Yusuke Urameshi has entered master Genkai's successor of secrets tournament. In the quarterfinals, Kazemaru, Shorin and Kuwabara have won. With the martial artists Kibano as his opponent, Yusuke finds himself engaged in an unexpectedly hard-fought battle in the darkness! Does Yusuke have a chance for victory?

Yusuke's Hard Battle!
A Bruised and Bloody Counterattack!!

Everyone hears the sound of someone hitting the floor, and Botan wonders if Yusuke has been done in. But Yusuke is still alive, as Kibano asks him if he's finished.

In the Spirit Realm, Koenma is watching and wonders what Yusuke is doing -he needs to get up and fight back! Yusuke does manage to get back up, and says it's not over yet.

Kibano is surprised at Yusuke's reflexes and toughness, but it appears he's at his end. The fighting energy he sensed from him earlier has decreased significantly. Botan thinks it's impossible for Yusuke to win now, and Kuwabara yells at him to not let Kibano get the better of him. Genkai tells them it's strange -the more Yusuke is pushed, the more his spirit energy swells with power. Meanwhile Yusuke is thinking about once Kibano starts his attack, he can't avoid it even if he could see him. He tries to think of a way to figure out where his opponent is.

Suddenly Kibano lunges out of the dark, and hits Yusuke in the face. But Yusuke is able to get him by grabbing his arm.

He tells Kibano he's going to break his arm, and attempts to do so. But Kibano tells him that whilst that's a pretty good idea, he's a man who's mastered all forms of combat -throwing techniques are one of his specialties! He picks up Yusuke and starts swinging him around, before letting go.


(Decapitating Throwing Whirlwind Strike)

Yusuke bounces off the ground and smacks into a wall, before dropping to the ground. Kuwabara thinks there is nothing Yusuke can do to win against this guy, but Botan thinks the only chance he has now is his spirit gun. But he can only do one shot per day, and without knowing where his opponent is, there's no way he can use it. Genkai warns Yusuke that unless he's extremely prepared, he won't be able to fight his way out of this life-threatening pinch!

Kibano stands over Yusuke and asks him if he's decided to give up. He reminds him that by cutting off his own sensory organs, he's more able to keenly seek where his opponent is. As he opens up a panel covering one of his ears, he tells him that if all he does is rely on his eyes and ears, it'll be impossible for him to win. Yusuke gets up and says he'll be the one who wins here. He tells Kibano that if he attacks again, he'll be finished.

Kibano thinks that it is taking Yusuke everything just to stand now, and it's not likely he has any power left to attack. He tells him that he's fought enough, and he should be satisfied. But Yusuke asks him if he's scared, because if he is, he'll take it from here. Kibano closes the panel and uses his spirit energy technique to enlarge the muscles in one of his arms.

As Kibano charges, Yusuke gets his spirit gun ready. Kibano leaps up and is about to strike him, and asks him where is he looking? But Yusuke turns around, looking right at him, and fires his spirit gun.

The blast hits Kibano in the head, destroying his helmet and flooring him. Kibano weakly asks Yusuke how he knew where his exact location was. Yusuke tells him to look at his stomach. There, tucked behind his belt, is a lit cigarette. Yusuke says it's the cigarette that Genkai tossed at him earlier.

Yusuke explains that during the fight, he happened to see it on the ground, and picked it up. He then placed it onto him when he used his throw. And then when he charged, he used it as a marker for where he needed to shoot at. Kibano says how grievous that was before passing out. Genkai calls out that Yusuke is the winner!

Yusuke walks back out and tells his friends that that was close. Kuwabara says he's quite crafty, but asks about that spirit gun thing he just used. Yusuke says it's like his spirit energy sword, but Kuwabara thinks about how he got a sword, whilst Yusuke gets a firearm... that's a bit unfair! Botan says it's because Yusuke is a Spirit Realm detective, after all! Genkai then announces that they will now begin the semifinals, and the first match will be Kazemaru against Urameshi.

Yusuke objects, as he's only just got done with his previous fight. Genkai says this was decided by the lots they drew, and this is his destiny. Kuwabara thinks Yusuke is unlucky, but all Yusuke wants to know is if they will be fighting in the dark again. Genkai says no -for the semifinals, they're going to change locations. She opens up the doors.

She leads everyone up a hill. Yusuke tells Botan that he can't use his spirit gun again, and he's battered. He's going to have to fight under the worst of conditions. Botan tells him that his next opponent may be Rando. Yusuke realizes she's right, as other than himself and Kuwabara, there are only two other guys left. In other words, either Shorin or Kazemaru are Rando!

Genkai says they're here. They've arrived at a marshland, and she says it's the site of an ancient battlefield. Many soldiers met tragic deaths here, and troubled spirits wander around here as if they were piled up on top of each other.

Kuwabara staggers back and says he can see things he doesn't want to see even more clearly than before, why did he even come here?! Genkai tells them that this place has the strongest spiritual power of anywhere on this mountain. It's the place most suitable for them to make use of their spiritual powers whilst fighting. Kazemaru says he can feel the power rapidly permeating within him.

Botan asks if Yusuke can feel anything, and he tries to gather spirit energy into his finger. But he says it's no use -whilst he can feel his power returning, there's not enough spirit energy left for him to use his spirit gun. He worries that if his opponent is Rando, and he hasn't shown his true powers yet, there's no way he's going to be able to beat him! He and Kazemaru then square off, as Genkai tells them to begin. Kazemaru tells Yusuke that for him to have to fight continuously, he really is an unlucky guy, and sympathizes with him. But in the world of these matches, catching breaks and having luck are essential.

