Keiko in Peril!
Hiei, the Evil Eye Master
Yu Yu Hakusho episode 8 |
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Hiei captures Keiko and lures out Yusuke and Botan.
Original Japanese broadcast date: November 28th, 1992
1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences
3) Errors
At school, Botan and Yusuke talk about Hiei and the third treasure. Keiko appears and Botan introduces herself, blathering on about all this stuff Keiko has no idea about -something Yusuke gently reminds her of. They are all unaware that they are being spied on by Hiei, who later attacks Keiko and takes her to a warehouse. He lets Yusuke and Botan know where he is, and they head into the warehouse. Hiei has taken control of several humans with his jagan (evil eye), but he finds his eye has no power over Yusuke. Yusuke gives Hiei the Hungry Ghost Gem and Mirror of Darkness, in exchange for Keiko.
Hiei releases Keiko, but he has given her her own evil eye, which starts to open. When it fully opens, she'll become a demon. Botan uses her own powers to stop the eye from opening, but she can't keep it up for long and tells Yusuke to deal with Hiei. Hiei is surprised a couple of times by Yusuke's speed, resulting in him getting hit. However he quickly turns the tables back in his favor when he transforms to a more powerful form, with eyes appearing all over his body, which boost his power. He soon has Yusuke restrained.
Before he can kill him, Kurama appears and gets in the way of his strike, but the wound isn't fatal. Yusuke resumes fighting Hiei, but is still outmatched. However he is able to use his spirit gun, and takes down Hiei by hitting him from behind, by reflecting the shot off the Mirror of Darkness. Hiei transforms back to his usual form and collapses, and Keiko is saved. The next day, Botan reveals that King Emma found out about the theft of the treasures, but as they were returned he gave Koenma a light punishment: a hundred spankings. As Yusuke laughs at this, Keiko appears, but apologizes for intruding and heads back inside. Yusuke realizes he hasn't explained anything to her yet and goes after her, as Botan says this could be the biggest problem Yusuke has.
-In the manga, Botan is sat next to Yusuke, whilst in the anime, she initially sits above him before dropping down.
-Yusuke also thinks about how Botan earns her living by fortune telling, but he doesn't know where she lives, or how old she is, and how much of a mystery she is in general. This got cut from the anime.
-Botan wears casual clothes during the warehouse battle, but in the anime she's still wearing her school uniform.
-The humans that Hiei takes control of try to attack Yusuke, but he takes them all out easily. In the anime, whilst the humans are there, they don't attack, and just seem to get forgotten about by everyone.
-In the manga, Hiei is seen with a few really small demons around him when he first appears before Yusuke and Botan, but they aren't there in the anime.
-The manga has Hiei repeatedly punch Yusuke when he has him restrained, whilst in the anime he slams him into the ground.
-Hiei picks the sword up with his hand before he tries to stab Yusuke with it in the manga. In the anime he makes the sword levitate to his hand instead.
-The manga does not show Yusuke noticing the mirror before he fires his spirit gun like the anime does.
-The way the shot reflects in the manga is slightly different: Yusuke fires, Hiei dodges, then Yusuke starts to scoot over, getting Hiei to follow him. In the anime Yusuke gets into position before firing his spirit gun.
-Yusuke also gives Hiei a kick as he falls in the manga, something which he doesn't do in the episode.
-The episode's final scene takes place during the walk to school in the manga. In the episode, Yusuke, Botan and Keiko are already at school, and are on the roof.
-The humans under Hiei's control do nothing, and then are forgotten about. As noted above, something does happen with them in the manga.