In order to defeat the Four Saint Beasts, who plan to invade the Human Realm, Yusuke, along with Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama, have stormed his way into the Demon City. There, thanks to the handiwork of Kurama, one of the Four Saint Beasts, Genbu, was defeated. However, the next of the Four Saint Beasts, Byakko, has absorbed the spirit energy of Kuwabara, whom he faces, and has shown him overwhelming strength.

Byakko's Hellish Roar

Kuwabara wonders what the hell is going on, as Byakko towers over him. Kurama says he's got it, and says to look at Kuwabara's sword. The spirit sword has shrunk.

Byakko says it looks like they've realized it: the spirit sword is only giving him more energy. He asks Kuwabara what he's going to do -will he throw away the sword and fight bare handed? Kuwabara puts more energy into his spirit sword, and charges towards Byakko. Byakko also charges, but Kuwabara thrusts his spirit sword straight into Byakko's mouth.

Yusuke thinks Kuwabara has done it, but Kurama says it won't work. They watch as Byakko absorbs all of the energy from the spirit sword.

The spirit sword disappears, and Kuwabara falls. Byakko tells him he has more spirit energy than he thought someone like him would have, as it's sitting a bit heavy in his stomach. Kuwabara says he's not done yet, and manages to summon his sword once more -but now it's only the size of a dagger.

He tells Byakko to come and get it, but Byakko thinks he has a smart mouth for someone who can't even fully stand up. He gives Kuwabara a kick, sending him rolling across the arena. Byakko considers this good exercise after his meal, and once he's worked this off, he intends to devour Kuwabara.

Yusuke thinks that Kuwabara is really going to get killed now that he's out of spirit energy, but Kurama says there is still a way. He says that Byakko hasn't grown in size like he did before, and if Kuwabara can just catch onto that... Hiei says he's not sure Kuwabara can do it. The only way left is a suicidal act, and if Kuwabara fails, his life will be gone.

In the Spirit Realm, Koenma and Jorge are watching, and Koenma thinks that having Kuwabara face the four Saint Beasts was too much for him after all. Jorge worries that if Byakko can draw in spirit energy, it will mean that Yusuke's spirit gun won't be any match for him either. Koenma thinks that Kurama has just got done fighting and has no strength left, whilst Hiei and that nature of his means he won't cooperate, but he then sees what's happening at the castle.

Byakko picks Kuwabara up and tells him he'll kill him a little bit at a time. He starts things off by punching him, and then asks him what happened to that spirit he had earlier -has he already lost hope? As Kuwabara watches him, he thinks about how strange it is that Byakko ate all that spirit energy, but his body only expanded sideways. He thinks about it and decides there's no time to be indecisive, as this is the only thing he can count on now.

Byakko asks him what he's mumbling about, and then tells him his time's up -he'll put him to rest now! He goes to strike him, but Kuwabara manages to summon his spirit sword to the full size. Byakko manages to grab it, but Kuwabara says he'll summon all the spirit energy he has for this. He swings away from Byakko and then charges towards him.

He yells that he'll give Byakko all the spirit energy has has, and stabs him with the spirit sword. But the exact same thing happens again -Byakko takes all of the spirit energy for himself, and is not harmed at all by the attack. Kuwabara once again collapses.

Byakko thinks that Kuwabara must have lost his mind to give him all that energy, but then wants to soften Kuwabara up, to make him easier to eat. Yusuke is about to step in, but Kurama tells him to wait -he's noticed something strange with Byakko's body. Byakko suddenly stumbles back, shaking.

Kuwabara says it's just as he thought. Byakko continues to shake, as Kuwabara tells him that overeating is bad for you -especially when it's the spirit energy of an unusual human as himself!

Byakko's body begins to crackle and rupture, and then he explodes. Part of the arena is destroyed, as he falls down off the castle.

Yusuke tells Kuwabara that he did it, whilst Kurama says that the amount of spirit energy Kuwabara put out was a little more than what Byakko's body could tolerate. Yusuke thinks it's the worst case of food poisoning in history, and starts laughing. But Kuwabara says it's nothing to laugh about, as he came really close to dying! He tries to absorb back some of the spirit energy that Byakko discharged, as Kurama asks him if he's alright. He says he will be, once he's rested up a bit.

