In the second round of the Dark Tournament, Dr. Ichigaki plunged Yusuke and the others into danger, using humans that he had converted into killing machines after he had set a trap for them. However, thanks to the actions of the masked fighter, En, Ryo and Kai regained control of their minds. They won against the Dr. Ichigaki team, but the Urameshi team has no time to rest, as their next match has already been prepared for them. Their foe for the third round is the Devilish Trainer team.

Stealthy Figures of Darkness
The Devilish Trainer Team

Yusuke notices Botan dragging Kuwabara out, but he knows there's no way Kuwabara can fight. He says they'll have to figure out a way to somehow fight with just four team members, but Kurama says Kuwabara isn't the only one who can't fight. The masked fighter's spiritual power must have gotten very low from using that technique in the previous fight, and Hiei's right arm is injured, so much so he can't use it. Meanwhile, the Devilish Trainer decide on who to send out first. Jin, the wind-tamer, decides to step up.

Kurama knows of this team, and says they're famous demons. Their true identities are the stealthy figures of the Demon Realm. There are groups that work behind the scenes of the power struggles between various demons, known as the Demon Realm ninja. This team are the most feared among them, and are also known as the Specters of Asura. Jin steps onto the ring, and Koto asks him and Yusuke to decide on how they want to fight.

Jin suggests one on one elimination, and they'll keep fighting until there are no opponents left. Yusuke says he's fine with that, and walks off. As he passes Jin, Jin tells him he has such an inviting breeze... he possesses a fine wind. Yusuke says nothing in response, and the two walk back to their teams. But just then, there is an announcement from the administrative office. There's to be a medical check before the fight starts for the Urameshi team, as they are having to fight battles consecutively.

At the medical tent, a nurse walks out and heads over to the Urameshi team. She tells Hiei and the masked fighter that the two of them must come with her. Hiei says he doesn't need her help, and tells her to look at Kuwabara.

She says she's only going to ask them two or three questions, and it'll be over straight away. Up in his VIP box, Koenma suddenly wants to see the nurse. He tells Jorge to hit him, which he reluctantly does.

Now Koenma has a wound on the back of his head, which means now he'll have to have that beautiful, kindly-looking nurse treat his injury. The nurse takes Hiei and the masked fighter over to her medical tent, and asks them if they have any pain anywhere. The masked fighter says no, so the nurse then asks if they feel sick at all.

Hiei thinks she's mocking them, so she tells him it appears he has a lot of stress built up. She thinks they need to get a little rest, so Hiei tells her to try healing her own brain. He and the masked fighter start to walk off, but the nurse uses a technique to create some kind of barrier around her tent. Hiei and the masked fighter try to run through it, but get shocked.

Kurama says this is a peripheral realm. Yusuke tries to barge his way through it, but fails. The nurse removes her dress...

...and says that she is Ruka, the periphery master. She tells them she prides herself on her ability to cast defensive walls, which are among the most foremost in the Demon Realm. Kuwabara asks what they are, and Botan tells him Ruka has the ability to use spells that create walls to protect things. In other words, no matter how much demon energy or spirit energy Hiei and the masked fighter project at it, it won't be an easy matter for them to break that peripheral realm. Ruka says that's correct. She tells Yusuke it's useless to put up a fuss, and his teammates can't leave here.

She then uses a technique called sokujucho, which creates further barriers around the two. Kurama says it will be dangerous for them to just move around in there. Koenma walks out, but when he sees that the nurse isn't actually a nurse after all, he realizes he got hit for no reason. He decides to hit Jorge back for revenge, and chases him back into the stadium.

An announcement is heard over the stadium's speakers, which states that as a result of their medical checks, Hiei and the masked fighter have been judged to be generally unfit to fight. They are to receive medical treatment. Elsewhere in the stadium, the owner of the Devilish Trainer team, Butajiri, says the Urameshi team has to continue their matches without any time to rest. And now Hiei and the masked fighter are locked up. He wonders what manner of fighting they're going to show him.

Yusuke confronts Koto, and tells her to explain this. She says she's in a neutral position towards the guests, and she didn't know anything about this. Yusuke is about to get angrier when Kurama tells him not to bother -this thing was a setup. But, ironically enough, whilst they may be trying to hide it, Hiei and the masked fighter really are in no shape to be fighting anyhow. Ordinarily, they should be able to break their way through that level of peripheral realm, but they're currently so weak that they can't.

One of the Devilish Trainer team walks over to Jin and tells him now it's two against five. He thinks Jin could put them all away himself, but Jin has changed his mind about fighting now. He says for someone else to go, he'll just watch instead. His teammate stops him and tells him to get out there, but Jin pulls his hand back and tells him he can't tell him what to do.

Jin sits down next to a wall and starts whistling. The rest of the team discuss who wants to fight first, and one of them decides that he'll go. He leaps up and removes his cloak.



