Wilder, Bullhorn and Cancer are out surfing, and a small crowd of boys watches them from the beech. They think they're awesome, but as they come off the waters, Wilder suggests that they put on a little show for them.

The three of them use the Masterforce to put on their armor suits. The four other boys are even more impressed, and wonder if they are from outer space. But then Blood, Gilmer and Dauros appear, and surround them. Blood says they will do it here -they will lure out Ginrai and send him to hell! Dauros says they'll take the four brats hostage, but Wilder says they are just children.

Blood doesn't care about that and the Destrons take their new hostages to a cave. The children want to go home, but Wilder just tells them to behave and they won't be harmed. Meanwhile, the Destron Pretenders enter a city, drawing out a crowd and telling them that they have some of their children. A TV crew films them, so they know the Cybertrons will learn of the situation.

Out on a road, Ginrai has stopped and is thinking about what Sam told him -that God himself must have been the one to give him the power he now has. Diver then contacts him and says the Destrons have taken some children hostage on a small island. Ginrai heads to the Ocean Research Institute and meets with Diver and Lander. They have found out that there are only six Destrons involved -the Pretenders and Headmaster Juniors. Lander is more concerned over his date -why did the Destrons have to attack now?! The concert tickets he worked hard to get are going to go to waste, as he throws them to a couple of dolphins.

Ginrai says he wants to save the children, and Diver says he'll make the first move. Ginrai isn't sure that is a good idea, as their are innocent lives at stake, but Diver says he'll get to the island via the water and get a better look. Lander thinks that if he goes then they can get a better grip on the situation. Diver says that Hawk and the others are on the way here, before he suits up and heads into the waters.

The Destrons also discuss their plans, and Blood says they will cover land, sea and air to make sure they know of any Cybertron activity. As the Destron Pretenders move out, Wilder tells Bullhorn that when they are defeated, they'll move in and take out Ginrai. The two then notice that the Seacon Turtler is out in the waters nearby -Bullhorn says that they don't see him very often.

Gilmer is guarding the sea around the cave and spots Diver, but he then goes off to hide and lets him continue on. Diver reaches the rocky land near to the caves and changes to his human form, and then sets off to explore the area. He doesn't get that far though as he is almost spotted by Dauros, but he quickly hides behind a rock to avoid him.

But then Gilmer jumps up from behind him out grabs him, saying that he's caught a small fish. Dauros wants to beat him to death now, but Gilmer says that he may be some use alive and the decide that they can kill him later if they need to. Instead, they decide to throw him into the cave with the other hostages and put a brace on him that prevents him from crossing his arms and letting him change to his robot mode.

At the institute, Hawk and the others have arrived, but Diver hasn't contacted them. They decide to wait a little longer. Meanwhile Wilder and Bullhorn are getting bored, and want the Cybertrons to hurry up and appear. In the meantime, they decide to play cards. With them distracted, Diver calls out to the four other boys and one of them comes up to him. Diver tells him to take off his watch, press the button on it...

...and then to just put it in the water nearby. The boy, Tony, does as he is told and places the watch in the water. The watch sends out ultrasonic waves, which the dolphins at the institute react to -they start going crazy and bashing into the walls of their tank. Lander explains that they must be reacting to ultrasonic waves, which is something Diver told him about. The dolphins want to head to the source of these waves.

The Cybertrons realise Diver must be in trouble, and move out. The dolphins are released and Ginrai gets a ride on one, whilst the others move out on two boats. As they approach the island, they are spotted by Dauros.

He sees that one of the boats is full of transtectors, including Ginrai's. Blood moves in and starts firing, but Hawk says he'll deal with him. A couple of Tentakil units attack the ships, but Phoenix transforms and destroys them.

He says he'll cover them and tells them to hurry to the island. Meanwhile, Ginrai has arrived on the island, and sees the entrance to a cave which Wilder is guarding. He thinks the hostages must be inside the cave. As the ships approach the island, the Destrons shoot at them and put a hole in one of the ships, causing it to start to sink. Shuuta launches his car off and transforms, but as he lands on the island, Dauros kicks him down.

Minerva and Cab drive off the sinking ship, and are fired on by Bullhorn and Cancer. As this is happening, Ginrai notices that his truck is sinking, so he suits up and merges with his cab to form his robot mode.

He takes Wilder by surprise and does a suplex on him, taking him down. Diver sees that a robot is heading inside the cave...

...but it is Ginrai. Diver is happy his dolphins have served him well, and wants to give them a big feast. Ginrai reminds him who exactly is saving him here. As they head out of the cave, Diver tells Ginrai to escort the hostages to safety. Meanwhile, the Cybertron and Destron Pretenders are busy fighting each other...

...whilst the Cybertron and Destron Headmaster Juniors are also staring each other down. Minerva tells Cancer it isn't too late for him to leave the Destrons and join their forces, but Cancer refuses and Bullhorn shuts her up. Meanwhile, Ginrai has gotten the children back to their parents.

Dauros then appears, telling Ginrai that this place will become his grave. He summons Turtler, who bursts out of the water and tells the other Seacons to assemble -as they unite to become King Poseidon! Ginrai's firepower is no match for his.

Ginrai only just avoids being stomped on, but how can he fight back against King Poseidon? Meanwhile, the Cybertron Pretenders overpower their Destron counterparts and force them to retreat.

They join up with the Headmaster Juniors, and ask Wilder if he and his friends really want to try and take them on. Blood and Gilmer have run off without them. Wilder tells Cancer and Bullhorn to retreat, and they do so by jumping into the water. Elsewhere, King Poseidon tries to crush Ginrai with his foot, but Ginrai manages to stop him.

He is right next to the saved hostages and their families, and Tony tells him not to give up. As Ginrai continues to push back, his body suddenly starts to glow. Out of the waters, Ginrai's trailer bursts through the waves, and smashes into King Poseidon, knocking him back.

Ginrai and his trailer head up into the air, before uniting -creating a larger robot.

With the odds now even, Ginrai dashes forward and uses some Choukon powered attacks to destroy King Poseidon. Only Turtler survives, and Dauros orders him to retreat. As Turtler falls into the waters, Dauros also withdraws. The Cybertrons are amazed with his new form, and see that he has had a power up. They decide to name his new form:



Tony's voice actress, Tomiko Suzuki, voiced Daniel in The Headmasters.

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