Kuwabara reaches the site he was sent to check out, and sees the elemental site of soul ahead of him. He's about to open it up, but then hears something in the water behind him. As he moves up to it, a blast of water shoots out straight into the air.

He goes up to it and sees his reflection, and nothing is out of the usual... until his reflection says that fools are amusing.

Out steps Majari, one of the nether world gods, and claims he will destroy that elemental site. Kuwabara asks if he thinks he'll really let him do that, but Majari responds that he'll kill anyone who gets in his way. Kuwabara thinks he's full of himself, and summons a spirit sword.

Majari says that looks interesting, and surprises Kuwabara by summoning a spirit sword of his own. He says he can mirror an opponent, and copy their skills. The two start fighting, but Majari eventually manages to hit Kuwabara on his shoulder.

Elsewhere, Hiei uses his evil eye to locate a site, and drops down towards it. But as he does, two demons jump out and start attacking him with blades. Hiei pulls out his own sword, and fights back.

They land and continue to fight, but Hiei manages to slice through one of the demons, killing him. The remaining demon seemingly stabs Hiei, but in reality only hits his afterimage.

Hiei kills the other demon. But then he realizes someone else is behind him, someone who also has an evil eye. Hiei gets blasted into a building.

As Hiei falls, it's revealed this evil eye belongs to Raigo, another nether world god. Elsewhere, Kurama has found his elemental site, and starts the energy process.

But then another netherworld god shows up. Kaiki claims that he has taken Kurama's past, and changes form. Kurama realizes he's not alone any more, and asks who's there. A figure emerges out of the mist, and says that he's his old partner, Kuronue. Kurama is surprised to see that Kuronue is alive, but Kuronue tells him to remember that day...

A long time ago, Kurama and Kuronue snuck into a demon world palace, and stole an artifact. As they left, the string to Kuronue's pendant was cut, and he went back to retrieve it, despite Kurama telling him not to. As Kuronue picked up the pendant, several pieces of spiky bamboo were sent his way, and one impaled his leg.

More pieces struck him, but before he seemingly died, he called Kurama a traitor. He believed that Kurama was the one who cut his pendant in the first place, so he could use him as a sacrifice to escape. Back in the present, Kurama claims that's wrong.

Kuronue can't believe he'd try to claim such a thing, and then attacks him. Kurama tries to dodge the spinning blade Kuronue throws out, but if slashes his gut.

Kuronue then uses his weapon to destroy the elemental site, causing it to act like the others. He then vanishes, despite Kurama telling him to wait.

Back at the other battle, Majari sees that it appears his forces have opened the other sites. He resumes fighting Kuwabara, just as Yusuke and Hinageshi arrive on the scene. Yusuke is about to help, but Hinageshi tells him to wait, and points out that Majari has a spirit sword -he can mirror his opponent's techniques. She warns Yusuke not to go and help, because if he tries, Majari will be able to steal his techniques.

Kuwabara gets knocked down again, as Majari says he'll finish things now. As Kurama shows up, Kuwabara tells Majari to stop joking around, as he'll never let him get this elemental site. He hits the ground...

...and sends a spirit shot up out of the ground near Majari, which grazes his arm. Majari says he's not bad, but he won't be defeated here. He doesn't think Kuwabara has any tricks left, and he won't be so careless again. Kuwabara claims he has a new killing technique, and starts putting all of his spirit energy into one hand.

Majari sees what he is doing, and does the same technique. The two fire all of the spirit energy they have at each other.

The energy beams clash, and eventually fizzle out. Majari calls Kuwabara pitiful, but is surprised to see that Kuwabara still stands. Kuwabara says he has him now. He knows Majari is also out of energy.

Majari realizes he's right, just as Kuwabara runs over and punches him. Kuwabara tells him that in a true contest of guts, he has never been beaten! He runs over and hits Majari with an uppercut, which sends him straight up into the sky.

He crashes down next to the site, defeated. But Kuwabara is out of energy too, and collapses. As the others check on him, he tells them to hurry and unseal the elemental site. Yusuke and Hinageshi run towards it, but Hiei suddenly appears and tells them to look out. He pushes Hinageshi out of the way, just as a pink blast of energy nearly rips through them all.

The blast destroys the site, and Hiei uses his evil eye to locate where the blast came from. Standing far away is Yakumo.