Yusuke says that two of the Saint Beasts have been taken care of, so they've done pretty well. Botan then contacts him and asks him what the situation is -has he gotten through at least three of the Four Saint Beasts yet? He tells her these opponents aren't that easy to take care of. She tells him the damage is starting to spread through the city. At the moment, anyone who's getting unruly is getting subdued, so it's not that big of an incident yet. But by now she thinks a good number of the Makaichu will have been hosted by those who have shady hearts. She sees that another one who's been hosted is coming at her.

She sprays him with pesticide and then roundhouse kicks him in the head. She tells Yusuke she'll see him later, as things are getting busy here.

Kuwabara is suddenly up and about again after seeing Botan, but Yusuke tells him to cut it out -she's ended the call, and besides, is this something a person who was nearly dead moments ago should be doing? Suddenly the whole arena begins to shake, as they hear Byakko's roar. They can't believe it, but Byakko is still alive. They hurry over to the other side...

...just as the arena collapses. They then hear Byakko's voice, who tells them he's impressed that Kuwabara would come at him at the risk of his own life. As a show of respect, he will direct them to his room -his room of hell, that is. He laughs and asks them what they're going to do.

Kuwabara says very well -he'll go anywhere! Some doors open, revealing a cavern behind them. Yusuke says it's hot, and the temperature around them has suddenly increased. Kuwabara wonders where Byakko has gone, but Yusuke tells them all to keep going.

They head through the cavern and arrive in a large room. Throughout the room there are several platforms on pillars, whilst the ground is a pool of yellow liquid. Kuwabara decides to do a little test, and rips off part of his jacket. He drops it down...

...and it burns up before it even hits the liquid, confirming what they all thought: it's some sort of sulphuric acid. Kuwabara realizes if they were to fall here, they wouldn't stand a chance. Byakko appears and asks them what they think of the nice view. He says this is his play room, as the group realizes he's still alive, and apparently unharmed from his fall.

He says the below acid will dissolve even their bones if they fall into it. But he tells them to start with whoever has the most guts, and tells them to come on down and fight. Yusuke is going to go when Kuwabara stops him, saying that he thought he was Byakko's opponent. Byakko laughs and says he doesn't care who it is. All it does it change the order in which they die, after all.

Kuwabara tells him to shut his condescending mouth, and vows that he'll make it so he can't haunt anyone ever again. Hiei tells him not to overexert himself, as he's done well. But if he leaves the rest to Yusuke and recovers some of his strength, he can help fight later. Kuwabara tells him not to joke around, as this is a one on one fight, not a baseball game. It's not like he's going to leave everything up to any ace reliever and go sit on the bench drinking tea! Hiei thinks he's a truly unreasonable creature.

Yusuke says that now Kuwabara has said that, not even a lever could budge him, whilst Kurama thinks that Kuwabara would make a good match of stubbornness against Yusuke. Byakko asks Kuwabara if he's lost his nerve, but Kuwabara tells him to shut up, as he's coming now. He jumps down, but part of the platform he lands on crumbles straight away.

He just manages to grab on and save himself, and thinks how close that was -he almost died before the fight even started! Yusuke asks him if they should trade places, but Kuwabara tells him to shut up -this was all just part of an act! He decides it's too hot in here, and removes his jacket.

He summons is spirit sword, and tells Byakko that this time, he'll put him away for good. Byakko laughs and says he'll show him his greatest secret technique. He makes a long, loud roar, and then gathers energy in his mouth, before firing it out:


(Screaming Tiger Demolishing Wave)

Kuwabara isn't concerned at all with this attack, and gets ready to hit it with his spirit sword. But Kurama yells out for him not to touch it. Kuwabara decides to listen to him, and jumps out of the way, just before the projectile hits the platform he was just on.

The platform is totally obliterated, as Byakko says his howl turns anything it touches into dust! Hiei says he's heard of a demon who could create spheres within himself that could destroy molecules, but did not realize the demon was Byakko. Yusuke asks if Kuwabara can't even hit it with his spirit sword, and Hiei says no -if one of them hits him, it's all over. The only thing you can do against this technique is run.

