Yusuke's next orders as a spirit detective have come down. They are to rescue a girl named Yukina, who is being held by the rich upstart Gonzo Tarukane. Yukina is Hiei's younger sister. Immediately, Yusuke, Kuwabara and Botan charge towards Tarukane's mansion. However, waiting for them is a band of demons, with the Toguro brothers at the lead.

Envoys of Darkness!
The Toguro Brothers

Yusuke says it looks like this place is going to be tough to get into. And to make things worse, this forest is really dense, so there's not so much as even a mountain path to follow. Botan looks at her compass and says they are going in the right direction, as the compass can pick up the demon energy from an ice maiden quite well. Kuwabara says he can see the right direction perfectly without a compass, and tells them to watch this.

He says that this is the red string of destiny that's tied to Yukina's little finger! Only he can see it, but he says that if they follow this string, it will lead them straight to her. He runs off, leaving Yusuke and Botan speechless.

At the mansion, younger Toguro reports on a surprise: the demon energy from Hirue, the man he assigned to guard duty, has disappeared all at once. Tarukane asks if the demons he has under him are all that weak, but younger Toguro explains Hirue's opponent was no ordinary punk. They must have been expert spirit energy users if they were able to defeat Hirue. Tarukane is angry and says he's now not sure if he can depend on them now. He paid a lot of money for their services, so he can't have them being beaten. He decides to have their abilities put to the test, and tells them to follow him. He has something good to show them.

In the Spirit Realm, Koenma and Jorge are trying to view Tarukane's mansion on the monitor, but it won't work. Jorge says someone is preventing their agents from getting in. Koenma thinks this hasn't happened before, but all they can do is wait for Yusuke and the others to enter the mansion. At the mansion, Tarukane takes the Toguro brothers to a secret underground lab. There are several different creatures locked away in cages, and younger Toguro isn't sure whether or not he should say Tarukane has good taste. Tarukane says these things are all lovely pieces in his collection, and if you have the money, there's nothing you can't come by.

He then takes them to meet Helen, a massive monster whom he recently obtained from the Middle East. He says Helen feeds on live tigers and lions, and whilst she cost a lot of money, just look at her. She's a masterpiece of abnormal genetic manipulation. He asks the brothers if they think they could defeat her. The younger Toguro stares at Helen whilst saying nothing, which makes Tarukane think. He bets the younger Toguro won't be inclined to fight Helen, so that might lead to getting him to lower his price.

The younger Toguro says he'd rather not fight, which Tarukane thinks is great -he can knock his price down by 20% now! But then the younger Toguro walks into the cage, and removes his jacket. He says that, despite how he may look, he's quite fond of animals.

Tarukane tells him to come back here, as if he dies, who is going to make Yukina cry? Helen isn't smart enough to do as she's told, but Toguro tells him to just watch. He decides that, to beat Helen, thirty percent should do. He screams out, as his aura surrounds him. His muscles begin to increase in size, as he says he's a demon with no talents. The only thing he can do is manipulate his muscles like this.

Helen then attacks him, but he dodges her swipe. She still manages to push him into the ground, but he takes no damage. He holds her arm and tells her if she must resent someone, she should resent her master for putting him up to this. He then snaps her arm...

...before delivering a punch with his other arm, which has such force it breaks Helen in half. Toguro says that even though Tarukane gave him this order, it still cost a life for no purpose, which pains his heart. Tarukane laughs and says he loves this -he'll pay him double, no, triple! He asks him to become his bodyguard.

Toguro leaves the cage, and says he'll consider it. Tarukane asks if he really did only use less than one third of his power to defeat Helen. Younger Toguro says that's right, although he thinks he probably could have beaten her with just 20% of his power. Tarukane tells Sakashita to get on the phone immediately, and call the members of the Black Black Club. He's going to make a wager: who will win between the group trying to intrude into here, and the Toguros with their band of demons? They head out of the lab, as Tarukane says a show as entertaining as this is a great chance to make some money.

He thinks that if he manipulates the specatator's fee and the betting rate just right, he can make another several billion yen! Younger Toguro lights up a cigarette and tells Tarukane he's not going to die well. Tarukane says he will buy his life with money, and laughs.

