A revised script for this episode is available for reading at the Sunbow and Marvel Productions Script/Storyboard Archive. The original script was dated 6/21/1984, whilst Ron Friedman's revised script is dated 6/29/1984.
Unfortunately Ron used a pretty thick marker pen to cross out bits he changed, so it's often hard to tell what was there originally.
As with the revised script for the previous episode, the first page has this rather large note that points out that Billy has been renamed Chip. The original script always refers to him as Billy, whilst the revised one has most cases of "Billy" crossed out and replaced with "Chip".
The script wanted the camera to slowly push in here, but in the episode the camera pans from left to right. You can make out some guards, but you can't really see them very well. There's a rather nice missile launcher at the front of the factory though, which isn't in the script and isn't seen again in the episode.
This line was cut from the episode.
The script wanted this poster to feature several Decepticons on it, but in the episode it only has Megatron. It also has "Decepticons" rather than "the Decepticons!". It kind of looks like there's room for the word "The" on it... maybe?
The script states one of the jets should be colored olive. This was probably just a mistake, and in the episode there's no olive jet, instead it's Skywarp in his usual black color scheme.
The script wanted Starscream to be shot with bullets here, but the animators drew more kid-friendly lasers instead.
Whilst the script wanted to show Starscream blasting the guards, in the episode itself the guards run out of the way and avoid being hit.
Whilst this was scripted to be Thundercracker, the animators colored him as Starscream by mistake.
And seconds later, this happens. The script asked for Skywarp, the animators used Starscream.
The script oddly wanted Skywarp to shoot bullets here, but in the episode he fires lasers, which use the traditional Decepticon laser fire sound effects.
The original script wanted Starscream to create an energon cube out of his chest, but on the revised script this was changed to note it's Soundwave who should do it. It seems the intention was only Soundwave could create the energon cubes, but later episodes will show other Decepticons making them.
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STARSCREAM Fill the energon cubes! |
Whilst the script stated for Skywarp to teleport in, the animators used Thundercracker by mistake... despite Thundercracker already being present in the shot. Skywarp gets the correct colors one shot later.
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CHIP Well don't cash in your computer chips yet sir -- |
The script wanted a computer screen to be displayed here, and as the camera pans up lights on it were meant to flash. In the episode, the camera pans up, but there's no screen and nothing lights up.
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SPIKE We might as well head back to Autobot headquarters, Prime. |
This shot was altered for the animation so the camera pans across Wheeljack, Trailbreaker, Sunstreaker (who was presumably mistakenly used instead of Bumblebee) and Ironhide. Sparkplug doesn't shake his head either.
This shot isn't present in the episode.
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SKYWARP There it is, Starscream. Every last micro spark of energy we could ring from the place. |
This line of Starscream's was cut. I can't tell what the original script said, but the revised script looks like it reads "I shall report the superb results of my leadership", but it was then crossed out.
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STARSCREAM Mission leader to Decepticon headquarters. |
This doesn't happen in the episode, instead, the camera pans from right to left.
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STARSCREAM But surely you wish to commend me for my efforts. After all, I was... Autobots... |
The animation for this sequence was simplified so Skywarp and Thundercracker aren't shown. Instead, Starscream is seen, which was probably by mistake.
In the episode, this sequence was sped up so Prime shoots down the rockets as Thundercracker is still saying "Thundercracker gangs!".
In the episode, the first part of this -the laser hitting the computer for several more seconds -was cut. And also in the episode, Prime hits Starscream aside before the technician says this line, whilst in the script it was the other way around.
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OPTIMUS PRIME I will shield you! |
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STARSCREAM Hit him with everything! |
The script wanted the Decepticons to use a variety of different weapons here, but in the episode they just fire lasers.
In the episode, Spike's line is cut, as is Starscream's. Prime doesn't try to fend off the blasts, he just gets hit. There's no "weird energies" to be seen in the animation, rather, there's just an explosion.
In the episode, Megatron doesn't say "now!" when saying this line.
As Soundwave wasn't in the script for this scene, he's not mentioned as retreating with the other Decepticons. Thankfully the animators put him in.
In the episode, Bumblebee doesn't say "oh".
In the episode, Prime doesn't say "But my" when saying this line.
