The Stalking, Demonic Hand of the Doctor

Yu Yu Hakusho episode 73
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Kido and Yusuke encounter one of the seven: Doctor.
Original Japanese broadcast date: March 19th, 1994


1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences
3) Errors


At the hospital, Yusuke's group realize someone has extended their territory around the entire building. They wonder what's going on, but Yana and Murota have some insects land on them, and they are injected with a virus. Their skin starts to turn green and they both fall, and say they feel very cold. Murota says the attacker is one of the doctors here, so Yusuke, Kido and Genkai run off. They plan to beat up every doctor they find, but Genkai suggests finding a nurse and asking them if they see any doctor that they don't recognize. The three split up.

Kido finds a nurse and starts to tell her what's going on, but a doctor asks what all the noise is about. Kido explains to him, and the doctor says he'll help him search, but the nurse then says she's surprised to see him here on his day off. Kido realizes too late that this is the guy they're looking for: Minoru Kamiya, ability name Doctor. He strikes several points on Kido's back, which makes him fall down. Kido can't move or speak, and as the nurse screams, Kamiya also slashes her. He lightly cuts one of Kido's wrists, and intends to blame him for attacking the nurse, and then claim he committed suicide afterwards. However another nurse then comes in and screams. Kamiya tells her to go and call the police, but her scream alerts several other doctors, along with Yusuke. Yusuke thinks whoever did this must have run off.

However Kido is able to use his shadow ability so spell out Kamiya's name in the blood spilt from his wrist. Realizing he can't hide any longer, Kamiya introduces himself to Yusuke be slashing up all of the other doctors in the room. In the Spirit Realm, Koenma and Jorge are watching what's going on at the hospital. Ayame then appears, and says that there was a serious mistake regarding the center of the hole. It appears the hole is actually centered several hundred meters below the ground, and the energy involved is so great that it will take a little while longer to measure the precise location. Koenma tells her to keep an eye on it.

Kamiya decides to kill everyone, and sends his insects out to infect everybody in the hospital with his virus. Puu, Keiko and Shizuru arrive at the hospital, but are almost immediately attacked by some insects. Keiko can't see them, but Shizuru can, and the three of them have to run off. Yusuke begins to fight Kamiya, hoping that if he knocks him out, his abilities will disappear. Kamiya has done things to himself to make his strength and endurance far beyond a regular human, and is able to get back up after taking a beating. Yusuke uses his spirit gun, and the blast severs one of Kamiya's arms.

The spirit gun shot smashes through a window, where Kurama's group see it. They head towards the hospital. Kamiya is impressed with the spirit gun, and says he can now see why Dark Angel told him not to be careless with him. He picks up his severed arm and is able to reattach it to himself, telling Yusuke that he can even perform reattachment surgeries on a whim. This fight is just getting started!

Manga differences

-In the manga, Murota does not read Kamiya's mind after being injected by one of the insects, and therefore doesn't tell Yusuke and the others about the Doctor like he does in the anime.

-In the manga, nurse Takai has black hair, in the anime her hair is colored blonde.

-In the manga, the doctors do not turn around to stare at Kamiya after Kido spells his name out -Kamiya slashes them all before they get the chance.

-The scene with Koenma, Jorge and Ayame in this episode was not in the manga.

-The scenes this episode has with Kurama's group aren't in the manga either.

-The brief scene with Sensui, Seaman and Sniper was also not in the manga.

-The chase sequence with Kamiya and Yusuke wasn't in the manga either. In the manga, after Kamiya is sent through the door, he gets up and attacks again, only for Yusuke to do the gut punch on him.

-Yusuke does not kick Kamiya after hitting him in the gut, that's something he only does in the anime.


-When Takai gets hit, blood is seen going everywhere, but when she falls, there is no blood. There is a small pool of blood around her during this shot, but this then later vanishes.

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