Koto comments that all four rounds in the C block have already been completed, but the third match of the third round has yet to reach a decision in the D block. The D block match has Mukuro fighting Natsume, but Koto says that Mukuro is having a surprisingly difficult time against her opponent.

In the A block, match three of the fourth round has also yet to be decided, and the fight is really drawn out. Koto says that the fight between Shu and Souketsu has already lasted for several hours. She thinks that if the two continue to expend their power in this manner, there's no way of telling which one of them will reach the end of the tournament. Finally, in B block, the fourth round is about to get underway: Yusuke Urameshi versus Yomi. Yusuke arrives at the ring.

My Power:
This is My All!

Koto says that Yusuke is the proponent of this tournament, and is the man who carries the blood of Raizen. As Yomi arrives, she says that he's one of the Demon Realm's three great powers. The crowd are split on who to root for, but obviously Shura chants his father's name.

Jorge loudly shouts Urameshi's name, but Koenma tells him to be quiet. Koto then tells the two to start the fight. Yusuke thinks that Yomi is in a whole other league, and no matter what, his own strength is only about the same as Shura's. This means the difference between himself and Yomi is the same as between a child and an adult. Which means that any cheap tricks will be useless.

Yusuke summons up his demon energy, which surrounds him and expands across the ring. Koenma says Yusuke probably isn't the same as the Yusuke they all knew. As Yusuke's demon energy is about to hit Yomi, Yomi releases his own energy, pushing Yusuke back.

As this is happening, Mukuro, Natsume, Shu and Souketsu all stop fighting, having noticed the incredible column of demon energy coming from the B block ring.

Mukuro suggests to Natsume that they stop playing around, which Natsume is fine with. Souketsu tells Shu that Raizen's boy isn't your average kid after all, now that they've felt his demon energy. Souketsu tells Shu he can't help but get even more fired up, and Shu says it has been a good 1,008 years since they've fought like they meant it. Souketsu tells him to come at him like he means business.

Shu tells him he meant to say this a while ago -that hat he wears doesn't suit him at all. As the two resume fighting, their demon energy shoots upwards...

...and over on the D block arena, the exact same thing happens there, as Natsume and Mukuro also throw out all of their demon energy.

Koto comments that it is as if the D and A block fighters are resonating with B block's unleashed demon energy. Yomi's energy is so strong that Yusuke is pushed back to the very edge of the ring. Kurama says that Yusuke is being forced back.

However, Yomi suddenly stops. Toya wonders why he stopped, as if he had kept pushing Yusuke, he could have landed the first strike. Yomi goes into a stance.

Kurama says that to go directly at Yomi is too reckless, but Yusuke charges forward. He gets right up to Yomi, and does a punch...

...which hits Yomi in the face. Yomi is sent flying up into the air, and then crashes back onto the ring. Yusuke is surprised he was able to hit him, as are most of the audience. Koto comments that Yomi has been downed.

Some of the demons think Yomi has been defeated with one punch, but Shura says that's not true. He asks his father what is he doing, as he's sure he could have dodged that punch. Yusuke realizes something, and tells Yomi to stop joking around -if he lets him hit him one more time, he'll kick him in the nuts! Yomi laughs and gets up. He says that, somehow, when fighting against him, his pacing is thrown off. Yusuke has let him discover a new facet of himself.

He says that's the first time he's ever wanted to try taking a punch head-on. Yusuke warns him that before long, he won't be able to give it up. Yomi laughs and says it doesn't sound like he's kidding. He rips the sleeves off his shirt, and says they should have at it. The two run towards each other, but Yomi suddenly vanishes.

He appears behind Yusuke, and throws out multiple green energy blasts, which strike Yusuke over and over. As he gets hit, Yusuke thinks Yomi really is on a whole different level.

Yomi throws out a larger projectile, which hits Yusuke and smashes him into the ring. As Yusuke lies there, he thinks something is wrong -his strength is failing him. It feels like the weight of his whole body has just slipped away from him.

Kurama and the others wonder what just happened, as Yusuke isn't get back up. Jin says that Yomi's amazing demon energy barrage may have been too much for Yusuke to take. Yomi walks over and asks Yusuke what's wrong -is he the one now playing a prank? He picks Yusuke up by the head, and asks him what he's trying to do -is he really through after taking just that attack? Yusuke wonders what he is fighting for. Yomi is outraged and tells Yusuke not to toy with him, before punching him in the face.