Yukina is still locked away in the tower. Some birds come to visit her, but she tells them not to come here -they mustn't come here any more. She shoos them away, saying that they really mustn't come here any more.

In the forest, Kuwabara suddenly runs off, but Botan tells him he's going the wrong way. He says that he gets a nasty feeling from over there, so they should go this way instead. Botan says her compass is telling her it's this way, and walks off, unfortunately not seeing a trip wire in front of her.

She steps on it, causing her to be lifted high up into the air, where she gets stuck on a massive web. The creator of this web reveals itself: a large spider demon, who says he's been waiting for them. Yusuke isn't impressed -first they had to deal with an octopus, and now a spider. He tells the demon to let Botan go.

The demon says no way -she's going to be his meal, right after he's disposed of them. He tells them to come at him with all their worth, if they want to save her. Kuwabara generates his spirit sword, and extends it. He says he won't allow anyone to stand in the way of them getting to Yukina, and does a series of rapid slices.

These cut up the web, causing Botan to fall. Yusuke catches her just in time, as the spider demon asks if they're even human. Kuwabara tells him not to ask such obvious questions, and Yusuke tells him he'll finish this with one blow. The demon leaps up into the air...

...but Yusuke hits him with a spirit punch, which goes right through him. As he dies, Yusuke says he was so weak, that wasn't even a fight. At the Spirit Realm, Koenma and Jorge have been watching, but Koenma wonders what Yusuke is messing around for. Jorge says it's getting dark there.

Kurama then walks in, and Koenma asks him if he found Hiei yet. Kurama says he hasn't, and Hiei hasn't returned here. Koenma says that apparently, Hiei sensed something about the video tape. Jorge asks why Koenma didn't just tell Hiei that his sister was being held in the first place, and Koenma tells him to think about what would happen if he did. Hiei would kill everyone in the mansion in a flash, and if a demon kills a human, no matter what the reasons are, it would be a sin. He'd meant to tell Kurama to go with him from the beginning, but he knew Hiei wouldn't like that.

Kurama says it will be alright, as even if Hiei is caught on this case, he doubts he'll go against Yusuke. Koenma has his doubts things will really go that well, especially with Hiei being involved, and tells Kurama this is his responsibility. Kurama nervously agrees with him.

Koenma decides he's going off to bed, and tells Jorge to tape the rest on video for later. Back in the forest, Yusuke's group are setting up camp for the night, when Hiei appears in a tree above them. He doesn't give his location away, and stays quiet.

Hiei finds himself strapped to an operating table. The surgeon asks him one more time: won't he alter his decision? Implanting the evil eye involves pain that goes far beyond anything he can imagine, and questions the reason he wants it. Hiei tells him that's enough talk -just hurry on with it. The operation begins.

He then sees Yukina, but then he wakes up and calls out her name. He realizes he was dreaming, and sees that Yusuke's group are about to move out. He takes leave without them seeing him.

In the mansion, the members of the Black Black Club are assembled. The Black Black Club are a parlor, sponsored by Tarukane, with members who are leading businessmen in the underworld. Tarukane is grateful they could hold this party without anyone being absent. The members are all happy to be there, with one saying this is the only fun he gets to have now.

Only one member, Sakyo, doesn't say anything. Tarukane explains the situation: there are people trying to intrude into his estate, in order to find out the secret of the hirui stones. He wants to make the theme of this wager a confrontation between the intruders, and the band of demons led by the Toguro brothers. The Black Black members want to bet on the demons, since they have no idea who these intruders are.

Tarukane has Sakashita explain to the members that there are three intruders, and fourteen demons outside. The demons are heading towards the intruders in order to slaughter them. One of the members says he gets it now -Tarukane wants to charge them through the nose to view the intruders being ruthlessly killed. Tarukane says to begin, and the first wager will be the intruders versus the band of fourteen demons: who will win?

Sakashita says he will double the wager of anyone who wins, so the members start placing their bets -they each place hundreds of millions on the demons. Tarukane thinks how great this is, as the members have no idea what kind of strength the intruders have. He remembers what younger Toguro told him...

