Three men run towards a coffin. They frantically try to put a large stake into it, but before they can hammer it in, the coffin suddenly explodes, and they are all killed.

Demitri Maximoff appears from out of the coffin. He is a vampire, and he says that the dark shall always be with them. He would even crush the Moon just to preserve the darkness.

Demitri's castle is placed right in the middle of a large city. Inside it, Demitri's butler collects several pieces of paper. He reads them and thinks how uncivilized these human brutes are, especially on the night of Lord Demitri going into battle. He'd hoped that they would have made more of an effort. Demitri hears him, and says that he was thinking that the humans were clever creatures. Serving him eternally should be the greatest happiness their kind could attain.

He gets up and takes the notes, before destroying them. The butler explains that many humans do not like Demitri, as he has taken away the sun. Demitri thinks that they no doubt comfort themselves in plotting his downfall, but no matter. 100 years have passed, and the time has at last come for him to avenge his defeat in the Demon World. His butler tells him his defeat was nothing more than a minor setback, and the strength he has gained will make certain of his role as ruler of the Demon World. The two head to where some humans have gathered to pay Demitri tribute.

Demitri tells the humans that with their help, he is now able to begin his long-awaited revenge against the Demon World. He decides to give his thanks to all of them, and changes form. He unleashes many bat-shaped projectiles, which hit the group below and kill them all. He says that the sounds of their agony and suffering are the greatest gift they could give him.

In the Demon World, there is a party going on at a large castle. But some of the beings there are more concerned about Demitri. They thought that Demitri had given up trying to take over this world, but it seems not. They think they should inform their mistress, but find out that she isn't even at the party -she was bored, so she left.

Elsewhere, two demons have stolen something for their master. They hope that Demitri will thank them for this, as they've stolen a special key, which will allow him to open a gateway to the Demon World. But before they can flee with it, something hits the box, releasing the key. A woman appears, saying that the two of them have no need of that.

The two demons know who she is: Morrigan Aensland. They immediately attack her, but she blocks their strikes. She wonders why they follow Demitri, and why they don't desire to rise up and take his throne. Those who have lost their pride, have also lost their right to live. She then attacks them.

Within seconds Morrigan strikes down the two demons and kills them both. She takes the key, and thinks that Demitri Maximoff sounds like an intriguing man.

Back on Earth, cat-woman Felicia is taking her train through a city, throwing out leaflets about her performances. She's an up and coming star of the musical world, but whilst the has a public performance licence for Darkstalkers, she guesses she'll need a licence for the human world. She asks a couple of helpful cats about where City Hall is, and they point her out in the right direction.

Nearby, a group of humans create "spirit wards" around a building, as the people gathered inside it don't want what they are going to be talking about heard by the Darkstalkers. The meeting begins, and the people -who consist of various religious leaders -are worried about what is happening. Their crops cannot grow properly because the sun has been taken away from them. The sun was once a source of light and prosperity for all mankind, but now the Darkstalkers have come and stolen it from them. They need its light back, or they will end up like their crops.

Another priest says that dark times call for desperate measures, and says they must stand and fight. They think they should time their attack on Demitri when he attempts to return to the Demon World. Some weapons are taken into the room. The humans are ready to fight back, and they believe that even if Demitri survives his trip to the Demon World, he will be in no shape to fight. At that moment, they'll move against him and take back what he stole from them. No price is too high to win back their light!

Outside, Felicia is stumbling around the streets. She thinks something is wrong, but can't tell what. Nearby, a rock concert is about to begin. Lord Raptor drives up, and is welcomed by a large crowd. He asks them how things are going, but says that if they want a real show, they need to show him the money and then come on in.

As he heads inside, he comes across Felicia, who has just fallen down some stairs. He tells her that he won't do autographs until after the show. She realizes that he is one of the "dark ones" but Raptor tells her the politically correct term is "Darkstalkers". Felicia tells him that this town smells all wrong, and her senses are a mess. She thinks something bad is about to happen, but Raptor admires himself in a mirror.

He says he can't smell a damn thing. Felicia thinks he should be careful, she knows something is going to happen. Raptor says something will happen -he's playing tonight. He puts out for them with his music, whilst they put out a bit of their souls for him. It's a fair and equitable business arrangement, if you ask him.

Raptor heads out to the stage and starts to play, whilst asking the crowd if they are ready to rock. But he then realizes that the crowd is so dead that it's starting to attract flies. He notices the people are holding garlic and silver bullets, but crap like that won't effect him. He then sees they also have flamethrowers, and thinks it's time to either roast or be roasted.