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SPIKE I dunno, he got hit real bad. |
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BUMBLEBEE Hey lighten up, you guys. Optimus is gonna pull through. He's... he's got to! |
Some dialogue that would have been on the original script, but was crossed out on the revised script, and isn't heard in the episode.
MEGATRON: These energon cubes will be transported to Cybertron once Shockwave gives us the coordinates for the next space bridge appearance.
STARSCREAM: When will that be, oh "mighty" Megatron?
MEGATRON Soon. But while we wait what is my arch foe's condition? |
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STARSCREAM Optimus Prime no longer lives. We saw him fall. |
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Soundwave isn't shown nodding in the episode.
SOUNDWAVE Laserbeak fears infiltrating Autobot headquarters alone. |
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Megatron was meant to fire eye beams at Laserbeak here, but the animation doesn't show this -Megatron's eyes glow red, but that's all that happens.
The script wanted Megatron to raise his hand and clench it here, but the animation doesn't show this.
The script wanted Mirage, Windcharger and Brawn here, but in the episode Mirage was swapped out for Gears.
The revised script crosses out everything to do with Laserbeak landing on Brawn, but this is still shown in the episode.
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RATCHET It's a miracle his hydraulics are still functioning. |
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SPARKPLUG What the?! |
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WHEELJACK Ratchet -how long do we have before his energy drains away completely? |
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RATCHET Not long... |
The crossed out line on the revised script reads "I can't estimate that we can keep patching in relay circuits to keep this going...".
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WHEELJACK Hmmm, a Cosmitron. I have an extra one of these... not here. |
Note that the original script originally called the device a "Cosmitron Transformer".
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BUMBLEBEE Hey, talk to me, talk to me! Point me in the right direction! |
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The script wanted a series of alien numbers and "written Decepticon symbols" here, but the above image is all that's shown.
In the episode, Ironhide doesn't say "and without it, the trip's off!".
On this line, Ironhide doesn't say "already".
This scene was cut from the episode. It was supposed to take place right before Starscream says "Be careful with those energon cubes, Rumble."
The script didn't call for Starscream to be carrying any energon cubes himself, but the animation does show him do this. The script also wanted a generic, unnamed Decepticon to be used here, but doesn't go into any details about what he should look like. So the animators used another Reflector.
In the episode, Starscream says "project" rather than "assignment".
The script describes the space bridge as having poles on it, something the scripts for the previous two episodes have mentioned, but as usual, the animation doesn't feature them on the space bridge.
This line was cut.
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The generic Decepticon originally didn't have any dialogue, the revised script gave him something to say. The script also wanted Starscream to blast the Decepticon, but the animation doesn't show this -Starscream simply picks him up and shoves him into the vehicle.
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The script oddly wanted Rumble to shoot lasers out of his hands to create an earthquake, but the animation shows him using his piledriver arms like he usually does.
Ironhide's freeze blast was supposed to also freeze the tree Starscream was holding, but the animation has him drop the tree when he gets hit.
The script wanted the Autobots to use the space bridge before Megatron says this line, but in the episode, they use it after the Decepticons retreat.
The script mentions nothing about Ironhide finding a liquid nitrogen pack on a wall. I think the animators perhaps didn't realize Ironhide was supposed to be able to project liquid nitrogen himself.
The shot showing the generic Decepticon firing lasers from his hands was cut from the episode. Ironhide was also meant to shoot molten lead at the Decepticons! The animation has him fire a stream of glue instead.
What happens next was meant to be considerably more violent in the script -Shockwave and the Decepticon were meant to melt! The animation tones this way down by just having them stuck in the glue.
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In the episode, after Megatron says "Destroy all intruders!" he then also says "with rain -acid rain!". This part of the line wasn't in the script.
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In the episode, Chip doesn't say "Okay".
The revised script originally had "The Decepticons created an" to start this line off, but this was then crossed out. The rest of the line made it into the episode, other than Ironhide saying "so is" instead of "so's".
Megatron was supposed to switch off the monitor here, according to the script, but the animation doesn't have him do this.
Megatron was supposed to smile before saying this line, but the animation doesn't have him do this. He doesn't laugh after saying the line either.
The script wanted a wide shot here, where the camera would pan to show Starscream. However in the episode, Starscream is already in the shot, so the camera doesn't pan. Megatron puts his hand on Starscream's arm, which the script didn't call for him to do.
The script wanted Megatron to raise both of his arms for this shot, but in the episode he only raises one. Skywarp raises one of his arms though so I guess that makes up for it.
