Having received instructions to take back the three grand treasures of darkness that have been stolen, Yusuke went after the three demon thieves. First, he recovered the Hungry Ghost Gem from Gouki. Next, he helped Kurama, who was about to throw his life away to save his ailing mother, and came by the Mirror of Darkness. Only one thing remains: the Sword of Demonic Invocation, held by the third demon, Hiei!

Keiko in Peril!
Hiei, the Evil Eye Master

Standing on top of a warehouse, Hiei thinks about how Gouki failed with his final move, and Kurama was overcome by petty emotions. This is why he can't rely on inferior demons, but with the Sword of Demonic Invocation, he's certain he'll take back the gem and mirror.


(Sword of Demonic Invocation)

Sword of Demonic Invocation: A devilish weapon, said to be made from an enchanted, toxic stone. Any human cut by its blade will have poison spread through their body, and will become a ghastly demon.

Hiei thinks that if he can just gather all three treasures, he'll be able to take control of the Spirit Realm. But before he does that, he'll kill the one who stands in his way: Yusuke Urameshi! The next morning, at Yusuke's school...

Up on the roof, Yusuke tells Botan about how the cut he got on his face from Gouki has now completely vanished, after just four days -Botan's spiritual remedy stuff is awesome! Botan tells him it's her duty to have knowledge of spiritualistic treatments, after all. Yusuke says that's fine, but what's the deal with the uniform -she's not a student here!

Her reasoning is that if she wore her regular clothes here, she'd stand out -but asks him if he thinks she looks good in it. She then jumps down and says that Kurama may be ok -he's reformed himself and his whereabouts are clear enough. Yusuke understands, and says all that's left now is to get the last treasure within three days. They discuss Hiei, who Botan says is crafty, cruel and will use any means to get what he wants. The door opens and Keiko steps out, so Botan quickly hides behind Yusuke.

Keiko is looking for Yusuke because Takenaka is furious -Yusuke is the only one who hasn't handed in his homework yet. Yusuke tells her to leave him alone, as he hasn't had time to bother with that. Botan pops up and says double-duty as a detective sure is hard. As Keiko wonders who she is, and Yusuke gets flustered, Botan introduces herself to Keiko. She tells her how hard it must have been on her, when Yusuke was sleeping. She never thought she would be able to talk to her in this way!

She is about to suggest that, when they get the chance, they can sit down and discuss it over some tea, when Yusuke bashes her on the back of the head. She wants to know why he did that, and Yusuke reminds her that Keiko doesn't know a thing about her! Botan realizes he's right and that talking about this complicated stuff with her would be a mistake, so she leaves whilst telling Yusuke she'll see him later.

Keiko repeats Botan's last words and asks Yusuke who she is. Yusuke tells her it would be a long story, so he won't go through it now. Keiko brushes him off and tells him to get to Takenaka's office right way, before heading back into the building. Yusuke can tell she's still not convinced, but Keiko says it's fine and heads off. Yusuke tells her to wait up and follows her. Meanwhile, some distance away, Hiei is informed by a smaller demon about Keiko, and how she is Yusuke's classmate and childhood friend. Hiei thinks he could have a lot of fun with this girl.

Keiko is walking home, thinking about what Yusuke said earlier about the long story. She thinks she doesn't have to listen to him, if he doesn't want to talk about it. As she continues to walk, she passes by Hiei, who then calls her out by her name. As she turns around, Hiei rushes forward and cuts her with his sword.

Later on, Yusuke notices that his compass is giving off a reading, and tells Takenaka he's sorry -something has just come up! He rushes out of the school, where Botan catches up with him. He tells her about how close the reading is, and she says that their enemy is letting them know where he is. This Hiei guy has quite a bit of spiritual energy. She also says that Hiei has told her something terrible via telepathy: he's kidnapped Keiko, and will only exchange her for the other two treasures.

They arrive at the source of the signal, and Yusuke opens the doors. As he and Botan head in, Yusuke shouts for Hiei to come out, and to bring Keiko with him. The warehouse doors suddenly shut, as several people lurch forward.

Yusuke wonders who they are, but Botan says they are regular humans, not demons. They are under the control of another. If Hiei can control this many at once, then it means he possess the jagan (evil eye). Hiei then reveals himself and says that's right.