He changes to his true form, and then starts jumping around to avoid being set on fire by the cultists. A couple are about to fire on him from the side, but are defeated by Felicia.

More of the cultists surround her. Raptor asks if she is alright, but then gets blasted. Felicia also takes a hit, and falls off the stage.

Raptor then recovers and doesn't like the fact that they aren't showing mercy for women or furry animals, -they've got dark hearts. But when it comes to feasting on souls, he always did prefer dark meat. The cultists decide to flee, but Raptor jumps over and blocks them off. He says the show isn't over yet, and asks them if they want to buy a t-shirt. He jumps up and starts spinning around.

He uses a technique to kill all of the cultists by taking their souls. He asks Felicia if she would like any of them. Felicia thanks him for the offer, but she's not fond of organized religion. Raptor says he's kind of nondenominational, and then jumps up to start his feast.

At Demitri's castle, Demitri boards his airship and prepares to go back to the Demon World. His castle's defenses start to fire, revealing a massive gate.

A key is used to unlock the gate. The castle moves through it, and another castle is revealed. The airship moves off, but then a shining bat also appears, which transforms into Morrigan. Demitri tells her to move out of the way, as he does not need a guide for the Demon World. He wouldn't forget the way to Belial, the Demon World's King, in a mere century.

Morrigan tells him that she's seen many men come and go, will he be weak and pathetic like the others? Demitri exits his ship and wonders just who this woman is. Morrigan says she's grown weary of the Demon World, but hopes that Demitri will amuse him. As she changes outfits and lands on the airship, Demitri says he'd love to grant her request.

The two of them start to fight, and whilst Morrigan lands several hits on her opponent, he doesn't seem to care, or just blocks everything she throws at him. He can't seem to hurt her either, but he then manages to grab her.

He changes into his true form, and then bites into her neck, before starting to suck her blood. As he knocks her back, he says that the hundred years he spent building up his power on Earth have not been wasted. He almost regrets that the outcome of their match has already been decided, but there can only be one victor today: him!

Morrigan tells him he fights well enough, and it has been a while since she's had such a good battle. But she does wish that he wouldn't talk so much! The two resume fighting. Deep under the sea, many robots have been activated. These robotic units are identical to each other, and go by the name of "Huitzil". They have detected powerful life-signs, and plan to exterminate them immediately!

The robots blast out of the sea, and quickly appear right next to Demitri and Morrigan. They start to attack the two.

Morrigan takes down two of them, but then another two cut through the airship with laser beams, causing it to explode. The battle resumes in the sky.

Demitri's butler has the castle's cannons fire on the robots. Some of the Huitzil then appears on the castle's grounds, and start firing on the castle itself.

Demitri punches a robot in half, but Morrigan then shoots down a Huitzil who had appeared behind him. Demitri tells her that act barely warrants his thanks, but she tells him that his castle is burning. She thinks he should go down and fight.

As Demitri leaves, some of Morrigan's aides appear on large dragons, and they see the massive amount of robots heading their way. Morrigan also continues to fight, but she wonders what kind of power summoned all of these enemies.

The dragons start breathing fire all over the Huitzil, as Morrigan's aides wonder how Demitri could have built such a large battalion. But then they notice the robots are attacking Demitri's castle. They ask Morrigan to come back with them, and she says she will, just as soon as she's finished here. Demitri lands back at his castle, and tells the robots they are unworthy of being his enemy.

He easily destroys them all by using the power of his true form. He wonders where these robots are from, and who would use them against him.

Morrigan destroys the last of the Huitzil, and her aides think that was close. But they want to return back to their own world, and ask Morrigan if she could do the same. She decides to go back with them, and soon they and the castle all vanish back into the Demon World.

Elsewhere, a man walks through some mountains and arrives in a town. He is Donovan Baine, a vampire hunter. He comes across a destroyed town, where a battle has taken place between some humans and Darkstalkers. He sees that both sides have suffered causalities. Nearby, a group of villagers are burying the dead. The villagers begin to worry that none of them will survive. The old think they have no hope, but they think the young should run away and live on for the rest of them. But the younger villagers ask where they could run too, there are so many dark ones that one place is as bad as another.

As the dead are buried, the priest says there is no darkness where the departed are going, and surely the Lord will comfort them always with the warmth of His heavenly light. He says the Lord is with them, knowing full well that their battle with the dark ones could never be won. One of the villagers asks him what he meant by that, is he suggesting they just lay down and let the dark ones kill them?! The priest asks him if he thinks they have a chance of surviving this... he should ask the dead who they think will be the winner. The villager says the dark ones are coming here, although the priest wonders what they could possibly want. They then notice that they have some visitors. Some of the visitors go to the church to talk to the priest. They explain that they are from a traveling circus act, and found a little girl called Anita.