In the Spirit Realm, Koenma says who would have thought Byakko was a user of this technique. Jorge asks him if there's anything he can do, but Koenma says the only thing he can do is pray to God and wait for a miracle. Byakko tells Kuwabara that there's nothing he can do, and then starts using the technique again. Several platforms are destroyed, as Kuwabara makes his way toward his opponent.

But Byakko then reveals another move, and creates some small projectiles which he throws at Kuwabara. Kuwabara gets hit by them...

...but they don't do much damage other than break apart some of his bandages. Byakko asks him if he dropped his guard, or did he have no time to avoid them? Kuwabara tells him he's giving him a handicap, but Byakko says that for someone with as big a mouth as he has, he's looking awfully undignified. What does he think he can do in such a ragged condition? Kuwabara says he won't be satisfied until he's used his own hands to pound him, no matter what.

Byakko tells him to take a good look around. He wasn't destroying the platforms at random, he was destroying them to not give Kuwabara any way to retreat. The only thing he can do now is come at him, and the only way he can do that is by using the one remaining platform in front of him. But if he destroys that platform, he won't have any way of moving forward. Byakko then does just that.

Byakko says he was too slow, and asks him if he's now too afraid to say anything. Kurama asks Hiei if they should go, and Hiei says they don't have a choice. But Kuwabara tells them that this is his fight, and if they try to help him out, he'll curse them for the rest of his life! Yusuke can't believe he's saying things like that at this point, whilst Kurama thinks it may mean that Kuwabara has a plan. Hiei doesn't think there's a chance of that though.

Kuwabara laughs and tells Byakko that nothing will interfere with them now, so they can have some fun. Byakko tells him to have fun in hell, and unleashes one last projectile straight at him.

Yusuke and the others can only watch in horror as the projectile hits the platform, a second before Kuwabara leaps off it. The platform is destroyed, and Kuwabara is heading towards his opponent...

....but it's clear he's not going to make it! He starts to summon his spirit sword, whilst Byakko laughs, telling him it's such a shame -he only had another five meters to get to him!

But Kuwabara extends his spirit sword to hit a chunk of rock below, and uses it to pole vault his way right over to Byakko. Byakko can't react in time, as Kuwabara punches him in the face.

Both fighters fall off the platform, and hit the acid below. Yusuke and the others see that there's nothing left of either fighters.

Yusuke falls to his knees and calls Kuwabara an idiot -nothing will come of you once you're dead! But they then hear Kuwabara calling out to them -he's still alive! His bandages have snagged on the platform, meaning he didn't fall into the acid. He begs them to hurry and help him, as his wrappings are starting to tear!

Hiei thinks Kuwabara is a stubborn one. In the Spirit Realm, Koenma sees that Kuwabara survived, and says that he sure scared him. Two of the Saint Beasts may have ben defeated, but they can't rest now, and says he's counting on Yusuke.

Yusuke tells Kuwabara that he gave them all a scare, as they all thought he was dead. Kuwabara tells them he thought he was dead too. Hiei thinks that as Kuwabara has cheated death once, the next time he fights, he can use the same method to defeat another Saint Beast.

Kuwabara tells him he's got to be kidding -do they think he could pull a frightening stunt like that off again?! But it doesn't matter, so they should just hurry and pull him up! Yusuke reminds him that he told them not to help him, and Kurama says that's right, so they can't help him out. Kuwabara calls them morons -that was earlier! Yusuke says there are only two of the Saint Beasts left, so their turn to fight is next. As Yusuke jokes about hurrying on ahead, Kuwabara says this isn't funny, and begs for them to help him back up.


(Yusuke is speaking)

Damn it, if we don't hurry, I'm concerned for what will happen in the city! But every time we defeat one of the Four Saint Beasts, a stronger one appears! Everything that is hit by Seiryu's wintry fist gets ice stuck to it! Hiei's spirit energy has changed -he's gotten seriously angry! Next time: Hiei Comes Forward to Battle! A Slashing Sword. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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