He tells them if they recognize the evil eye at first glance, then these marionettes of his are beneath them. It seems Yusuke can remain as he is, despite looking into his evil eye as well. He then has Keiko brought out and asks if they brought the treasures.

Yusuke reveals that he has them, and Keiko is released. As Yusuke and Botan check on the unconscious Keiko, Hiei picks up the two treasures and says that whilst the schedule was thrown off somewhat, all three treasures are still his. With these, he can rule over Spirit Realm! Yusuke tells him it's too early to celebrate just yet.

Now that he has Keiko back, he has the upper hand. Hiei asks him what he plans to do, and Yusuke tells him he's going to catch him and take the three treasures back, of course. He runs towards Hiei and tries to punch him, but Hiei suddenly vanishes at the last moment. Yusuke thinks he's vanished, but Hiei has gotten behind him and says all he did was slowly avoid him.

He then does the same thing again, moving back onto the top of some crates incredibly fast. He's surprised by how slow Yusuke is, but calls him a fool -did he really think he would just return the girl without doing anything to her? He tells Yusuke to take a look at her forehead, as he'll find something interesting. As Yusuke heads back, he sees Keiko has a wound on her forehead.

But it is then apparent it's no wound: it's an evil eye! It slowly starts to open, as Hiei says he returned her body, but her fate rests in his hands -her fate as one of his subordinates, that is. If that eye opens all the way, she'll become a complete demon.

Botan pushes Yusuke back and, using her own power, stops the eye from fully opening, and gets it to start closing. But she tells Yusuke to hurry and take care of Hiei.

Hiei is surprised that Yusuke would have someone with him who could subdue his spectral powers, he's got quite the partner to count on. But without using the secret remedy, all of this must be placing quite a strain on her. If she keeps this up, it'll cost her her own life. Botan says it's true, and she can't keep this up for long. Hiei suggests playing a game of keep away, and reveals that the antidote is in the hilt of his sword. The only way to help the girl is to give it to her, but he doubts he could do that in a hundred years.

However Hiei is then taken by surprise when Yusuke rushes forward at great speed, before punching him in the face. He gets knocked back but holds onto the sword, and can't believe how much distance Yusuke covered, it's like he's a different person from before.

Yusuke tells him he won't get away with this and he'll take him apart. Hiei realizes Yusuke is the type that, when one of his friends is in danger, exhibits a greater power. That's his most hated type of human, and whilst he was surprised at that attack Yusuke just made, his mistake was not taking the sword back then -something that will prove most fatal. He won't drop his guard again, and Yusuke's chance of getting the antidote has just disappeared. Yusuke asks him if he's done blabbering, but Hiei tells him not to mock him, and starts using a different technique, where he appears and vanishes around the warehouse at great speed.

He doesn't think Yusuke can even see his after-images, and gets behind him. He moves in to strike, only for Yusuke to spin around and hit him again, this time knocking him down to the ground.

Hiei drops the sword, which lands next to the other items. He pulls himself out of the box he crashed into, as Yusuke tells him if skittering around is all he can do. If his evil eye doesn't have any effect on someone, it means he's nothing more than a cockroach. He hasn't got time to waste, so now he'll finish him quickly. Hiei removes his cloak, and says if you had to tell him he would have to transform for a human opponent...

But that's what he has to do, as his skin turns green and his eyes go yellow. Botan suddenly screams after energy comes out of Keiko's new eye, and her hand is scarred. She sees that more spectral energy is coming out of Keiko's eye, and she won't be able to keep it under control with her own powers. But she has to do what she can, and resumes preventing the eye from opening.

Yusuke notices what's going on and Hiei says it's because of his transformation, which doubles his own powers. Eyes open all over Hiei's body, as he tells Yusuke that the girl becoming a demon is only a matter of time, now. Not that it matters, as Yusuke will vanish from this world long before then. Yusuke suddenly can't move, as Hiei rushes over and punches him. Outside, Kurama runs towards the warehouse, having sensed the incredible spectral energy, and knows that Hiei must have revealed his true self.

Back inside, Yusuke is held in the air, and can't move. Hiei says it seems not even he can escape the effects of the spell from this many evil eyes. He slams Yusuke into the ground and asks if he gets it now -the difference in their abilities is too great!

