Using Makaichu bugs, the Four Saint Beasts laid plans to take over the Human Realm. However, thanks to the actions of Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama, they fall one after another, and now all that remains is their leader, Suzaku. Suzaku, being the only one left, used the bug flute to control people, having them gather at Sarayashiki Middle School in order to attack Keiko. In order to defeat Suzaku, Yusuke and the others headed toward the center of the Labyrinthine Castle. Will you make it in time, Yusuke?

The Last of the Four Saint Beasts, Suzaku!

Yusuke's team run through the castle, and come across a strange structure. Hiei believes the last of the Saint Beasts is in there, so Yusuke tells everyone they'll charge in.

At the school, Keiko is still being hunted down by Iwamoto and the other Makaichu-possessed humans.She rounds a corner and continues to run, but suddenly someone grabs her and drags her through some bushes. It turns out it's Botan, who asks her if she's alright. Keiko wonders what is going on.

Botan contacts Yusuke and says that she and Keiko are surrounded, and the people are clearly looking for Keiko. They seem to be after her.

Yusuke can't believe it, but just as Botan is telling him to get the bug flute as soon as possible, Iwamoto finds them. He lunges at them with a punch, but Botan tackles Keiko out of the way.

They are soon found by some others, and have to run off. Meanwhile, Yusuke has lost the connection, and wonders what happened. He tells the others that they've got to hurry.

In the Spirit Realm, Koenma and Jorge are watching what's happening at the school. Koenma tells Botan to protect Keiko at all costs. He thinks that the Saint Beasts are using some dirty methods, as if something were to happen to Keiko whilst Yusuke was performing his duties, he wouldn't know how to apologize.

He wonders what to do if Yusuke and the others don't take the bug flute soon, and decides to find out what they're up to. But he can't find the remote for his monitor, and starts flipping papers to try and find it. Jorge points out the buttons on the monitor and says it would be faster to do it this way, you don't need a remote control. Koenma finds the remote, but by the time he does, Jorge has already changed the channel.

Back at the castle, Suzaku and Murugu watch as Yusuke's team approach. Murugu says that the group have different looks on their faces now, which Suzaku agrees with. But he's look forward to seeing Yusuke's face when he sees Keiko once she's dead. But they need to stop the group from intruding until Keiko has been captured. Murugu suggests using the cultivated people.

Outside, Yusuke's team arrive at the final tower, and Kurama believes the last Saint Beast must be at the top of it. But before they can go any further, strange creatures start to appear out of two passages either side of the tower:


Though having the shape of humans, they lack the ability to think, and are without will. They are beasts that will unconditionally follow the orders of whoever casts their spell upon them.

The cultivated people walk out in massive numbers. Kuwabara says that there are an enormous number of them, if they were to handle them one by one, there wouldn't be enough time. Kurama thinks it'll be difficult to defeat them all and break through, whilst Hiei says these things are like zombies -they don't feel pain or fear.

Yusuke is about to use his shotgun technique to blow them all away, but Kurama tells him to calm down. He suggests Yusuke doesn't waste his spiritual energy, as if he's too hasty, he'll be playing right into Suzaku's hands. Yusuke wants to know what to do, as there doesn't seem to be any other way than just charging in, but Hiei has got an idea. He points out the lowest set of windows on the tower, and says they can get into it via that.

Yusuke wonders how they're supposed to jump that high, and Kuwabara thinks Hiei is spouting nonsense. But Hiei says he has a plan, and seconds later, the team run forwards. Kuwabara tells Yusuke that this is unrehearsed, do don't blame them if it goes wrong. He charges into a few of the cultivated humans, knocking them down, and then stops. Kurama then jumps onto his shoulders, as Hiei then leaps up onto Kurama.

Yusuke then uses them all as steps, and leaps off of Hiei to send himself flying towards the window.

He just about makes it, and climbs inside the tower. Kuwabara tells him not to die, but then the cultivated humans surround him and the others.

They've got no choice but to fight them. Kuwabara starts punching them down, Kurama tears them apart with his rose whip, and Hiei slices them up with his sword.

Yusuke runs up some stairs, and tells Keiko to hold on. He arrives in Suzaku's room, and sees the massive monitor displaying Keiko and Botan on it. They are being chased, but he then hears some music being played. Suzaku stands up and walks forward, and is playing the bug flute.

The lights come on, and he says what he played was a beautiful tone -he thought it would make a good requiem for his girlfriend. He introduces himself, and says he is the leader of the Four Saint Beasts. Murugu also flies in and states her name. Suzaku tells Yusuke to take a good look at his girlfriend, as she is hunted down. Yusuke tells him to hand over the bug flute right now -if he does, he'll let him off by only half-beating him to death. Suzaku asks what will happen if he refuses, so Yusuke makes it clear: he'll kill him!

Botan and Keiko stop running and take a break, as Keiko asks what is up with those people. She also wants to know what's happening, as it appeared Botan was talking with Yusuke earlier. She asks where Yusuke is, and what he's doing. Botan says she'd like to say, but it would take a long time to explain. She promises that if they escape from this, she'll explain everything over a cup of tea or something. But right now, it's more important for them to get through this crisis. They try and use a phone, but the call won't connect. Keiko suggests they try using the one in the staff room instead.

They enter the staff room and see Takenaka in there, only to find that he's been beaten up already, and is unconscious. And to make things worse, Iwamoto then enters the room.

