The Perils of Penelope

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Penelope helps her friend Sir Jeremy look for the missing Professor Borender.
Original UK broadcast date: October 14th, 1965


1) Synopsis
2) Notes
3) Errors


Sir Jeremy Hodge and Professor Borender watch as the Sun Probe rocket takes off, powered by a fuel they'd created: fuel from seawater. Weeks later, Jeremy requests to see Penelope in Paris, so she and Parker head there. Penelope tells Parker that Jeremy is one of the people who helped create International Rescue. Jeremy explains that Borender has gone missing, he was at a conference in Paris, and he saw him off at the train station, but the professor never arrived in Anderbad. As a waiter brings Penelope her drink over, Parker shoots the glass before she can drink it, and says it had been drugged. They notice someone run off, but he gets away before they can stop him. They do find that he left a matchbook on his table which has a crest on it, so they decide to investigate.

Penelope contacts Tracy Island, and explains what's going on. Jeff decides to send Virgil, Gordon and Alan out in Thunderbird 2 to Anderbad, whilst Penelope and Jeremy are going to travel via train to Anderbad. But first, the two go to the heraldic archives to lookup the crest. The librarian there believes they'll find what they're looking for in the vault, so the two head down there. Penelope finds a book relevant to the subject, only to see a page has been ripped out. The door is then slammed shut and gas pours into the room. Parker spots the librarian leaving, but Penelope tells him to help them instead of going after him. Parker uses FAB 1 to rip the door off vault, saving Penelope and Jeremy.

Penelope and Jeremy board the monotrain, which sets off to Anderbad. They question an attendant called Alfred about Borender, but he claims that Borender was never on the train. Alfred goes back and reports to Godber, who is the guy who tried to kill Penelope and Jeremy. Godber isn't happy with Alfred, and thinks Penelope and Jeremy are interfering fools who will be sorry they set foot on the train. Meanwhile, Jeff instructs Virgil where to land and states they should be able to get a good view of Penelope's train as it emerges from the Anderbad tunnel.

Penelope finds a note under her coffee cup, which states she's dealing with desperate men. Godber, who was already suspicious of Alfred, decides to deal with him. He knocks him out and then throws him off the train. Meanwhile, Scott returns to Tracy Island in Thunderbird 1, having been on leave. Jeff tells him about the rescue operation that's going on.

Penelope sees someone waiting outside her door, so she and Jeremy follow him. They find Godber, now disguised as an attendant, but they don't realize who he is. Jeremy thinks he's heard the guy's voice before. Jeremy later calls him to order breakfast for the next morning, and Penelope records the conversation, relaying it to Parker. Parker recognizes Godber as the guy he saw leave the heraldic archives. Later on, Thunderbird 2 lands, and Parker drives up to it. He then leaves to go to the train station, to pick up Penelope and Jeremy once the train arrives.

The train enters the Anderbad tunnel, but the power then goes out. Penelope and Jeremy have a light shined on them, and a voice instructs them to come with him. Virgil's group see the train leave the tunnel, but Parker later confirms that Penelope and Jeremy weren't on it. Virgil and Gordon head out in the Monobrake to investigate, and enter the tunnel. Penelope and Jeremy are taken at gunpoint to a control room in the tunnel, where Borender is. Godber's underling, Roache, can control the traffic in the tunnel, turning the power on and off when needed. This was how Godber kidnapped Borender, and he knows about the new fuel he and Jeremy have developed. He wants the formula to become rich, but Jeremy and Borender refuse to tell him.

Borender has Penelope tied to a ladder, which is lowered into the path of the monotrain. The next train is on the way, and Godber resumes trying to get the fuel conversion formula out of Jeremy and Borender. As this is going on, Gordon and Virgil find the control room. Gordon gets into a shootout with Godber, and during the firefight, Roache is shot, along with a control panel. It's no longer possible for the train to be stopped, but Virgil shoots down the ladder Penelope is on, saving her just before the next train arrives.

Alan sees the Monobrake exit the tunnel, and tells his father another rescue has been successfully completed. Later on, Alan isn't happy he hasn't been able to go drinking with Virgil and Gordon, but he soon cheers up when he sees Parker bring Tin-Tin in FAB 1. Penelope explains Jeff thought she deserved a vacation. The group are about to go to a nightclub, but they then stop to watch a spectacular fireworks display.


-This episode originally lacked an on-screen title. My understanding is certain versions of the episode add one, but it originally aired without it. The DVD set I'm using also lacks it.

-Parts of the opening scene reuses footage from Sun Probe.

-The monotrain Penelope and Jeremy travels on is the same train featured in Brink of Disaster, although the text on the side of it is different.

-This is the only episode in which Scott does not assist with the rescue operation.


-When Virgil is seen boarding Thunderbird 2, pods 4 and 5 (and presumably 6) are all missing from the hangar.
-Scott returns from leave... in Thunderbird 1! Surely he shouldn't be taking his vacation days in an International Rescue vehicle?
-When Jeremy gets out of bed, someone's hand can clearly be seen move his leg.
-When Thunderbird 2 lands, one of the jet flames briefly sets part of the model alight (although this does go out after a few seconds).

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