There is an unusual and disquieting movement taking place in the Human Realm. Having gone through the information, Koenma immediately sent Botan after Yusuke. However, before Botan could request him to investigate, Yusuke was called out by three students from other schools and abducted! What in the world has happened to Yusuke!

The Traps Lurking Inside Yojigen Mansion

Kuwabara goes through what the note says again. He still can't believe this has happened to Urameshi, and Botan says that whoever these guys are, they also know about Kurama and Hiei. Kuwabara says that if they really did capture Urameshi, then they're no ordinary adversaries. Botan suggests they let Kurama know, and Kuwabara says his school is two train stops away. Botan tells Puu to go back home, whilst she and Kuwabara head to Meio private academy. There, some students are begging Minamino to be their club president. They believe he's the only one who can save their biology club, as he's the top of his class, and is also so popular with the girls.

Kurama politely declines, but they keep begging him. One even blocks the door and says he won't move until he changes his mind. Kurama isn't sure what to do, but then hears someone shouting his name outside.

Kuwabara is heading down the hallways, telling Kurama to come out. Botan thinks he's being too loud, but Kuwabara says if he's not loud, Kurama won't hear him. Meanwhile, one guy is still begging Minamino join, but then Kuwabara kicks the door down on him and tells Kurama there he is.

Two of the other guys are confused -who's Kurama? Kurama says that's just a nickname, and then quietly tells Kuwabara that, around here, he's called Minamino. He then asks him why he's come here, so Kuwabara shows him the note. Kurama has no idea who these people who got Yusuke could be. Kuwabara then asks him if he knows where Hiei is, but he doesn't know that either. He says Hiei is on probation with the Spirit Realm court, so he doesn't think he would go too far away.

They then realize the guy under the door is still there. Meanwhile, at the Spirit Realm, Koenma finds out from Jorge that Yusuke has been abducted. Jorge says the identities of the criminals are unknown, as is their objective, and they don't have any demands to speak of. It's said that at the time of the abduction, Yusuke was going to fight with some ordinary humans. Koenma blows a gasket when he hears this, and then wonders if it has anything to do with the thing he wanted Yusuke to investigate in the first place.

Back on Earth, Kurama suggests they split up and look for Hiei. Kuwabara asks Botan if she can get Koenma to find Hiei for them, but she says she can't do that. Human Realm cases need to be dealt with by their spirit detective, but then she remembers something: the seven tools of the Spirit Realm! They were used in Yusuke's earlier cases, but some were broken. But they should have been fixed now, so she'll go and get them. Kurama tells her they'll meet her in the park in an hour.

An hour later, Botan opens the case of tools. Kuwabara thinks it's like a spy set, whilst Kurama wants to know which tool they should use. This puts Botan on the spot, but she suggests the demon energy plan. She says it's high-powered enough to pick up any demons around.

Kurama points out that they wouldn't be able to tell if they were picking up Hiei, or picking up something else. Botan presses a button on it and the face flips open. She says that if you put a piece of the body of the person you're looking for in it, such as a hair or nail, it'll work. Kurama asks if they have any hair of nails of Hiei's.

Botan realizes they don't, so she instead suggests using this: the spirit filtering spectacles. They can use this to search every nook and cranny of this area. Kurama points out they won't be able to do that in the hour they have left. Botan then suggests they use this: the spirit strike ring tool. With this, they can lay waste to the surrounding area! After they all realize this idea is hopeless, Kuwabara decides to look through the items himself.

Kurama asks if, instead of a tool that would let them search for Hiei, is there anything they would call him to them? Kuwabara thinks if there was such a thing, they wouldn't be going through all this trouble in the first place. Botan then surprises everyone by saying there is such a thing!


Botan explains that this whistle produces sound waves that can't be heard by ordinary humans. The stronger the spiritual power of the one who blows it, the farther away a person can hear it. Even she should be able to make it reach anyone within a range of 100 kilometers. She tells them it sounds terrible, so they should plug their ears. She then blows the whistle.

Kurama says it really does sound terrible, but Kuwabara says he can't hear anything. Botan stops blowing, and hopes if Hiei heard that, he'll respond. Hiei then suddenly falls out of a tree behind them, and wonders what that loud noise was just now. He then sees the others, and Botan says she knew he'd come.

Hiei says he never meant to come to where they were, but Kurama then shows him the note. Hiei finds it amusing, and tells Yusuke that's what he gets -he must have gotten all cocky after the Dark Tournament. He starts to walk off, but Kurama asks him if he's interested -doesn't he want to know what type of guys were able to capture Yusuke? Hiei says he's not, as it has nothing to do with him.

Botan tells him if he doesn't come, Yusuke could get killed. Hiei says why should he have to care about a fool so big he got caught so easily, especially after that life and death battle? Kurama says that this foe may possess a totally unknown power, and he's heard that recently that strange powers have started to appear among some humans. Hiei asks him if he's saying that Yusuke was captured by these humans.

