesn't believe him, even after Cab tells him that he saw Hawk change with his own eyes. He runs off and Donq follows him.

Phoenix arrives and says he saw some recently trampled jungle growth on the way. He thinks it could be Destron activity. Hawk says he and Phoenix will take to the skies to look for more intel, whilst Diver is to search the waters. He tells Shūta to try and talk to Cab and explain who they really are. Shūta finds the Prince, although he doesn't want to talk much as he thinks Shūta is a robot soldier also. A hawk then lands on Cab's arm, and through his ability to understand animals, Can finds out that some suspicious figures have been see on the "Isle of the Gods". Only members of the royal family are allowed on there, and if those monsters from earlier are back, he will defeat them! Shūta warns him not to go, but Cab says he is no coward and runs off.

Shūta finds Hawk and Phoenix and explains where Cab has gone. Hawk says they need to find out where this isle of the Gods is, so they go and find Donq. Meanwhile, Cab is already in the waters, and is attacked by a Lobclaw. The Overbite destroys his ship, and then Gilmer captures him.

Meanwhile, at the research center, Blood casually walks down the entrance path, but has some Lobclaws with him. He sends these in to attack the center, and it is soon badly damaged.

Diver returns from the sea, having found nothing. It has been a while since Prince Cab left, so he must be on that isle. On the isle of Gods, Gilmer tells the humans they've captured that they shall work for him, and he is their new leader. Cab makes a break for it, but Gilmer and Dauros follow him.

The two Destrons get outside, but Hawk, Phoenix and Diver appear. Phoenix is sent in to free the hostages, whilst Diver batters Dauros.

The Pretenders change to their larger robot forms, but even then the Destrons fight a losing battle. Diver overpowers Dauros, whilst Metalhawk defeats Gilmer by headbutting him.

Dauros and Gilmer have had enough, and retreat. The hostages are soon saved, and later on, Cab talks to Shūta. He's jealous that Shūta has friends like Hawk and Diver, although Shūta says they are more like brothers to him.

Donq asks Hawk if he could take Cab with them back to Japan, so he can go to school. Hawk says he will, but only if Cab agrees to ho. Donq asks Cab if he will go to Japan, and he says he will. Just then Lander contacts the Cybertrons, saying that Professor Gō's lab is under Destron attack!

Lander sees Gō and tells him to get out of here, before charging into Blood. As Blood recovers, he throws his axe through a pillar, causing it to topple over -right onto Gō!

With Lander distracted, Blood wastes no time in kicking him down. The entire center then starts to explode, as the Destrons retreat. The next morning, Hawk and the others arrive at the ruins.

They pull Lander out from some rubble, who tells them that the Professor was trapped under a pillar. The Cybertrons search and eventually find him, but he has been fatally injured. He tells Hawk that the time has come to use them, and he must take good care of Shūta for him.

He then tells his son to look towards the future and to be strong. He just about manages to pass him a key, before passing away. As Shūta screams out for his father, we are taken from the ruins of one base to the location of another...


The new Cybertron base is hidden inside a hill. It is a large underground structure which the Cybertrons look out at from a cliff. For Shūta, Cab and the Cybertron Pretenders, today marks the beginning of a new journey towards the future.


When the news report is shown, an image of Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbirds can briefly be seen in the top left corner.

The them that Professor Gō keeps mentioning will not be explained until the fourth episode.

It isn't explained what the key Shūta receives from his father is for, but presumably it was to unlock the door of their new base.

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