The script states Bumblebee should fall face down, but in the episode he's the other way around. Whilst he and the other Autobots are scripted to be "steaming", the animation doesn't show any smoke coming out of them.
This was cut from the episode -it would have had Chip slide out of his wheelchair and crawl towards the Cosmitron, but in the episode, he remains in his wheelchair when saying the above line.
The script wanted Trailbreaker to close his eyes when using his force field, something which would be a bit tricky to do with him.
Bluestreak was supposed to fire missiles here, but the animation has him fire lasers.
This shot didn't make it into the finished episode.
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Shockwave's blasts were supposed to destroy the space bridge, but the animation doesn't show this.
This was also scripted to cause the Earth space bridge to explode after the Autobots arrive through it onto Earth, but again, the animation doesn't show this. This explains why Chip nervously looks back at the bridge in the episode.
The script wanted Teletraan I to show an image of the Decepticon army here, but in the episode, it's a bunch of blobs.
In the episode, no warning signals can be heard here.
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In the episode, Sparkplug isn't seen stepping forward to get in Spike's way before saying this line.
In the episode, the camera doesn't pan here -it instead cuts from shot to shot of each Autobot transforming. The episode has Sideswipe transform after Sunstreaker, rather than before like the script says. Prowl, Hound, Mirage, Cliffjumper, Windcharger, Brawn and Gears aren't shown transforming in the episode, but were scripted to do so.
Despite the script having "visible" underlined here, the animation doesn't show any radar waves emitting from Hound.
The script wanted to show Megatron getting hit, but not getting hurt before he lands. This isn't shown in the episode.
This shot was cut from the episode.
In the episode, Reflector doesn't laugh after saying this line.
This sequence was cut from the episode. Again, it involved Windcharger doing something cool.
When Soundwave shoots Windcharger, Windcharger was scripted to have one of his arms come off!
This was kind of cut from the episode. Whilst the camera zooms in on Soundwave, nothing on his head lights up, and no electrical sounds are head. Whilst the script wanted to show Starscream using cluster bombs, the animators drew Skywarp firing lasers.
Soundwave lost a line here. I can't tell what the original script had written, but the revised script had "Child unit has nerve". The script also wanted Soundwave to "smile", which is not something Soundwave can do.
What's scripted here with Thundercracker, Mirage, Skywarp and Cliffjumper isn't shown in the episode.
The script wanted Sunstreaker and Prowl to be firing missiles here, but the animation has them firing lasers. The episode has the correct laser sound effects played here.
Rumble was scripted to stomp the ground to create an earth tremor here, but the animation has him create one in the usual way. He also doesn't laugh after saying the above line.
Seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding by the animators here. The script called for Sideswipe to use his flare gun, which would create great bursts of light. But the animation has him fire from his shoulder cannon, firing what appear to be flames instead. Megatron is seen shielding his eyes though.
In the episode, Starscream doesn't say "Megatron" when saying this line.
Something to note -you might notice in this shot that the camera zooms in and one of Ravage's missiles vibrates. This was actually scripted to happen, but there was supposed to be some kind of sound effect for a "vibrating proton bomb". No special sound effect is heard in the episode though.
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This sequence was cut from the episode.
The script wanted Starscream to be firing cluster bombs and using Megatron here, but the animation doesn't have him holding Megatron. Instead, he just fires regular lasers.
This was cut from the episode. In the original script there was some dialogue to go with it, but the revised script crossed it out. The crossed out lines appear to be:
MEGATRON: Keep firing, Starscream -they all must fall. Keep firing!!
STARSCREAM: As you command, oh "leader"!
Wheeljack was scripted to start using his laser tool here, but the animation doesn't show this.
This was sadly cut from the episode -which is a shame was it would have been an awesome entrance for Optimus. Instead, Optimus is shown just standing at the top of the volcano already.
In the episode, this was switched around -Prime says his line, then Megatron blasts him.
Megatron was to strike Prime in the head with both fists here, but the animation only has him do one punch, and it appears he hits him in the chest rather than the head.
Megatron isn't seen steaming or smoking in the episode.
The Autobots were scripted to run into this shot, however in the episode it's a static shot -the Autobots are already there.
This shot isn't seen in the episode -whilst the Decepticons are shown retreating, they're way to small to make out who's who.
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