Botan tells Hiei that he's officially still on the Spirit Realm's wanted list. If he helps them get Yusuke out of there, she'll arrange it so the Spirit Realm will no longer have anything to do with him. Kuwabara's not sure that's a good idea, but Botan says they have no time. Hiei says that if he's going to be formally acquitted, he'll go with them. The group head off to the mansion.

They arrive at the place, which looks very strange on the outside. Kuwabara tells Botan to stay outside, as they don't know what's going to happen. But she says she's going in with them, as she's the only one who can currently use the seven tools. As they head to the door, they see a note pinned to it. The note states that whoever enters this house must not say the word "hot". They wonder what it means, but Kurama takes it as a warning. They head inside.

Yusuke is inside the house, but he still can't move. Kido tells him that it appears his friends have come to save him. Yusuke wants to know what he's planning, but Kido tells him he's entered his territory. He can struggle all he wants, it's no use. As long as he steps on his shadow, he can't move. He tells Yusuke to just keep watching closely.

Kurama's group head into a room, which has an odd layout. As they head in, there is some kind of strange energy emitted. Botan says it's so stuffy and is about to say it's so hot, but thankfully Kurama stops her from saying it just in time. He and Hiei also noticed the strange energy they felt the moment they walked through the door. Kurama thinks it feels like they've entered another dimension.

Someone then welcomes them: Kaito. Kuwabara recognizes him as one of the guys who called Yusuke out. Kurama also knows him -he's in the same class as him at school. He asks Kaito what he's planning, and why he abducted Yusuke. Kaito says a certain person told him and his friends about them, such as how they were victorious at the Dark Tournament.

He takes a seat and says how he's heard Minamino possesses incredible powers. He would like to see the way he controls plants. He also says that he recently discovered that he has an odd ability, and he wants to challenge him. Kuwabara tells him not to talk down to them, but Hiei says he'll show him just how ill-advised it is to pick a fight with them.

He leaps forward and slashes with his sword, but Kaito is protected by a barrier. The sword shatters, and Kaito says that this room is a world where only words have power. They'll have to fight by his rules now. He tells them that one day, he realized that he could create an odd area of space around him. Nobody can take any violent actions in this room.

He taunts Hiei by saying that whilst he's heard he is an expert in sword skills and sorcery, but inside his territory here, he's just an ordinary runt. Kurama tells Hiei to take it easy, as Kaito is just trying to provoke him. Hiei asks Kaito if he's trying to tell him he can kill him with words. Kaito tells him to try it and find out. Hiei says "hot".

The moment he does, something happens to Hiei -a purple light comes out of him, and it goes over to Kaito. Kaito says that his his territory, if someone says the word they're not supposed to say, they lose their soul. With no soul, Hiei's body falls down. Kuwabara and Botan check on him, but he doesn't respond.

Kaito says that now they have two hostages. He tells them that Yusuke is on the second floor, and asks them what are they going to do -fight? Go home? He says he's had this power for about a month, and those of them who have it, they call it their territory. His territory has about a ten meter radius, and they can enter and leave it freely. But the moment anyone with a little spiritual power enters, they seem to feel a sense of displacement. Kurama tells him if they can overcome has ability and beat him, Hiei's soul will be returned to normal. Kaito says that may be the case, but as he's never been beaten, he doesn't know. Kuwabara tells him he can't be so full of himself forever.

Kaito says he's just telling the truth. He then asks them again if they are going to go, or stay here and fight him. He tells them it's their choice, but Kuwabara says there's another choice: toss Hiei aside and move forward! Botan doesn't like the idea of leaving Hiei's soul like this, but Kuwabara says Hiei ignored Kurama's warning, and spoke the taboo word. Should they have to look after someone as foolish as that?

Kaito agrees with him, and thinks it would be the best for them. He tells Kuwabara that he's brighter than he expected. But he and his friends have already made the first move, as another guy enters the room, and locks the door behind him.

Kaito says that's the only door that leads further in, and Yanagisawa holds the key. Kuwabara goes over to him and asks him to hand over the key and step aside. Yanagisawa says nope, so Kuwabara starts threatening him. But Yanagisawa tells him to go ahead.

Kuwabara goes to punch him, his fist connects with a barrier in a painful manner. Yanagisawa laughs and tells Kuwabara he's forgetful -violence is impossible within Kaito's territory. He says he needs to be gentle, and then pockets the key.

Kaito asks the group again about what they're going to do. Kurama says it looks like they can't help but play by his rules. Kaito laughs, and says that's right.

If you say the forbidden word, "hot", your soul will be taken from you. Kurama, Kuwabara and Botan have been caught up within this mystifying game. Will Kurama be able to win this game, restoring Hiei's soul, and rescue Yusuke, who is unable to move?


(Yusuke is speaking)

See, this is why I don't understand the way smart people think! You can't say this, that word is off-limits too... ah, what a pain! Well, we'll just have to leave this complicated stuff up to our honor student Kurama. It's up to you, Kurama! Next time: The Power of Taboo! Kurama's Intellect. Huh, after all, I can't move!

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