Kurama says he'll take care of this, and walks forward. Kuronue tells him to come on, and disappears into the mist. Kurama gets into an elevator, and heads down by himself.

As Kurama gets out of the elevator, Kuronue appears. He tells Kurama he thinks he is truly despicable, as in the past, he fled and left him to die. Now, he's trying to destroy their dream. He attacks Kurama with his blades again. Kurama says it's true he couldn't save him on that day in the past, but before he can explain further, Kuronue silences him, and attacks again.

Kurama dodges his blades, but in doing so, opens up his old wound. Kuwabara thinks this is bad, but Hiei thinks this is Kurama's problem, he must resolve it himself. Kurama brings out his rose whip, and takes out a couple of the blades.

As Kurama falls to his knees, Kuronue asks him what's wrong -why doesn't he fight back? Kurama tells him what he's trying to do now is wrong. Kuronue tells him how dare he say that, and attacks from above. Kurama jumps back, but gets hit on his arm. He tells him he clearly still hasn't remembered his dirty act from years ago.

He starts calling Kurama a traitor over and over, whilst swinging his pendant around. Kuwabara wonders what this eerie noise is, but Hiei suddenly throws his sword behind him and the others. It hits something, so they go and check it out.

They find one of Kuronue blades, and Hiei says it's as he thought. Kuronue is creating many blades like this to form a shield, and from inside it, he's able to create evil hallucinations. Meanwhile Kurama gets hits again, and falls down. Kuronue tells him now he can make up for his ugly past. He asks him if he wants to kill him so he can save himself again.

Kurama thinks there's something wrong, as Kuronue throws the pendant towards him and says he'll finish him with one of his blades. Kurama thinks back to that time, and remembers what Kuronue said... he said to forget about him, and then told him to save himself!

Back in the present, Kurama watches as the mist swirls around him. Kuronue drops down from above, and goes to strike him. But before he can, he gets impaled via a demon plant Kurama has used.

Kurama tells him he's the one who has the rotten soul. He knows that his opponent isn't really his old friend, and as he pulls out his blade, he tells him to show his true form. "Kuronue" stumbles back and changes to Kaiki, one of the nether world gods. Kaiki asks Kurama how he was able to see through his trick.

Kurama says that Kuronue always carried around this pendant with him. And Kuronue would never attack an enemy from behind. Kurama stands back up, surrounded by yellow demon energy. He isn't happy Kaiki twisted his and Kuronue's friendship to his advantage. He unleashes several plants into the ground...

...which impale Kaiki, and kill him. Hiei jumps down and sees that someone as cool as Kurama occasionally gets angry -that's good to know. Kurama is still upset over the fact he did not save Kuronue, but Hiei tells him there is no one who does not have scars on their heart. If there was anyone like that, they'd be one shallow bastard. As he walks off, the others walk over, and Yusuke says they'll go now.

They run towards the source of the nether world energy. Kuwabara asks what they should do to get across, and Hinageshi points out a nearby flood gate. The group start to run towards it, but Hiei stops, sensing something behind him. Suddenly several red projectiles are shot out...

...and blow the flood gate up. Yusuke's group are ok, but they see they can't get across now. Raigo appears, and starts laughing at them. He calls them a bunch of persistent maggots. It seems they won't learn until he crushes them, just like what happened to that old lady and little girl back at the temple.

Kuwabara realizes this guy is the one who attacked Genkai and Yukina, and runs towards him. But before he can get to him, Hiei trips him up. He says to leave this scum to him.

Hiei removes his jacket and leaps towards him, swiping at him with his sword. Raigo jumps back and says he can't treat him like the others. He says he's no match for his own evil eye, which he opens up.

Hinageshi says this guy is Raigo, another of the demons gods of the nether world. He's a powerful demon who can draw out wickedness from his opponent's soul, and manipulate it with his evil eye. She worries Hiei will become a tool of evil! Meanwhile, Hiei and Raigo clash in the air. Hiei uses his wicked king immolation purgatory scorch technique, but Raigo counters with a move of his own.

The two are sent crashing into different buildings. Raigo gets up and tells Hiei to open his eyes to the evil that dwells within his soul... awaken the evil that sleeps in the depths of his heart. He starts to use a technique, which creates several flaming skulls around Hiei. The others see what's going on, and Kurama says Hiei will be pulled into the nether world if he stares into that abyss for too long.

Hiei falls under the influence of Raigo's spell, as evil eyes open all over his body. Raigo tells Hiei that the eyes shall now open, and he is to despise his friends. His true character will be that of an incarnation of evil! He tells him his power level is now at its maximum, and he is to now go and kill them. Hiei stares down at Yusuke and the others.

He generates a great deal of energy into his arm, as he prepares his black dragon wave technique -Kuwabara says they're doomed if he uses it! Raigo yells for Hiei to do it now -fire!

Hiei throws out a black dragon wave... followed by another, and another! They fly upwards, as Kuwabara thinks Hiei is showing his true, evil character now.

The dragons descend upon the group, but Hiei suddenly changes back to his usual self and tells Raigo not to underestimate him. Raigo looks on in horror...

...as he sees the black dragons descend upon him. He gets melted and vaporized, as the black dragons smash into the building. It falls over and crashes over the nether world barrier, creating a gap in it.

Hiei returns, and says Raigo's evil eye could not seduce his black dragon. Kuwabara asks what's going on, and Yusuke says that Hiei wasn't tricked at all. Hiei then stoops down, as Kurama says that using all of those black dragon waves has exhausted Hiei's energy. Hiei tells Yusuke this is no time to worry about him -he must hurry.

Yusuke and Hinageshi head off. Kuwabara calls Hiei a troublemaker, and picks him up. He tells Kuwabara that they've all got to see the conclusion, and head after Yusuke and Hinageshi. Meanwhile, Yusuke and Hinageshi look out at the source of the nether world energy.

It's located at the top of a skyscraper. At the top of the building, Yakumo realizes that Raigo and the others are dead, but that doesn't matter to him. Once the power sphere of the nether world is returned, he'll make the human world his own. He goes up to Botan and says she will return the power sphere to him.

He sees that even though she is unconscious, Botan is using her final bit of energy to resist. He says it's useless, as he's the only one who can control the power sphere -she will only suffer the longer she has it. As he continues to try and retrieve it, Yusuke and Hinageshi arrive.

Yakumo tells them to get lost, and blasts them off the roof. Yusuke saves Hinageshi and himself, whilst Yakumo continues to pull the power sphere out of Botan.

But before he can do it, Botan regains consciousness, and says she'll never give the sphere to him. He tells her it's useless, and finally manages to take the sphere. As she's no longer of any use to him, he tosses her away.

Yakumo looks at the sphere, and starts laughing. Botan tells Hinageshi she's sorry for getting her involved in all this, but Hinageshi tells her not to be ridiculous -she's sorry for not realizing she had the power sphere sooner. Just before she passes out, Botan tells Yusuke she couldn't protect the power sphere -she asks him to get it back.

Yusuke walks towards Yakumo, and takes off his jacket. He tells him he won't let him do whatever he wants, but Yakumo ignores him. Instead, he says the power sphere is the origin of the nether world's strength, and he'll now restore his world. And he shall become the master of it. He lifts the sphere up, and it emits a tremendous amount of energy, that rips through the city.

The energy surrounds Yusuke and the others, and suddenly the place they are in completely changes. Yakumo has also changed, and says that humans seem to be quite stupid creatures -does Yusuke really think he can match him?