Yusuke is about to go up, but Kurama decides to go instead. He tells Yusuke he'd like to say he could put all of these guys away, but judging from their demon energy, it doesn't look like they're going to allow that. He says he'll try to find out as much of what he can in regards to what they have up their sleeves, but the rest will be up to Yusuke. Koto tells them to begin.

Gama pulls out two pain brushes, and says by its nature, there is an enormous amount of magical power that lies within body paint. Among humans, the females use makeup in their everyday lives to bewitch each other. But during times of festival, it possesses a special, magical power.

Gama says he will show Kurama the true magical power of body paint, using the special properties of his own makeup. He starts applying it to his own body, and his body starts to glow with a red aura. He calls it the adornment of combat, and Koto comments that Gama has placed a pattern all over his own body -and his demon energy has risen sharply.

Gama then begins his attack, but Kurama dodges every strike Gama attempts to hit him with. Kurama thinks he'll have to kill Gama with the rose whip, but he'll have to do it without getting close to him. Hiei thinks Kurama is waiting to determine the nature of his opponent before choosing his tactics, which he thinks is a bad habit of Kurama's. With Gama's speed, it will be hard for Kurama to find the chance to produce a weapon.

Gama says he won't give Kurama enough time to turn his plants into weapons, and comes close to hitting him. As Kurama falls back, Gama takes out his brushes, and paints something on Kurama's leg. Gama tells him his leg is now as heavy as lead.

Which also means that he can no longer run away. Kurama gets up and manages to start walking, but Gama tells him he can't get away. Koto comments that it appears that Gama can use his cursed body paint on his opponents as well. It affects their speed and attack power, and Kurama is now in a great pinch.

One of Gama's teammates says the makeup Gama produces can pass through any fabric and adhere directly to the skin. It also serves as an antenna, which picks up the curse. Gama then goes on the attack again, and whilst Kurama tries jumping, he can't get out of the way in time. Gama applies paint to the rest of his limbs.


(Prison Lock of Cosmetics)

Gama says that he has now robbed Kurama's limbs of their freedom. It's now like has has 200 kilo iron balls cuffed to each of his arms and legs. Gama then starts rapidly moving all around Kurama.

Koto comments that Kurama's arms and legs have been locked up, and this could be the end for him. Gama says he'll now finish this with one blow, and charges forward. But as he gets close, something cuts his arm.

Kurama somehow uses his rose whip, and repeatedly lashes Gama. Gama doesn't understand what just happened, and falls to his knees whilst bleeding heavily.

Kurama reveals he had his rose whip attached to his hair. He says that his arms and legs aren't the only things he can use. Koto comments that this is an incredible turnabout, as Kurama has now inflicted Gama with decisive damage. Gama manages to get up and says he should have barred off all of Kurama's spirit energy first.

Kurama tells him not to talk too much, as the match is over. He tells him if he doesn't release the demon energy he's using for his spell, and instead use it to heal himself, he'll be in real jeopardy. However Gama says the match isn't over. Kurama tells him he doesn't need to die, but Gama ignores him and goes on the attack. Kurama easily dodges his weak punches, and Gama's blood spills onto him.

Kurama tells him to stop, but Gama ignores him and keeps punching. He ends up severing one of his cut-up arms, but still goes on fighting.

He eventually collapses, and Koto starts to count him out. But he tells Kurama that whilst he may have been careful of his brushes, he was careless about his blood. He reveals that his makeup is actually made out of his blood.


(Secure Binding Seal Curse of Cosmetics)

He tells Kurama that now, his spirit energy has been completely bottled up. This is what it is to be a ninja -to choose death in order to obtain the victory ahead. Even after he dies, his demon energy won't disappear for sometime, and he wants to see if Kurama can dodge his next opponent until then. He says his teammates will defeat Kurama, but he then dies from his injuries.

The next fighter steps up, whilst Kurama finds he can still barely move. Koenma thinks Kurama won't be able to fight!

The fighter removes his cloak, and Hiei says that's the hexed ice user, Toya. Toya tells Gama well done, and says he will not allow his death to be in vain -he will avenge him.

What kind of techniques does this new opponent, Toya, the hexed ice user, possess? Kuwabara is injured, and Hiei and the masked fighter are sealed up in a peripheral realm. And now, bathed in the blood of Gama, Kurama is unable to move. Is there any chance of victory for the Urameshi team?


(Koenma is speaking)

What?! Here Yusuke and Kurama are the only two who can fight, and Kurama has had his spiritual powers bottled up?! Fighting against Toya like this could be death-defying! It's incredibly dangerous! At this point... eh, what? You're saying I should go fight? You idiot! Next time: A Desperate Kurama! Body Paint of Death. I'm still the owner here!

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