Hiei takes the sword and tells Yusuke he did well, for a human. As a tribute, he'll kill him and get it over with. Yusuke can do nothing as Hiei charges, but then someone gets in the way and gets stabbed: Kurama!

Hiei asks what does he think he's doing, but Kurama doesn't say anything and instead places his hand on the sword and pulls it back, cutting himself. He then throws blood over Hiei's evil eye.

This breaks Hiei's spell over Yusuke, as Kurama tells him that the eyes on Hiei's body are amplifiers. The only one with real power is the one on his forehead. He tells him not to worry, as this is to repay him for what he did recently. Yusuke tells him not to move, but he says he's still something of a demon, and won't die that easily. He'll help Keiko, whilst he must defeat Hiei before his evil eye recovers. Hiei wipes away the blood and says he'll make Kurama pay.

But Yusuke appears before him and tells him that he'll be his opponent. Hiei thinks this is unbelievable, every time Yusuke escapes from danger, his spiritual powers increase. He thinks his existence is dangerous, and resumes fighting him. Yusuke tries to land a hit, but Hiei is able to dodge everything.

Hiei gets the upper hand, and realizes at this moment, his power is still greater. He punches Yusuke into a wall. Yusuke starts to get up, but then notices something glimmering behind Hiei.

He gets up and staggers away, causing Hiei to laugh -does he really think he can escape from him now? That's pretty optimistic, and he lunges towards him. But Yusuke stops, spins around, and fires his spirit gun!

But Hiei is so fast he's able to jump up and avoid the shot. Yusuke collapses, as Hiei says he really is surprising -to think he had that ace up his sleeve. But then a blue light comes up from behind Hiei...

...and hits him in the back. Hiei falls to his knees and wonders who did that, and turns around to see that it was the Mirror of Darkness. Yusuke reflected his own shot, and even factored in him dodging it.

He changes back to his original form and asks what kind of guy is Yusuke, before collapsing. Yusuke takes the sword's hilt and opens it up, giving the antidote to Keiko.

The eye on her forehead completely closes and then disappears, meaning she has been saved. Yusuke asks Kurama how he's doing, and he tells him that Hiei missed anything that was vital.

Botan asks when did Yusuke learn his spirit gun could be reflected in a mirror? Yusuke said it was a minute ago -Hiei was really quick, and he figured he wouldn't be able to hit him with it, unless it was from behind. The Mirror of Darkness just happened to fall out and face his way. He thought if he was lucky, his shot would reflect back the way light does. Botan thinks he's so haphazard about everything! If his spirit gun hadn't reflected back, what would he have done then? Yusuke tells her he would have thought about that when it happened.

Kurama laughs and tells him it seems he thinks things through, when really he isn't thinking at all. That's sure like him! Yusuke asks him what he's talking about, and tells him exactly what he just said. Yusuke gets ready to come to blows with him, but Botan tries to calm things down. The next day, on top of the school roof, Botan and Yusuke discuss what happened. Gouki and Hiei are under arrest, and the three treasures have all been returned. Yusuke thinks Koenma must be pleased that King Enma didn't find out about this.

But Botan says that, as the sword has some blood on it, and the mirror was broken, he found out after all. Yusuke asks if Koenma got a harsh punishment, and Botan tells him that as the treasures had been returned, he got a light penalty: a hundred spankings. Yusuke laughs and says that no matter how many hundreds of years you live, a brat is still a brat, after all.

Keiko then appears, and looks up at them both, not happy. Botan thinks this is bad timing, whilst Yusuke realizes he still hasn't explained anything to her. Keiko tells them to forgive her for intruding, and heads back inside. Yusuke tells her to hold up so he can tell her everything, and heads after her. Botan thinks this could be the biggest problem Yusuke has.


(Botan is speaking)

Yusuke, you've got new orders! Master Genkai, an expert in the spirit wave technique that even demons fear, is holding a contest to select a successor for her to pass down her secret knowledge to! And so, you will have to enter the tournament and last through to the end! But be careful, as there seems to be a terrible demon mixed in with this bunch! Next time: The Successor to Genkai - The Tournament Begins. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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