Hiei and Mukuro

Yu Yu Hakusho episode 109
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Hiei faces Mukuro.
Original Japanese broadcast date: November 26th, 1994


1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences
3) Notes


The next match of the tournament begins: Hiei versus Mukuro. Hiei draws his sword, as Mukuro asks him if he found his answer -he had said he had no purpose in life. Hiei says he no longer needs an answer, as it doesn't matter to him anymore. Mukuro asks him if that's really the case, and thinks that of all the consciousness that she has touched, his has been the most pleasant one so far. This time, she wants him to touch her consciousness. She thinks back to how she was abandoned soon after she was born, and was imprisoned at an early age, without knowing who she was. She escaped and survived, but couldn't get her shackles off. After that, her days of fighting began. She gathered up her hatred toward everything around her, and sacrificed anything necessary to continue fighting. Before she realized it, she had obtained some followers, and had become influential enough to oppose Raizen. Back in the present, Hiei then attacks her, using his sword.

She avoids all of his attacks and fires back with some energy projectiles, that Hiei cuts his way through. He leaves himself open, but Mukuro doesn't attack him. He asks her why she isn't using her full power. He believes she obtained her freedom by fighting, so it shouldn't bother her to take pride in that. He asks her if there's something she can't leave behind that keeps her from doing so. Mukuro tells him not to say that, but he says she's no longer under any curse. He thinks this is about the effeminate notions she has about herself, about being a woman. Mukuro responds by instantly getting behind him, and hitting him with a very powerful strike.

Hiei recovers and starts to summon flames from one of his arms, as Mukuro knows what he's about to use. She finds it ironic that Hiei, having been born in the Land of Glaciers, uses the demon energy of flame. Hiei says it's his curse from the beginning to have been born with a differently natured power. With a hatred which he can't do anything about sustaining him, he melts the ice with fire. Mukuro doesn't think it's hatred, and tells Hiei he never held any resentment from the start. The two fire energy beams at each other, which clash in the middle. Mukuro tells him that what he's harboring is an intense yearning for his homeland. As the two move closer to each other, eventually they stop their attacks. Hiei is worn out from it, but Mukuro isn't. However Hiei then starts fighting again, throwing out lots of punches. Mukuro blocks or avoids all of Hiei's attacks, and tells him that if he can't catch her with his two eyes, he'd better use his evil eye. She tells him that he may have originally had the evil eye to search for his hirui stone, but she believes there's something else that he must see with that eye. Hiei says nothing, but starts trying to kick her. As she avoids his kicks, she thinks Hiei must find himself. She then uses a technique that can split space itself, and Hiei doesn't have much room to run.

Hiei instead summons a black dragon wave, and unleashes it on Mukuro. Mukuro grabs it by the mouth and gets taken high up into the air, but after struggling for a few seconds, she uses her power to rip the dragon apart, splitting it down the middle. Her energy spirals down and hits Hiei, defeating him.

As she lands, she asks Hiei if he feels better now. She says that as someone who was born in the Land of Glaciers, that great technique was too hard on him -it was too much for his body to bear. She tells him he's lost, and he admits that he has. Mukuro tells Hiei to not say that defeating her has become his reason for living, as that would be too sad. Hiei tells her he won't fight her again. Mukuro then notices that the shackle on her wrist has cracked. Hiei tells her that all of her hatred is now in the past, and she shouldn't have need of it any longer. The shackle breaks and falls off, leaving Mukuro stunned. Hiei tells her it's too soon to leave everything behind, for both of them. Mukuro agrees, and as Hiei stumbles forward and falls, Mukuro catches him.

Manga differences

-In the manga, it is only mentioned that Mukuro defeated Hiei -the actual fight is not shown at all. This particular shot is in the manga, but is from a different story set after the tournament, which the anime doesn't adapt.

-Mukuro's past is also in the manga, but is not shown until a story set after the tournament, which the anime doesn't adapt. The anime does not mention that she was a sex slave from an early age, which is what's stated in the manga.

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