Street Fighter II Movie, also known as Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie, was released in 1994. It features every character from Super Street Fighter II Turbo in some way, and the plot revolves around M. Bison trying to take over the world via brain washing powerful fighters, and making them do his bidding. He sets his sights on Ryu, after witnessing him defeat Sagat. Chun-Li teams up with Guile to try and stop him and his Shadowlaw organization, all whilst Ken seeks out Ryu, his only true rival.
When released, this anime was widely praised and seen as being much better than the live action movie, which was released around the same time. The fight scenes are really well done, especially the final battle between Ryu, Ken and Bison. The animation is also great, with many characters using their special moves from the games. Unfortunately some characters, like Dhalsim and Cammy, only get to make very brief appearances, but at least they all show up at some point.
The movie would spawn its own spin-off video game, which was only released in Japan. It would also influence future Street Fighter games a great deal, especially the Street Fighter Alpha series. It's still seen as being the best Street Fighter anime adaption -check out the entire thing here.