He starts hitting Yusuke over and over, telling him he was the one who proposed this tournament. Koto comments that this has turned into an unusual match, but thinks there's something about Urameshi that's strange. As Yomi stops, he asks Yusuke if he's decided to fight him now. Yusuke says that, for some reason, he's suddenly exhausted.

Yomi creates a large projectile, and uses it to blast Yusuke up into the sky. He then jumps up and says he's thrown everything else away, now all he thinks about is fighting. And it's Yusuke who made him do this.

As he starts pummeling Yusuke, Yusuke thinks about that up to now, he's always gone on fighting like this. He thinks about Toguro and Sensui, and how their purpose in fighting was to find someone who would defeat them. Yusuke questions what his own purpose in fighting is, and if he's doing it just to be defeated by someone, too. A voice then calls him pretty pathetic -as Yusuke realizes he can hear his father. Raizen tells him he's forgotten something -the reason he has come this far, to the point of leaving behind his woman in the Human Realm.

Yusuke thinks back to how he wasn't himself when he defeated Sensui, and how that didn't sit well with him. He then remembers telling Keiko he'd be back in three years, and she told him there was no telling what would happen in that time. Raizen then reminds Yusuke that he has his blood flowing through him. Yusuke thinks he can't go home until he settles this.

As Yomi strikes him yet again, Yusuke hits back, punching his opponent in the face. Yomi gets sent back down onto the ring.

Yusuke also lands, as the markings on his body return. Koto comments that this is a surprise, as Yomi's one-sided assault has been turned around. Urameshi has landed a counter strike, as evidence of his demonkin heritage has now surfaced across his body. Yusuke tells Yomi that he's gone and made the blood of Raizen awaken inside him.

Yomi says he's honored, as from the outset, it wasn't Yusuke he wanted to defeat, it was Raizen! Yusuke warns him he'll regret this, as he gets more and more powerful as he fights. Yomi tells him he was hoping for that. The two run towards each other, but this time Yusuke is the one who suddenly vanishes. He reappears at Yomi's side, and has his spirit gun ready.

He fires a powerful blast, which hits Yomi and creates a large explosion. Koto says that was Urameshi's spirit gun, although as he shot demon energy, she thinks she should call it the demon gun now. However, as the smoke clears up, Yomi reveals he didn't actually get hit.

Yomi had protected himself with his force wall technique. He tells Yusuke that he thought he'd been watching his fight with Shura -his defense is flawless. Yusuke prepares to fires another shot at him, but Yomi says it won't work. Yusuke tells him to shut up, and fires anyway. He starts firing shot after shot, but the projectiles fail to break through Yomi's barrier.

Kurama says that no matter how powerful Yusuke is, against Yomi, those level of demon energy blasts won't do any good. Yusuke keeps firing, and one of the shots somehow grazes Yomi's face.

There's something different about the blasts Yusuke is now firing, as more and more of them are able to graze Yomi. As Yomi wonders how this is happening, Kurama has figured it out: Yusuke's blasts are now spirit energy mixed with demon energy.

Koenma says only Yusuke could do something like this. As Yusuke continues firing, the markings on his body vanish. His blasts start changing to pure spirit energy.

As Yomi's wall breaks, Yusuke then fires a massive spirit gun shot, which hits Yomi and causes a massive explosion.

As the smoke clears up, both Yusuke and Yomi have survived. Koto comments that, amazingly, both contestants are alive and well.

Yusuke apologizes for taking up Yomi's time before. Yomi tells him that must have been his true power just now. It's just possible that he may not be able to put him out of his misery. Yusuke says he's starting to get the same feeling. Yomi tells him not to get too full of himself, as he was just having some fun with him before. The two resume their fight.

Scraping each other's life force away, Yusuke and Yomi continue their fight. What will these two see at the conclusion of their death battle?


(Yusuke is speaking)

I hit you, and I hit you, and yet you won't go down! Damn! You mean to tell me that this is the true power of the man whose goal is to stand at the head of the Demon Realm?! Still, as long as you press your attack, I'll be sure to hit you back! There's no way I'm going to lose now! Next time: Concluded! The End of the Conflict. Yaaaaaagh!!

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