In order to put a stop to the ambitions of the Four Saint Beasts, who are planning to take over the Human Realm, Yusuke and the others have infiltrated the Labyrinthine Castle in the Demon City, and have defeated Genbu and Byakko. However, even as they did, the Makaichu bugs were undermining people's souls. If they don't take the bug flute away from the Four Saints Beasts soon, the Human Realm will be threatened. Will Yusuke and the others make it in time?
Hiei Comes Forward to Battle!
A Slashing Sword
In the Spirit Realm, Koenma and Jorge are praising Kuwabara for defeat Byakko. Jorge says there are only two of the Saint Beasts left, but Koenma says they don't have any data on them. He then questions what Jorge is holding, and he explains it's a book he found which appears to be data on the Four Saint Beasts. Koenma yells at him for not telling him sooner, and starts to look through it. But it turns out it's the hell edition of Cooking Compendium! Koenma orders Jorge to be taken away and given 100 spankings as punishment.
In the castle, Yusuke's team rush up some stairs, but they come across a room with several doors in it. Hiei says this must be the castle's maze, and Kurama says he knows the story well. He says that there is meant to only be one door which leads to the uppermost room of the castle. Up to now, there hasn't been a single person who has safely made their way through.
The reason for this is because the other room are filled with traps, that kill anyone who enters. Kurama says that in other words, there's no returning alive if you take the wrong door.
Yusuke asks Kuwabara which way he thinks they should go. Kuwabara stares at the doors, and thinks he can sense some strong demon energy behind one of them. He says it's the third door on the left, and Yusuke tells everyone to go. Hiei asks if this is really alright, but Kuwabara opens the door and says he has a knack for getting through Sarayashiki Amusement Park's giant maze. And besides that, he can sense a staggering amount of demon energy behind this door.
And behind the door is... a mouse. This is enough to make Kuwabara stagger back and fall over in fear, leading to Yusuke says that Kuwabara is just never suited to being serious.
Elsewhere in the castle, Suzaku says the group have done quite well to locate that doorway. It seems they have someone among them who has a strong spiritual sensitivity, and now they are heading their way -and there are only two of them left. The other Saint Beast, Seiryu, tells Suzaku not to worry. The previous two were only opening acts, and he is going to kill them all. He walks off and tells Suzaku that the two of them will be able to advance into the Human Realm.
In the Human Realm, more of the Makaichu take over the minds of humans. Botan is still trying to fight them off and stops any she comes across, but soon their numbers are too much. She reports to Koenma about what is happening, and states that if they don't destroy the bug flute soon, all of Tokyo will be destroyed.
Koenma says all they can do is wait for Yusuke and the others to defeat the Four Saint Beasts. He tells Botan to continue destroying the Makaichu. Back in the castle, the team come across a large door, which has statues of dragons next to it. Hiei thinks it's such an ostentatious door.
Kurama thinks this must be Seiryu's room, as the spirit energy flowing out of there is even stronger than what they've seen up until now. Kuwabara says he's feeling a chill from it, but then the doors open up. The team head inside, and the doors close behind them. Kurama says this demon energy is incredible, and Hiei thinks that Seiryu must have so much surplus energy, it's flowing out of him.
Seiryu's voice calls out to them, saying that their defiance has greatly upset Lord Suzaku. But this will be as far as their misconduct goes. Yusuke shouts back and asks if he's playing hide and seek, and tells him to stop acting so important and get out here already. Seiryu says nothing, but there is then a large blast of energy, and when it clears...
Seiryu asks them that if they are going to turn back, now is the time. They see how big he is, and Yusuke says not only does this guy have a large frame, but he has a large attitude as well. Seiryu tells them that it seems that, no matter what, they want to die miserably. But he then says it seems they have an uninvited guest. Everyone then hears the sound of something being dragged, and Hiei says it's coming from behind them.
The doors open, revealing a heavily injured Byakko behind them. He asks for help, and begs Seiryu to share some of his demon energy with him. He will return it once he has recovered from his injuries.
Seiryu calls him an idiot, and can't believe he's come back after disgracing himself. He no longer has any expectations of him, and considers him to be an eyesore. He goes into a stance, and whilst Byakko begs him to stop, Seiryu ignores him. He uses a technique called matou touryu ken (demon fighting frozen spirit fist), which completely freezes Byakko.
He then leaps up and hits Byakko with a jump kick, which completely shatters his body. Only Byakko's head is left. Seiryu tells the team that they must not have been able to see what his attack did.
He explains that he hammered Byakko with an icy force near absolute zero 100 times in an instant. Despite losing his body, Byakko is still alive, and asks why Seiryu did this.
Seiryu tells him that he has no use for the weak, and a beaten dog with no employability is nothing but scum. He spits on his head, and Byakko finally dies seconds later.
Kurama says the Four Saint Beats have no sense of fellowship, their desire to rule and their appetites are everything to them. Kuwabara says he fought Byakko moments a go, but now he has this strange feeling. He wants to defeat Seiryu on behalf of Byakko now. Yusuke says he's disgusted with Seiryu's actions and intends to kill him himself, but Hiei asks him to wait. He tells Yusuke to hold onto his anger, as he'll need it to defeat Suzaku. He then steps forward and challenges Seiryu.
Hiei removes his cloak and throws it over Byakko's head. Seiryu laughs at this gesture, asking him what that was for -is he really being moved by such foolish emotions? Given Hiei's atrocious ways, he considers him to be the same sort of being that the Saints Beasts are. As the others watch, Kurama says this is the first time he's seen Hiei like this. Before, Hiei probably would have done the same thing as Seiryu.
