
Deszaras thinks that Leozack just brings him failure after failure. Leozack has a new plan, but Deszaras thinks it won't be a good one. Leozack says it is a wonderful plan, a powerful, great plan, a super, ultra, great, deluxe plan! Deszaras yells at him to stop babbling and to get on with it.

Leozack leaves, but thinks that Deszaras screaming all the time isn't going to help matters. He seems to be getting more hysterical every day. Leozack takes out his frustration on a statue of his leader, only to have it fall over on him.

Meanwhile the Cybertrons are on the look out for any Destron activity but come up with nothing, despite the Multiforce being out on patrol. Star Saber doesn't mind it being quiet though, as he's got to attend a conference on Planet V. The Rescue team clean up the V-Star, and he prepares to go. They will have to deal with any Destrons during his absence, but since Victory Leo is here, they shouldn't have any problems. Star Saber heads out.

Jean thinks that they will be bored since there are no signs of the enemy, but Blacker has some chores for them to do and gets him and the Rescue Team to clean up Shuttle Base. Jean and Holi are about to clean Galaxy Shuttle when they almost die thanks to them not being careful, but they then notice that it seems Star Saber is on his way back already.

Star Saber has postponed the conference and returned to Earth after intercepting a transmission from Deszaras, who told a Destron to enter Shuttle Base and plant bombs. They've got to find them before they explode! The Cybertrons move out, and Jean asks how they will contact the Supreme Commander. He says he'll be in his room, and then walks off...the wrong way! Jean points out this and Star Saber says he was just getting hasty. Outside, Holi tells Victory Leo about the situation.

Laster and Blacker find a small bomb which explodes before they can deactivate it. Victory Leo heads inside and finds Star Saber looking inside a computer. His sudden entrance makes Star Saber jump, and he gets electrocuted.

Victory Leo pulls him out and asks him what he was doing. He says that he was just looking for bombs, but he couldn't find any in there. He stumbles off to look in other places in the base.

As the others look for the bombs another one explodes in the command room, destroying it. The Cybertrons get there and all they can do is keep searching for the other bombs, although they have no idea where they could be in the base. Victory Leo then shows up and suddenly says that he thinks that the supreme commander may be a fake!

He and Blacker start to get into an argument over if the Star Saber here is the real one or not, but Jean asks them to stop. Jean is sure he isn't an imposter, because if he was, why would he warn them about the bombs? Another bomb then explodes, so some of them go and check it. Meanwhile Star Saber is looking in another room, when Jean and Holi find him. They mention the command room bomb, but he mentions about the unification manual. Holi knows about that, as it is in the important documents room. Star Saber tells them to check that room for bombs, so they head off.

But as they get to it they see the door lock has been smashed and the door itself is open! They head through this door, which leads to another room. The manual is behind another door which is thankfully still sealed.

Holi unlocks the door and sees that the manual is still there. He doesn't keep a hold of it for very long though as Star Saber walks into the room and takes it off him, saying that it would have been dangerous if the Destrons had stolen it. They then hear another large explosion go off behind them and run up to find a whole corridor on fire.

Star Saber grabs Jean and runs out through the flames to Victory Leo, as Holi calls on the rest of the Rescue Team to put out the fire. Outside the base, Victory Leo drops off Jean as Piupou sees to him, as he inhaled some smoke. As he does that Victory Leo transforms and says that there seem to have been a lot of explosions ever since Star Saber returned.

He doesn't get to take this any further though as the other Cybertrons arrive and suddenly Hellbat's voice can be heard. Hellbat says that the bombs that have gone off so far are a example of what's still to come, as there is an even larger bomb inside the base which he has the detonator for. The only way to stop him from blowing them all up is if Star Saber heads to the Incan ruins on his own. Star Saber says that he must go to stop the Destrons, but tells Victory Leo to follow him secretly, and they both head out. The other Cybertrons can only wait at the base and hope that Victory Leo can prevent Star Saber from being injured or even killed by the Destrons.

Star Saber arrives at the ruins and finds a group of Destrons waiting for him, and tells them that he came alone as promised. But they see right through it and Guyhawk blasts part of a structure, revealing Victory Leo.

Victory Leo then does something surprising as he transforms and grabs Star Saber! He tells the Destrons to shoot but they have stopped firing as he predicted. Blacker, Laster and Braver then arrive and can't believe what Victory Leo is doing, as Star Saber manages to break free and says that Victory Leo must be malfunctioning as he tried to kill him.

Star Saber orders them to restrain him, and the three Brainmasters aim their guns at Victory Leo. He tells them to stop wasting time and to even destroy him if he resists. But they then hear the sound of someone laughing.

In the distance, a second Star Saber has appeared! He says that it was very devious of the Destrons to impersonate him. The Star Saber on the ground says that he's no fake as he has the unification manual, but temple Star Saber says he'll show them the power of Victory Saber.

He and Victory Leo unite, and slash into the other other Star Saber. The other Star Saber breaks apart -he was really Leozack all along! Leozack can't quite believe it as he was seconds from seeing Victory Leo scrapped. He tries to grab the manual but is stopped by Victory Saber.

Leozack then unites with the others as they transform into Liokaiser, but even he cannot stand up to the power of Victory Saber. The two duel on the temple, but Victory Saber eventually destroys Liokaiser's weapon.

Liokaiser then backs off and runs into the temple. Victory Saber attempts to follow him, but the temple then collapses. The Cybertrons return to Shuttle Base, where everyone apologises to Victory Leo for not believing him when he warned them about the fake Star Saber.

Victory Leo tells them not to worry, as what's done is done. Holi asks how Star Saber knew to come back. He reveals that when the unification manual was taken, it sent a signal to him, so he returned to Earth immediately. Whilst Leozack's plan has failed, the Destrons will surely return with an even more vile scheme. Cybertrons, fight on and defeat the Destron's ambitions!

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