Suzaku asks Yusuke how he feels about his girlfriend now being the heroine of a horror movie. He thinks it must be quite nice and surreal, and says she has a good look on her face now. It all makes for a convincing, life-threatening show. Yusuke yells that he won't let him get away with this, and says he'll kill him. He charges over at a great speed, and even Suzaku is surprised at how fast he is.

Yusuke does a barrage of punches, but Suzaku is able to block them all with just one hand. Suzaku is still surprised at how remarkably faster Yusuke is, and leaps back, causing his ribbon to fall off. He has leapt high into the air, but Yusuke tells him now he can't change his direction.

Yusuke fires a powerful spirit gun blast at him, which is dead on target. But Suzaku punches it, sending it into the ceiling and destroying part of it.

Suzaku says that had some power to it, and lands back on the ground. Yusuke can't believe he was able to deflect his spirit gun blast, but Suzaku tells him that he hadn't of struck it in the right place, he would have taken some damage. It has been a long time since he's had his arm stunned like this. Yusuke still can't believe it, as his spirit gun was powered up several times thanks to his training with Genkai. Murugu then asks if she should hold the bug flute, but Suzaku says it's alright, as he's figured Yusuke out now -he only needs one hand. He says that it's convenient for him that a hole has opened up.

He raises one of his arms into the air, as Murugu says that Suzaku's dark lightning swift fist technique is coming -and Yusuke is going to die. A large bolt of lightning hits Suzaku, but he is able to control it, holding its power in his fist.


(Dark Lightning Swift Fist)

Combining the power of lightning with one's own demon energy, it is an attack that create a dark energy called a "spectral lightning wave". It emits enough power to instantly turn any ordinary human who is touched by it into charcoal.

Suzaku and Yusuke both jump up, and as Suzaku lunges forward, Yusuke is able to avoid taking a direct hit. But the attack still grazes him, causing him great amounts of pain. He crashes back to the ground.

Murugu congratulates Suzaku, whilst Yusuke thinks how that attack only grazed him, yet it felt like a high-voltage current ran through him. In the Spirit Realm, Koenma and Jorge have been watching, and Koenma says he can't take even just watching an attack like that. He tells Yusuke he can do it.

Suzaku tells Yusuke that his spirit energy is stronger than he expected. He's the first human to have been touched by that technique who hasn't died afterwards. Yusuke starts to get up and thinks that, somehow or another, he's got to block that attack. Suzaku tells him that he has incredible willpower to stand back up. But all that awaits him when he's risen is certain death. He tells him it's more important for him to view his girlfriend's last moments.

Yusuke tells him not to be ridiculous, as Keiko is tough. She's no glass bauble who'll be beaten in some back story thought up by a mindless demon! He takes his shoes off and places them on his hands, and tells Suzaku to come on. Suzaku just laughs at him, questioning what sort of stunt this is. Murugu flies off and asks Yusuke if he's really planning on trying to insulate himself from Suzaku's technique with those flimsy shoes. She thinks that's ridiculous, it'd be like trying to stop a cannonball with paper. Yusuke says they won't know unless he tries. Suzaku says that people are so miserable, and he sympathizes with him. In the face of great hopelessness, people lament how powerless they are, and are reduced to playing the fool. But now, he'll release him from that nightmare.

Suzaku uses the dark lightning swift fist technique again, and jumps up. Back at the school, Botan and Keiko are trapped at the end of a corridor. Keiko says she's the one they are after, and suggests she'll draw their attention, giving Botan the chance to escape. Botan says no way, as she can't allow herself to be saved at Keiko's expense. She does have her own honor after all, and would rather run wild over these guys, resigning herself to an honorable death. Keiko says she was just thinking that, as well.

They then see a fire extinguisher, and come up with a plan. They run off in different directions, and all of the Makaichu-possessed humans go after Keiko. She starts slapping them, but they soon start to overwhelm her.

Botan than blasts them with the extinguisher. Back in the castle, Suzaku is about to hit Yusuke with his technique, and seemingly does so, striking his shoes...

...but as the shoes are destroyed, it's revealed that Yusuke had been charging up his fists with spirit energy. Botan tells Keiko now's there chance...

...but as she turns around, Iwamoto is waiting for her. He grabs her and holds her up. Back at the battle, Yusuke has nullified Suzaku's attack, and is able to punch him in the face.

At the same time, Keiko saves Botan when she slaps Iwamoto. Suzaku lands and realizes what Yusuke did to stop his attack. Meanwhile, Iwamoto was slapped so hard that he falls down.

Botan thinks Keiko is something else, but Keiko is more worried by the fact that she just hit a teacher. Yusuke tells Suzaku he requests an alteration to the story: starting now, it will be entirely about his counterattack!

At last, Yusuke's counterattack has begun! However, with his grasp of dark secret techniques, Suzaku, the leader of the Four Saint Beasts, will not simply back down and be defeated. Yusuke or Suzaku: who will be the one to seize victory? And what of Keiko and Botan's fate?


(Yusuke is speaking)

You see that, Suzaku? Like I said, I'm pretty tough! Brace yourself, my counterattack is coming up next! What?! Suzaku has become seven people! What the hell is this? This is hopeless! I can't completely evade his attacks! He's getting carried away with himself! Next time: Secret Techniques Clash! The Seven Suzaku. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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