The Man
From MI.5
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Production order: #20 |
Broadcast order: #17 |
For a detailed overview of this episode, click here.
Penelope puts her life on the line to help International Rescue.
Original UK broadcast date: January 20th, 1966
1) Synopsis
2) Notes
3) Errors
Blacker, an MI. 5 agent, is killed by a guy called Carl. Carl steals some plans to a nuclear device and then blows up Blacker's boat, before retreating to his submarine. Other members of MI. 5 arrive just in time to see the explosion. Bondson investigates the wreckage and finds that Blacker was shot multiple times by a rare type of gun. He also finds that the plans he was to collect from Blacker are gone. John later reports to his father that he's received a call from Bondson, who wants their help. Jeff is cautious about dealing with the British Secret Service, but John explains he was told that the entire world could be destroyed.
Jeff asks Penelope to meet with Bondson, so she and Parker head to Monte Carlo and arrange a meeting at a forest. Bondson explains about the importance of the plans, which are to a nuclear device that could, if the plans fell into the wrong hands, lead to the whole world being in danger. He mentions what happened to Blacker and says they want International Rescue's help because they have the most advanced equipment in the world. Penelope says she will contact him again, and leaves. She and Parker go to their yacht, FAB II, and Penelope tells Parker to leak to the press that Gail Williams is coming to catch the murderers who destroyed Blacker's boat. Her plan is to allow herself to be captured by the murderers and then contact International Rescue. News of Gail Williams soon hits the papers, and Carl goes back to his submarine. He tells his two accomplices in it that they'll have to do something about this Gail, as her news story mentions that Blacker was shot with the exact amount and type of bullets used.
Penelope tells Parker to take the night off, so he heads to a casino. Soon, Carl gets onto FAB II, and finds Penelope, who is pretending to be Gail, waiting. He pulls out a gun and tells her to come with him. He takes her back to his boathouse and explains that he's going to kill her via using a bomb. Due to Blacker's boat exploding, police patrol boats are currently all over the area. If they try and leave in their submarine, the police will pick them up on sonar. But by blowing up the boathouse, the police will investigate it, allowing him and his allies to leave with the plans undetected.
Penelope asks if she can make herself pretty before Carl ties her up, and he lets her. She uses her compact and gets in touch with International Rescue. Using hand signals, she is able to explain what's happened, but Carl them smacks the compact out of her hand and ties her up. Jeff sends Scott off in Thunderbird 1, whilst Virgil and Gordon follow in Thunderbird 2, which is carrying pod 4. Carl returns to his submarine and says everything is fixed, they just need to wait for when the patrol boat arrives in 40 minutes, and then detonate the bomb when it does.
Penelope shuffles over and falls down in front of her compact, and tells Jeff exactly what has happened. Scott arrives in Thunderbird 1, and uses its sonar equipment to locate the rough position of the submarine. Virgil drops pod 4 into the sea, and Gordon heads out in Thunderbird 4, He uses Thunderbird 4's sound scan to find the sub.
He then fires the paralyzer, a cable which attaches itself to the submarine and drills a hole through it. It then pumps in tranquillizer gas, which takes out Carl and the others. Scott finds and frees Penelope, and asks if she's ok since she took such a chance allowing herself to be captured by the murderers. She says she's fine and hopes Gordon can find the plans. Gordon swims over to the sub and is able to find them.
Later on, Penelope has another meeting with Bondson. She directs him to a tree, where he finds the plans. He thanks International Rescue for their help, and Penelope says she accepts his thanks. She and Parker then leave, and she asks Parker how he got on at the casino. Parker says he lost, and eventually admits that he gambled away her yacht! FAB 1 continues to drive away.
-The submarine Brains is testing is a small model of the submarine the Hood used in Desperate Intruder.
-Only 2 of the 3 criminals are named -Carl and Ritter.
-Usually Thunderbird 2 just drops pod 4 into the water, but in this episode, Thunderbird 2 hovers just above water and releases the pod from an extremely small height.
-This is the first episode to feature Thunderbird 4's full launch sequence from inside the pod.
-On the DVD version of this episode, it is night time when Thunderbird 2 takes off. But the interior shots showing the windows inside the cockpit show daylight. However the Blu-ray version changes it so Thunderbird 2 takes off during daylight.