The Cybertron Headmaster Juniors race up to Super Ginrai, who has been waiting for them. They load their transtectors into Godbomber, who then takes off. Super Ginrai grabs Godbomber as they head towards some farmlands. It has been reported that the Destron are attacking storehouses, and they've got to stop them.

The Destron Headmaster Juniors are the ones leading the attack, but Cancer is concerned. All of this food they are burning is made into stuff they like to eat, like hamburgers. Won't they all starve if they burn it all? Wilder and Bullhorn laugh, and tell him not to worry. This stuff they are burning here isn't the only food available in the whole country, it just means that people won't be able to eat as much as they want for a while. With that cleared up, Cancer and the others resume burning buildings. But Wilder than notices that the Cybertrons have arrived.

The Cybertrons land and notice the Destron Headmaster Juniors running away. But Super Ginrai says saving the food comes first, and orders Cab to start putting out the fires whilst he and the others start moving as much food as they can. They then notice another section of the storehouses which are on fire. Super Ginrai says he'll take care of that section, whilst they move the food they've saved to a safer location.

He runs over to the other section and grabs some of the food, but as he leaves a storehouse, the doors to the storehouse in front of him open slightly. The Gigatank's cannon pokes out and fires.

Super Ginrai is hit and hits a wall. The Gigatank rolls out, and is followed by Hydra and Buster. Giga tells them to go and destroy Godbomber. He and Mega then attack Super Ginrai, knowing that without Godbomber, he cannot defeat them.

Hydra and Buster start shooting at Godbomber, but have to take cover when Cab and Minerva start firing back at them. Shuuta appears, but Minerva tells him that something may have happened to their Commander, so he should go and check on him.

Giga and Mega have transformed into Overlord, and have Super Ginrai at gunpoint. Overlord says that the Destrons will be able to eliminate both Super Ginrai and Godbomber at the same time. But before he can do anything else, he gets hit by a laser blast and falls over.

Shuuta appears and asks Super Ginrai if he's alright. Super Ginrai says he is, but the Destrons clearly want to destroy him and Godbomber. He tells Shuuta to take Godbomber away from this place, and hide him from the Destrons. As Overlord gets up, Super Ginrai fires on him whilst Shuuta heads off. Cab and Minerva are still in a battle with Hydra and Buster...

...but Shuuta appears and tells them what Ginrai wants them to do. Shuuta climbs into Godbomber and sets off, whilst Cab and Minerva transform and head after him. But Hydra and Buster also transform and shoot at Godbomber. Shuuta ends up crashing into a tree, so the Godmaster brothers transform back to their robot modes and move in.

They see that Minerva and Cab can't fire any more, so they must be out of energy. But before they can fire, they have to jump back to avoid some other laser blasts: Sixknight has appeared. He tells Cab and Minerva to leave the Destrons to him.

Hydra thinks Sixknight has some nerve, but he tells them he is just fighting with the side he feels most comfortable with. Inside Godbomber, Minerva sees to Shuuta's minor head injury, whilst telling him that Sixknight is helping them. Cab attempts to drive Godbomber, only to find that the controls don't respond!

This is because of Super Ginrai's status. Super Ginrai is resting in a storehouse, and is not moving. Godbomber operates by absorbing the Choukon energy emitted by Ginrai. Giga and Mega's surprise attack has weakened Super Ginrai, meaning that he is unable to supply Godbomber with the required energy.

As Sixknight continues to hinder the Godmaster brothers, Hydra tells Buster to go and destroy Godbomber whilst he fights Sixknight by himself. Buster transforms and lands, pointing his gun at Godbomber. Inside Godbomber, Shuuta and Minerva desperately try to help Cab, and all three of them put their hands on the controls.

Somehow this makes Godbomber move, and he transforms from vehicle to robot. But then he stays still again. Buster starts shooting at him and as he wobbles, Shuuta falls forwards and puts his hands on a panel. This panel starts to glow, and the Headmaster Juniors see that the energy levels of Godbomber start to increase...Shuuta thinks that this is Godbomber's key, and tells Minerva and Cab to put their hands on it with him.

Godbomber is soon powered up, and takes down Buster. They know Ginrai must be in trouble, so they head towards him. As they fly over Sixknight, Shuuta yells to him, but he says he can handle Hydra.

Meanwhile Overlord has blasted the storehouse Super Ginrai was hiding in and forces him to leave it. He says their plan to separate Ginrai from Godbomber was a complete success, but he then sees he is wrong -as Godbomber kicks him! He transforms to his vehicle mode, and the Headmaster Juniors get out and tell their Commander that the Godmaster brothers have been taken care of. Super Ginrai unites with Godbomber and becomes God Ginrai.

Overlord is no match for him now, and after hitting him a few times, he uses some Choukon power to blast him. Overlord retreats.

Later on God Ginrai thanks Sixknight, but he says it was no big deal. He just happened to see them when he passing by, but his next journey will take him wherever his mood decides. The Cybertrons watch him fly away.

God Ginrai asks the Headmaster Juniors about what happened with Godbomber earlier, and they tell him that when they touched the controls together, he transformed into a robot. Hawk had told him that the Choukon power he possess can manipulate Godbomber, and that when the three of them touched the controls, they must have used their own Choukon power to activate Godbomber. Shuuta and Cab are very disappointed that three of them only have the power of one man, but God Ginrai tells them to cheer up. He thought he didn't have a chance earlier, but he didn't give up, much like how they didn't.

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