But now, it looks like Hiei is displeased with Seiryu's actions. The fighting spirit which has appeared around Hiei's body now, is stronger than any he's felt before. Seiryu tells Hiei there is still a chance for him to throw himself down to the ground and bow before him. If he does, he can then become one of their allies. Hiei asks him if that's all he's got to say -as he'll be the one who gets thrown to the ground. Seiryu says the smell of the weak is what he hates the most.
He discharges a load of icy energy, but Hiei's fighting spirit protects him, sending the ice blast into the walls. Seiryu tells him he'll smash him to pieces, and uses the frozen spirit fist technique again.
Hiei leaps over the attack, landing behind Seiryu. Seiryu turns around and says he had forgotten that speed was one of Hiei's merits. But how long can he continue this? He uses the frozen spirit fist again, repeatedly, as Hiei jumps around to avoid it.
This leads to almost the entire room getting frozen. Kuwabara says it's not just the room, they'll be turned to ice too! Kurama then says this is bad -as they see that one of Hiei's legs has been hit, and is now frozen. He lands, but Kurama tells the others that Hiei has now lost his means of escape. Seiryu asks Hiei if he's going to apologize now, but it's too late. His destiny can't be changed.
He prepares to use the frozen spirit fist again, but as he does it, Hiei thrusts his sword into the ground, using it to catapult himself right towards Seiryu.
The two clash, and exchange attacks in an instant. Hiei's arm and other leg get frozen, as he lands back on the ground. Seiryu tells him he was lucky to escape, but the next time will be his last.
But Hiei just laughs. Seiryu asks him what's so funny, and Hiei says the level of power he has to control the ice won't work on him. The ice around his frozen limbs suddenly shatters. Seiryu wonders how this can be, and prepares to attack once again, but then blood leaks out of his forehead. Hiei tells him there will be no "once again", just as Seiryu's head splits.
Seiryu staggers back, as multiple slices appear on his body. Seconds later, he explodes into nothing. Kuwabara wonders when Hiei even had the chance to cut him, and Kurama says after the first stroke, he didn't see how many times he sliced him.
The room returns to normal, as Yusuke tells Hiei that he's overwhelmingly strong. Kurama asks Hiei how many times did he slice Seiryu, and Hiei says it was 16 times. When the two clashed, his incredible speed let him hit Seiryu that many times in less than a second.
Seiryu didn't even realize what had happened. Yusuke says he was only able to count 15 slices, whilst Kurama says he couldn't see anything but the flashing lines streaking about. Kuwabara says once he realized what had happened, Seiryu was already in pieces. Yusuke admits that if he and Hiei fought now, he might just end up beating him! Hiei says perhaps, and then walks off.
Kuwabara was certain Hiei would have said "of course I would", and Kurama says he's been changing ever since they got here. He thinks that, little by little, Yusuke is influencing him. Hiei picks his cloak back up, and Byakko's head lights up green before vanishing. Elsewhere in the castle, Suzaku calls the other Saint Beasts fools, and declares he will bury Yusuke and his team with his own hands.
Just then, Murugu appears. She says that it would appear the other three Saint Beasts have been beaten. He tells her to cut the chatter, and asks her if she found out anything about Yusuke Urameshi. She says she has learnt something most interesting, and tells him to come over and look at the state of the Human Realm. A giant monitor turns on, and she says she has found Yusuke's fatal weakness: Keiko!
She says this girl is Yusuke's Achilles' heel. Suzaku decides to make the humans controlled by the Makaichu gather around the school, and intends to offer up the wine of Keiko's freshly spilled blood as a prelude to the slaughter. He'll show Keiko's corpse to Yusuke, as a prelude to the slaughter. On Earth, Botan is now being chased by several Makaichu-possessed humans, so she reports to Koenma.
She says the people are starting to gang together, and can no longer be controlled. Koenma tells her there's nothing they can do for now and tells her to get out of there, as she's now in danger as well. She trips and as she gets up, she realizes that she's totally surrounded. She tells Koenma she can't make it back, but then suddenly her pursuers all stop, and walk off.
Botan wonders what just happened, and then sees Yusuke's school nearby. At the school, Iwamoto asks Keiko what she's still doing here. He tells her that the standardized trial exam is coming up soon, so she should hurry on home and study for it. It's possible she could make the best 10. She tells him she will once she's tidied up the student council materials. He then asks her what happened to Urameshi, as he's skipped school again for several days now. Keiko says she doesn't know, but Iwamoto tells her she should cut all ties with Urameshi, it's what's best for her.
As he walks off, one of the Makaichu bugs crawls into his ear. Keiko is in the student council room when Iwamoto suddenly enters. She asks him if there was something else, but then notices his appearance.
He growls that he thought he told her to hurry home and study. He then lunges at her with a punch, but she gets out of the way in time, leading to him shattering a window instead. She runs out of the school.
But several people are at the school gate, one of which says her name. She runs off and they chase after her. Suzaku continues to play the bug flute, as Keiko wonders what is happening -those people clearly weren't normal! She rounds a corner, only to find Iwamoto waiting for her.
In the castle, Kuwabara suddenly stops and says he just had a strange feeling, and is worried about the situation in the city. He hopes nothing has happened. Kurama says there's no way of telling how much time has passed here in the Demon City, whilst Hiei says they must go -there's only one enemy left. The team continues to run, as Yusuke hopes nothing has happened to Keiko.
Those who are under the control of the Makaichu are after Keiko. With his confrontation with Suzaku at hand, will Yusuke indeed be able to overcome this crisis?
(Koenma is speaking)
Yusuke, hurry! If you're not quick, Keiko's life will be in danger! However, Suzaku there, the last one remaining, is the very leader of the Demon City! I can't even guess at what terrible techniques he will use! In any case, all we can do is have you do your best! We're counting on you! Next time: The Last of the Four Saint Beasts, Suzaku! I didn't bring you back to life for nothing!