As Koenma watches, he says no matter how you look at it, Yusuke is at a disadvantage for this fight. An ogre then brings a phone over and says he has a call for him, but Koenma says this isn't the time. He takes the phone and pretends to be an answering machine, and tells the caller to leave a message. But the caller is his father, who starts to yell at him.

Koenma nearly drops the phone, but his father hangs up on him. He tries to put the blame on the ogre who passed him the phone, but then gets told to keep it down as the fight has begun. Koenma looks at the screen in horror...

...as he sees Yusuke getting hit by lots of punches. Yusuke gets kicked and knocked down, as Kazemaru tells him he's surprised to find someone else who can shoot spirit energy. But it appears he doesn't have enough power left to do that. Yusuke thinks his only chance is to counter with one blow. Kazemaru says it will be enough for him to defeat him with his bare hands, and he charges. Yusuke gets ready, but then his foot begins to sink into the marshland.

This distraction lets Kazemaru get right up to Yusuke, as he starts to batter him with strikes. Kuwabara thinks Yusuke is nothing more than a sandbag like this, as he doesn't have enough power left to fight back, or even duck. As Yusuke gets knocked down again, Kazemaru tells him he'll put him out of his misery.

Yusuke does have some fight left in him, as he ducks his opponent's strike. He hits back with a powerful punch, but Kazemaru is able to just about avoid it, as he flips back.

But he didn't quite avoid taking any damage, as his face was cut. Surprised that Yusuke had that much power left, he decides to not get careless by getting too close to him. He pulls out his secret weapon: a set of shuriken. He tells Yusuke they'll see if he can dodge these, and throws four of them at him.

Yusuke tells him not to play around, even in his condition he can dodge these. He does so and ask Kazemaru what's wrong -is the only thing he's going to do now is just stand there with his arms folded?

Kuwabara yells out that the shuriken are behind him. Yusuke has to leap out of the way as the shuriken narrowly avoid hitting him. Kazemaru explains that the shuriken respond to his spirit energy, and are drawn to it. In other words, until they hit their target, they'll pursue it.

Yusuke keeps avoiding the shuriken, but they keep coming back. He gets an idea when he sees a tree, and runs towards it. As the shuriken dive down, he leaps out of the way.

The shuriken strikes the tree, but as soon as they do, they detonate, causing a massive explosion. Kazemaru says the shuriken contain explosives which react on impact. Even if Yusuke avoids them with obstacles like he just did, he can't avoid taking their damage.

Genkai says it looks like this is the end for that kid, but Kuwabara tells her not to be absurd. As Koenma watches, he says this Kazemaru guy is pretty strong, and wonders if he's Rando. And if he is, how can Yusuke possibly defeat him now?

Yusuke thinks it's no use, if he takes another hit like that, he won't even be able to stand. Kazemaru throws out another set of shuriken, and Yusuke realizes there's no longer any chance for him to win. If Kazemaru is Rando, he wants to see this through and not allow himself to lose. He starts to run.

But he runs towards Kuwabara, who calls him an idiot -what is he coming this way for?! Yusuke tells him not to take it the wrong way...

...but he's leaving the rest to him. He then changes direction and heads straight towards Kazemaru. Botan and Kuwabara realize what he's going to do, as Genkai says Yusuke has seen he has no way to win -he's going to take Kazemaru out with him. Kuwabara yells out for him to stop, but Yusuke keeps going. Meanwhile Kazemaru sees what is happening, but gets his spirit energy blast ready.

He's about to use it when Yusuke suddenly vanishes. He thinks what his opponent just did is impossible, but then sees too late that his own shuriken are heading right towards him.

He has no choice but to destroy them with his spirit energy blast, but they're too close and he is caught in the explosion. He gets sent flying out and hits the ground.

Botan and Kuwabara rush out to try and find Yusuke, but they can't see him. Kuwabara asks if Yusuke learnt any techniques that could make him invisible, but Botan tells him no. But they then see a hand pop out of a small pond, as it turns out Yusuke has survived. He's pulled out and Kuwabara asks him why was he hiding at a time like this? Yusuke says he wasn't hiding, he fell in. Kuwabara asks him if what he did was something he wasn't counting on doing on. Yusuke asks him what he means.

Kuwabara points over to the defeated Kazemaru. Yusuke realizes that he's just won, as Genkai tells him that Kazemaru was surprised at him suddenly disappearing, and that threw off the timing of his energy blast. It was truly a chance victory, and it means that Yusuke has luck as an ally.

Kuwabara thinks Urameshi is one ridiculously tenacious man. Genkai declares Yusuke the winner, but Botan whispers to him that Kazemaru must not be Rando. He's lost consciousness, but she doesn't detect any spectral energy coming from him.

The only one left now is Shorin. Genkai says they will begin the second semifinal match now, as Kuwabara and Shorin stare at each other.

It is a tournament to decide the successor of secrets worthy of the abilities displayed. Already, Kibano, Kazemaru, Musashi, Kuroda and Chinpou have been removed, and only three remain. Is this Shorin really the fearsome demon Rando, who has already defeated 99 other spiritual practitioners? Now, the true identity of this man is about to make itself known!


(Yusuke is speaking)

The battle between Kuwabara and Shorin has begun! Is this Rando? If so, he's being overcome, isn't he? If that's Rando, this shouldn't be happening! Just what exactly is he up to? Woah, what kind of technique is that?! Look out! Get out of there, Kuwabara! Next time: Rando Appears! Kuwabara's Grievous Defeat. The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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