The Urameshi team has advanced to the second round. However, even though the time of the match has arrived, Hiei and Kurama have not shown up. In the middle of the forest, they were engaged in intense combat with the other team's battle robot. And so, the contest between the Urameshi team and the Dr. Ichigaki team got underway with only six contestants, three members of each team per side, in a battle royale-style fight. However, for Yusuke, who could not use his spirit gun, it was a tough battle.

The Identity of Mask?!
A Beautiful Warrior

The Urameshi team are at the edge of the ring. Yusuke tells his teammates they can't let themselves lose here, but doesn't know what to do. The Ichigaki team then attack, with M1 using his angel chakram. The Urameshi team barely avoids it.

M2 then attacks with his invisible technique, which almost rips Yusuke apart. M3 then uses his hound claw...

...and the masked fighter has to kick Yusuke out of the way to stop him from getting hit. She thinks that because Yusuke and Kuwabara can see M1's energy rings, they can't concentrate on seeing the other two's spirit energy attacks. In Koenma's VIP box, Jorge is surprised that there are humans who can fight evenly against Yusuke and the others. Koenma thinks it's not even -the other team have greater power than Yusuke.

The Ichigaki team then march forward, chanting the word "kill". Kuwabara asks them if they really want to fight like this, but they don't respond. They then attack again, as M1 uses his projectile rings. Kuwabara blocks some of them with his spirit sword, just as M2 attacks him.

Yusuke leaps back from K3's attack, as Koto wonders what the matter is with the Urameshi team. All they've done so far is take defense against the Ichigaki team's attacks. Keiko wonders what Yusuke is doing, and tells him to hang in there. But Shizuru thinks the team they're rooting for is going to lose. She doesn't think they can beat the other team, even if they were fighting earnestly. Ichigaki says that in a normal one on one battle, his team showed more than an 80% chance of winning.

With those blood-controlling nodes equipped on his team's backs, their minds are completely under his control. He pulls out his calculator and reminds himself that his team's chances of winning are still 99.95%. He tells his team they'll win for sure, and they are to kill their opponents.

The Ichigaki team resume their attack, and all the Urameshi team can do is defend themselves the best they can. M3 is about to hit Yusuke, but the masked fighter kick him out of the way again, resulting in her taking the hit.

She gets knocked out of the ring. As Koto starts the count, Toguro says this fight is turning out to be more interesting that he was anticipating. Sakyo agrees, saying the higher their level, the more worth watching humans killing each other becomes.

The Ichigaki team again go on the attack, despite Kuwabara yelling at them to open their eyes. He tells them this isn't a fight they want to take on for themselves, but they ignore his words. As he gets knocked around by M1's projectiles, Ichigaki tells him it's no use trying to persuade them. He controls their blood, and through their blood, he controls their brains. He's changed their personalities to make them violent, homicidal maniacs.

Botan appears and asks her team what they are going -their opponents are trying to kill them! They can't do anything by just running away from them, they need to fight more seriously. Kuwabara explains they can't -in the dream he had, the Ichigaki team had pure hearts. He explains his dream to Botan, telling her about Ichigaki, and how the team are only being used in an experiment so they could save their master's life.

Yusuke narrowly avoids another of M3's attacks, as he thinks that it isn't these guys they really have to defeat -it's Ichigaki. Kuwabara wonders what they should do, as the Ichigaki team leap up into the air and descend on them.

However before they can attack, the masked fighter reappears and takes them all down with jump kicks in an instant.

She asks her team what they're messing around for. If they hold back, lose and then die, do they think the other team are going to be saved? She turns around to reveal that her mask is damaged, revealing her face for the first time. Koto comments that the masked fighter has returned to the ring, and her identity has been revealed as a dazzlingly beautiful girl.

Botan thinks she's pretty, but Jorge tells Koenma they both thought the masked fighter was Genkai. But it seems it's not. Koto says she's at a loss, but then sees something flying towards the ring: M5.

M5 bounces off the ring and hits a wall, defeated. There is then an explosion nearby, as Gatasubaru comes crashing into the stadium -and is being ridden on by Kurama and Hiei. Hiei says they've heard everything from that guy they just threw over.

Kurama explains M1, M2 and M3 are the beloved pupils of a famous martial artist, and in exchange for healing his disease, they have allowed their bodies to be used in this experiment. They didn't know that they would be turned into mechanisms of murder, and after they had been tricked, they became the victims, who were brainwashed into becoming violent killing machines. He and Hiei have also learned that their master's illness was a trap for them set up by Ichigaki himself. Ichigaki laughs and thinks they're fools, as the angrier they get, the harder it becomes for them to fight his team. Kuwabara tells him he'll pay for this, and Yusuke can't believe everything Ichigaki did was just so he could use those three in an experiment.

