Invitees To The Dark Tournament

Yu Yu Hakusho episode 26
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Toguro hunts down Yusuke, and informs him that he will be entering the Dark Tournament.
Original Japanese broadcast date: April 17th, 1993


1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences
3) Notes


Yukina has to go back home, as the ice maidens have a practice of not living outside the Land of Glaciers. Kuwabara, Yusuke and Hiei watch her leave, and Hiei decides not telling her that he is her brother is what he wants. With no case to go on at the moment, Botan sends Yusuke off to meet with Keiko. She returns to the Spirit Realm, where she and Koenma learn that the Toguro brothers didn't die, and were not fighting at full strength in their battle with Yusuke and Kuwabara. It's also revealed that they were actually working for Sakyo, and younger Toguro wants the chance to fight Yusuke seriously. Sakyo grants him his request, and also has him kill Tarukane.

Yusuke and Keiko are shopping, when they see a building has been damaged nearby. As Yusuke backs away, Toguro pulls up on a bike. The two head off to a construction site, where Toguro reveals that he was only fighting with about 20% of his power previously. He then powers up to 60%, and smashes the construction site to pieces with just a few moves.

Later on, after Yusuke pulls himself out of the rubble, Toguro explains that Yusuke and Kuwabara have been invited as guests to compete in the Dark Tournament, a martial arts tournament where humans participate in it for the money and the amusement, whilst the demons are in it for the blood and the hedonism. He threatens to kill Yusuke immediately if he refuses to compete, and that he must become stronger if he is to survive. He then leaves and sees Hiei and Kurama, and tells them they will be entering as well, and will be on Yusuke's team. Yusuke trains with Genkai, whilst Kuwabara trains with Hiei and Kurama. Two months pass...

Kuwabara, Kurama and Hiei wait in a forest, where several other teams of demons are also waiting. Yusuke reunites with them, and brings along a mysterious masked fighter. He explains this person will be their fifth member, which immediately worries Kuwabara. The captain of the boat tells everyone that they will be setting sail to the island where the Dark Tournament will be taking place, so everyone boards the boat. The boat heads off to Kubikukuri Island.

Manga differences

-A good chunk of this episode wasn't in the manga. Scenes which were in the anime but weren't in the manga are:
--Yukina's departure back to the Land of Glaciers.
--Any Spirit Realm scenes.
--Keiko and Yusuke going shopping.
--Kuwabara witnessing Yusuke's encounter with Toguro.
--Yusuke's training on the cliff with Genkai.
--Kuwabara's training with Hiei and Kurama (the manga does have Kuwabara state Kurama helped toughen him up, but it's not shown what training they did).

-The manga has the Toguro brothers revive first, then we see Kuwabara's friends discussing what's wrong with their leader. In the anime, these scenes are the other way round.

-Okubo had a line in the manga, where he also joins in on the bet. In the anime he says nothing.

-In the manga Toguro does not ride up on a bike, and there is no incident where a building is damaged.

Instead, Toguro simply shows up at Yusuke's school, just as Yusuke is leaving it.

-Toguro powers up to 60% in the manga, but that's all he does. In the anime, after he powers up, he then trashes the building under construction.

-In the manga, Toguro meets Hiei and Kurama on the street. The anime changed this so Hiei and Kurama and high above him, on the top of a building.


-During the opening recap, this shot of Kuwabara stabbing Toguro has a yellow background. In the previous episode, the background was purple.

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