With the last site now under Yakumo's control, it causes a wave of energy to rock through the city, which knocks Yusuke and the others down. Yakumo says that with this, the basis for the restoration of the nether world is complete. Raigo appears and reports that there is a female from the spirit world who still exists.

Later on, Yusuke's group get up. They see the nether world energy from the elemental sites, and Hinageshi wonders what they should do now. The next morning, they see that the energy has created a barrier around the area the nether world appeared in. Kuwabara wonders why people aren't freaking out at it, but Kurama says it's the power of the nether world -regular people can't see it. Kurama asks where Yusuke is, and Kuwabara says he and Keiko went to check on Botan.

Kuwabara then asks Hiei what's wrong, as Hiei leaves. He tells him that if no one has a good plan, he'll take care of things himself. Meanwhile, outside Genkai's temple, Yakumo and Raigo arrive. As they head in, Botan suddenly starts to shine brightly, with a tremendous energy.

Genkai senses someone is here, and rushes outside. She sees Yakumo and Raigo, and asks them who they are. Raigo asks if he should deal with her, but Yakumo tells him not to bother. As Yakumo moves in, Genkai goes to attack him, but stops and leaps out of the way when she realizes he's going to unleash a projectile.

She realizes he's strong, and watches as he releases another energy blast. She manages to repel it, which surprises Raigo. But Yakumo just ignores her, and says what he's looking for is here. As he fires off another energy blast, Genkai puts herself in front of him.

She gets blasted back inside, as Yakumo and Raigo walk in. Yukina tells them to stay back, but Yakumo ignores her and does something to Botan. Yukina tells them again to stay away.

Raigo uses his evil eye to send her flying into a wall. Yakumo uses his power to make Botan float, and says that the power sphere is inside her body. Just then, Yusuke and Keiko arrive at the temple.

Yakumo sees it's him again, and says he must not be able to stand the fact that he beat him earlier. He sends out a wave of energy, which Yusuke is able to withstand, but Keiko gets knocked back, and tumbles down a few steps.

Before Yusuke can do anything, Yakumo suddenly appears in front of him, and tells him to learn his place. He hits him with a punch that sends him flying into the temple. Yakumo says he now has the power sphere, and the moment of the nether world's restoration has arrived. He, Raigo and Botan then all disappear, and all Yusuke can do is cry out Botan's name.

Later on, the others arrive at the temple. Kurama asks Genkai if she's injured, but she says she's fine. Hinageshi is checking on Keiko and Yukina, just as Hiei arrives. Kuwabara then barges in, but Hinageshi tells him to be quiet, as Yukina has just fallen asleep.

Hinageshi goes to Yusuke, and tells him that Keiko's injuries are not serious. Yusuke doesn't respond, as Genkai then walks out and says their enemy said they had found a power sphere inside Botan. Now they have the power sphere. Kurama walks up and says even if that is the case, the nether world is still destroyed. With no place to go and with the spirit world disempowered, Yakumo and his followers must have one aim in mind: obtain their true restoration in the human world. Genkai thinks Botan must have known that, when Koenma entrusted her with the power sphere. She'd hidden it within her own body, so those demons wouldn't find it, and risked her own life, knowing that its power would overwhelm her.

Kurama walks off to a waterfall, and sees a reflection of Kuronue in the water. Kuronue tells him he left him for dead. Kurama clutches at his wound.

Hinageshi cries over Botan, and how she failed to realize her friend was carrying the power sphere within her. Meanwhile, Yusuke can only thing of his defeat to Yakumo, and how he hurt both Keiko and Botan. Yusuke thinks Botan will still be trying to prevent Yakumo from obtaining the power sphere even now. He suddenly gets up, and asks if Yakumo really thinks he'll let him get away with that.

He emits spirit energy all around him. Kuwabara notices and says they can't let it end like this, and punches down a tree. Kurama says the spirit world and human world can't be wiped out, and picks a flower from a tree.

Hiei opens up his evil eye, and says this time they will be the ones starting the attack. Hinageshi is seen praying, and tells Botan she swears she'll fix things. As everyone heads off, Keiko wakes up, but Yusuke has already gone.

Yusuke and Hinageshi leave the temple, and meet up with Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama. The group head towards the source of the nether world energy, but soon come across streets filled with mist.

Hinageshi suggests they go another way, but Kurama says it won't make any difference now. Just then, a spinning blade lands in front of them, as Kuronue appears before the group. He tells Kurama he is correct with what he just said.