Ichigaki asks them that suppose it was -what are they going to do about it? Right now his team are killing machines, and it's no use for them to hold back -if they even have the ability to stand up to them. To him, his team are nothing more than pawns for him to just throw away when he doesn't need them any more. As the masked fighter repairs her mask, she thinks Ichigaki is good -he's managing to push Yusuke and Kuwabara's buttons to upset them.

Yusuke and Kuwabara decide to attack Ichigaki himself, but his team come to defend him. Yusuke and Kuwabara end up being knocked back onto the ring.

As they crash down, Kurama and Hiei are about to enter the fight, but Koto stops them. She says that the rules of this match are for it to be three on three, so they can't come onto the ring. Kuwabara maintains that there's no way they will let Ichigaki get away with this.

M1, M2 and M3 stand in front of Ichigaki. Yusuke asks why they are protecting someone like Ichigaki, but the team say nothing. Kuwabara asks them to say something, as they don't want to fight them like this. Ichigaki says it's no use, as the blood-controlling nodes he created are top quality.

The nodes are the second brains which control them, and their second hearts. If they are removed, it will kill them. And they are set up to make the three honor his life and orders above their own. If Urameshi team really want to kill him, they'll have to kill his team first. Kuwabara says he can't do that. He realizes that dream he had was because their consciousness flowed into him, and they were seeking his help. He thinks this must mean their hearts aren't entirely being controlled, and their brains haven't been completely washed.

Ichigaki laughs at them for sympathizing with their opponents. He orders his team to kill them, and they run forward. Yusuke runs off, but Kuwabara stands in place.

Kuwabara says these guys came to him seeking help, and he'll stick with them to the end. Hiei calls him an idiot who's going to die, but Kuwabara tells his opponents to open their eyes. He gets attacked and knocked down by M2.

M1 then attacks him, but he avoids getting hit again. Yusuke is about to intervene, but Kuwabara tells him to stay back. He gets back up and grapples with M3, who starts punching him. Kuwabara asks him what he has to do to get them to open their eyes.

M3 punches him hard, causing him to fall down. Kuwabara starts to get up and again tells Yusuke to stay back, as the Ichigaki team charge towards him.

Kuwabara is hit and sent flying out of the ring. Koto comments that Kuwabara's desperate call was in vain, and now he's been knocked down by a highly concentrated attack.

Jorge wonders why Kuwabara would allow himself to be beaten so badly without doing anything. As Botan and the masked fighter see to Kuwabara, he passes out. Yusuke yells at his opponents, asking if they still call themselves human.

But he then notices that the three are crying tears of blood, and are all asking to be killed. The masked fighter says that Kuwabara's vital spots were narrowly missed, or more accurately, the Ichigaki team missed them deliberately. Yusuke thinks that Ichigaki's commands are fighting with the three's consciences, and he can see it.

Ichigaki is surprised at the tears of blood, and considers it quite the trick they're displaying. But no matter how much they struggle, they can't defy the orders of the blood-controlled nodes. When Yusuke hears this he gets even more angry, and his spirit energy returns, covering his entire body. The masked fighter thinks that Yusuke's maximum spiritual power level is rising, and it seems to rise with his anger.

Yusuke rushes up to M2 and punches him in the face. M3 tries to attack with his hound claw, but Yusuke can now see the move, and avoids it. He sees that the hound claw strike is made of powerful spirit energy, and acts like it were a bomb. M1 then attacks, but Yusuke can now see the instant the rings are created.

He avoids the rings and kicks M1, and then sees M2 below. He can also see what M2 does to attack -he uses his spirit energy like a long bo staff.

Yusuke avoids his strike, and thinks that whilst he couldn't see their spirit energy before, he can now. Koto comments that this is a surprise -the situation has suddenly been reversed.

Ichigaki wonders how this can be -right in the middle of the match, Urameshi's spiritual power has increased rapidly. This wasn't in his calculations, and he decides to recalculate things. To his horror, he realizes now that his team only has a 52.725% chance of winning! Kurama and Hiei come over, and Kurama tells him psychological strategy by the manual is ok, but you never know when a human is going to find some opportunity to become stronger. Ichigaki thinks this is some kind of mistake, and tells his team to kill their opponents now.

The Ichigaki team charge, but Yusuke hits M2 down immediately. The masked fighter thinks that Yusuke's spirit energy has returned, so much so that he can now fire his spirit gun. She's never seen someone who could recover so quickly. But even if he is able to kill them with his spiritual power, he won't be able to save them.

Yusuke tells his opponents that for their sakes, he will harden his heart. They can go on ahead to the Other World, and wait for him there. He leaps up, charges up his spirit gun, and prepares to fire... telling them he'll send them a proper apology from Hell.


(Yusuke is speaking)

Ichigaki! You're going to pay for this! Humans are not experimental subjects! If I'm not able to help them, then I'll crush them all, along with that filthy mug of yours! What?! Ichigaki's body! So you've finally shown your true self, huh?! Next time: Ambition Crushed! A Baptism by Light. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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