...Toguro had told him about two youths from the Human Realm called Urameshi and Kuwabara, both of whom can manipulate spirit energy. They defeated Rando and Suzaku, who were considerably notorious demons, and believes the intruders are probably those two. And if that's true, his demons outside are going to have a heavy load to handle. Back in the present, Tarukane thinks about the big profits he'll make, but then asks Sakyo if he's going to make a wager.

Sakyo says he will bet five billion that the intruders will win. This surprises everyone else in the club, who think the idea of humans managing to beat fourteen demons is ridiculous. Sakyo says it's interesting to him that two humans are fighting, as he heard a rumor of two young men who were going around putting down demons. Tarukane laughs it up, saying Sakyo is so young, yet quite the gambler.

However he thinks that Sakyo clearly isn't easy to fool, and wonders where he came across that information already. Younger Toguro then says that just now, the demon energy from six of his underlings just vanished all at once. They look at the monitor and see Kuwabara taking down several demons easily.

Botan says they're now close to the mansion where Yukina is, so Kuwabara says they'll go... as he puts on his special love bandanna. Botan wonders where he got that from, and Kuwabara says it materialized out of his fighting spirit!

The remaining demons charge, but Kuwabara thinks these guys are getting annoying. Anyone who gets in the way of his love, will be sliced up and killed! He takes down the majority of the demons...

...whilst Yusuke defeats one larger demon by punching him in the face repeatedly. Sakyo says he's won the bet, so that means he gets ten billion.

Yusuke's group arrive at the mansion. Botan says there's no doubt about it -Yukina is in there. Kuwabara says he'll save her now, and heads off. Yusuke is about to follow when Botan stops him, warning him not to get careless. She's scanned three strong demon energies inside the mansion, which don't even compare with the ones they've just defeated. She then says she's going to scout around for a bit, and summons her oar.

Yusuke tells Kuwabara that it's going to be two against three. But he feels like that, right now, even if there were a hundred enemies, they won't lose. Kuwabara says that lately, he's been brimming with power... it's definitely what you'd call a level up. Back in the mansion, most of the Black Black members talk about how surprised they are at the humans defeating the demons. Tarukane says the next three have a level of ability above the group from outside. Younger Toguro introduces the next group of demons: the Sankishu (Three Ogre Mob).







The Black Black Club have heard of this group, who are meant to be the very best among Toguro's band of demons. One of them thinks it's uncustomary for Tarukane to be wagering such a considerably large amount of money, but Sakyo says it means there's that much value in the secret of Tarukane's hirui stones. Tarukane says the next wager will be on the intruders versus the Ogre Mob: who will win?

Most of the members bet on the Ogre Mob to win, again betting hundreds of millions. However, Sakyo again shocks everyone when he bets on the intruders -this time betting twenty billion. Miyuki thinks her group is being made light of.

Tarukane tells them to use all of their power to kill the intruders. Outside, Botan flies over the mansion, impressed with how big it is. But she is then startled by a series of explosions happening in the forest.

The Black Black Club members hear the noise and wonder what's going on. Tarukane says this is a predicament: it appears the intruders have stepped on a mine. Botan flies towards the fiery blaze at the main entrance, but then sees that Yusuke and Kuwabara have both survived, protecting themselves with their own spirit energy.

Botan lands next to them, and the three then head into the mansion. Nobody seems to be around, but then Miyuki appears. She tells them that she is the first horn of the Three Ogre Mob, and they will face her.

Yusuke and the others have stormed their way in towards Tarukane. However, waiting there for them is the demon Three Ogre Mob! Will they be able to defeat them, and reach Yukina's location?


(Yusuke is speaking)

What's with you, Kuwabara? Here a mighty opponent has gone to the trouble of coming forward, and you say you can't fight her because she's a woman? Try to look suave, will you? All right, fine, I'll go! I don't discriminate when it comes to opponents who come to me for a fight! Besides, these Three Ogre Mob guys seem to be concealing some pretty terrifying abilities! Next time: Terrifyingly Mighty Foes! The Three Ogre Mob. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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