They found her at a town destroyed by the dark ones, and she was the only one left alive. They decided they couldn't just leave here there, so they took her with them. But then the dark ones have been appearing everywhere they've been since. The priest wonders if they are after Anita. The villagers say Anita has some kind of little power, but the priest believes it's much more than that, if she was the only one to survive an attack that wiped out an entire town. There must be something more to her than they're seeing, something the dark ones would go to great lengths to possess. The circus act guys wonder what they should do with her, and ask the priest what they should do.

Outside, some of the town's kids decide to check out the circus act's wagons, and they find something interesting: a rifle. One of them decides to steal it, saying that they won't get in trouble as long as they don't get caught. But as they exit the wagon, they see that Anita has seen them.

They go to confront her, and the kid with the rifle points it at her head. He tells her that if anybody asks, she didn't see nothing. Anita doesn't respond, and doesn't even look at them. The boy grabs her doll and throws it, before taking aim. He says he'll show her what'll happen if she talks. But as he prepares to fire, Anita runs forward, and pushes past the boy. He falls over...

...accidentally firing the gun as he goes down. The shot head starts towards Anita, but before it hits her, she uses her power and destroys it. The boys think that she is some kind of monster, and run off.

They tell the towns people what happened, saying that the girl used some kind of black magic and spells. This causes some debate between the people, as one says he found out that wherever that circus act goes, the dark ones follow. Most of the villagers think they've got no time to waste, as if they don't do something soon then the dark ones will come here and kill all of them. One villager says they should talk to the priest first, but everyone else decides they'll go to the church to kill the circus act group.

Donovan arrives at the town. He thinks about humans and Darkstalkers, wondering if they fight because they cannot coexist. They cannot tolerate each other and will fight until one side is destroyed. This is the way of man, but also the way of the demon. He then sees some humans down below, setting fire to some trucks. These trucks are then driven into the church, destroying it.

Anita steps out of the burning church, and sees that the ones who took her here are all dead. The villagers then see her, and two of them open fire. But their shots are deflected by Dhylec, the sword Donovan wields.

He calls back his weapon and says that the villager's souls are enveloped in darkness. They will depart from this place, if they value their lives. They ignore his words and instead start firing on him. Donovan blocks their shots and gives them a warning: he despises the dark!

He calls upon the fire spirit Ifrit, who takes Dhylec. Ifrit swings the weapon out, causing a tear in the Earth, right between some of the villagers. They flee in fear, thinking that Donovan is one of the dark ones.

Donovan watches them run and realizes that, once again, the dark power has come forth from within himself. The priest has survived, and has come to a decision about what to do with Anita. He prepares to kill her, thinking of what a poor child she is. She does not understand what could cause a man to turn on his fellow man. He has no choice but to do this, as he must calm these people and save as many of them as he can. But he finds that he cannot strike Anita down, and cannot take the life of one who does not understand. Donovan turns around and tells the Priest that the girl understands everything.

He says that only the emotion is missing from her eyes. She doesn't lack understanding of death. She seems to have forsaken her emotions which might cause her to react in its presence. The Priest thinks she is a poor child, but Donovan thinks she is being selfish. She has chosen to live as if she has no right of existence. He suddenly takes a swing at her with his sword...

...which doesn't hit her, but does knock her back. Her doll has been decapitated, and the priest sees the Anita is now frowning -her eyes show anger. Donovan tells Anita it seems she does have some will to live after all. He tells her to stop running, and choose to live.

As he starts to walk off, Anita speaks. She says that he has the eye of a dark one. Donovan explains that half of the blood in his body is the cursed blood of the dark. That half wants to plunge the world into madness, but the half that is pure shall triumph over the dark. Anita thinks that cannot be, as humans are weak. Donovan says he will triumph over the dark, but Anita says he cannot do what cannot be done.

Using her power, she picks up Dhylec and throws it at Donovan. He spins around and avoids being sliced in two at the last moment. He tells her to say what she wants, but he is a vampire hunter, and he will rid this world of the dark.

Nearby, two of the villagers have run towards a forest, unsure what to do next. Suddenly a Huitzil appears, and kills them both.

The robot has found an extermination target: Donovan. The Huitzil locks onto him and then requests more units to assist.

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