Jerusalem, Israel

Sulia asks Mai if something happened between her and Andy. They always seem to get along so well, but at dinner... as Mai explains what happened, Andy is training in the woods, hitting the same tree over and over. Sulia asks if Hauer really did kiss Mai, but Mai says she only pretended to let him kiss her. She wouldn't let a stranger plant one on her lips, as a modern nina girl has to have more control than that. Sulia asks why she doesn't tell Andy that, but Mai says it's better to let Andy squirm for a while. Whilst Andy's an American, in some ways he's very Japanese. She thinks he needs a little motivation for once. Sulia thinks relationships are so complicated.

Mai asks her how things are with Terry. Sulia tries to say there's nothing going on, but Mai can tell she's in love with him. She thinks Terry is falling her her too, as the way he looks at her, she's never seen him like that before. She says that Terry did have a girlfriend, but she was killed. She doesn't know the details, as Andy never talks about it. But she does know it was over a year ago, and she died in front of him, trying to help him escape. Terry can't stand the fact that he couldn't save her, and it's obvious how much pain he's in.

Mai thinks that Terry believes any girl he falls for will meet a tragic end, so he's afraid to fall in love. Sulia thinks Lily must have been someone very special. Mai splashes some water onto Sulia, and says when you fall for a wolf, you have to learn to run with the pack. She tells Sulia that they'll both have to do their best!

Terry and Joe are drinking and watching from their hotel room. Joe thinks Sulia is a good girl, but it too young to bear such a heavy destiny. He thinks Terry should take up some of the weight, but Terry says he just wants to keep his promise to her. Joe thinks that if Terry likes her, he should tell her, as girls don't go for subtle. He then passes out, and Terry asks him what's wrong, he can't be drunk already. But then he realizes he can't breathe, and also falls.

Hauer and Jamin then appear. Meanwhile Mai tells Sulia they should get some sleep, as they have an early start tomorrow. But as they walk away from the pool, Panni suddenly bursts out of it.

She dives at them, but Mai manages to throw her. Mai calls out to Andy and Terry, but Hauer tells her not to waste her breath. Mai sees that Jamin has Joe and Terry, and he throws them to the floor. Hauer tells her not to fear, as if she hands over Sulia and the pendant, they'll leave her alone. He charges up an energy blast...

...and fires it next to Terry's head, warning Mai that she'd better not resist. Sulia tells them to stop, and says not to hurt them. Mai thinks she can't trust these people, but Sulia says she'll be alright, and tells her not to worry. As she starts walking towards Jamin and Hauer, she asks Mai to give Terry a message: tell him she said thanks. Sulia then tells Hauer that if he does anything to her friends, she'll bite through her tongue and kill herself. Hauer tells her not to worry.

She and Jamin then teleport away in a stream of fire. Hauer says now it's show time, and Panni grabs Mai from behind. She tells her she's such a pretty girl, it almost seems a waste to kill her. Hauer starts to charge up another energy blast.

However, Andy then calls out to them, telling them to wait. Mai throws Panni off, and as she lands next to Hauer, Hauer asks Andy what's wrong -has he come back here for another beating? Andy tells him this time he's going to pay, and leaps down towards him and Panni.

They leap out of the way, just before Andy strikes the ground. Hauer throws a projectile towards him, which seems to hit the mark, but Andy then runs out of the smoke.

He strikes Hauer in the face, which so much force that it shatter his mask. As he falls, Panni tries to attack Andy, but is then hit by a fan.

Mai leaps over and uses her strongest technique: the super deadly nina bee! She strikes Panni's chest, defeating her. As she turns to Andy, Hauer suddenly gets back up...

...only for Andy to knock him straight back down again. Mai asks if he's dead, but Andy just apologizes for not getting her sooner. Mai starts to say something, but Andy tells her not to say another word, as he holds her in his arms.

The next day, Sulia wakes up and finds herself on a helicopter. Her pendant is gone, and she sees her brother is with her. He says that if the pendant is so important to her, she can have it back if she can wait a little while longer. It'll be a reward for how she's helped him find the armor. He'd figured out a great deal by himself, but he never would have thought of the Dead Sea. He then senses that Jamin has succeeded, and the final seal has been released.

The helicopter lands, and Jamin presents Sulia with her pendant. Sulia slaps him, asking how he could do this. Laocorn goes to the edge of the cliff, and uses the powers of the armor... raise up the ruins of a sunken shrine. Terry's group are heading in via car, and see what is going on. Joe can't believe it, and Andy says the final piece must be there. Laocorn tells Jamin he leaves the rest to him. He then walks into the shrine with Sulia.

Terry's group arrive at the shrine, and as they move in, an army of masked fighters burst out of the ground. Mai tells Terry to help Sulia, they can deal with these guys. Terry runs forward, and takes down a couple of fighters.

He runs into the shrine, whilst the others start fighting everybody else. Terry runs up some steps, and sees Jamin waiting for him. Jamin stands up.

Without saying a word to each other, the two start fighting. Terry uses his burn knuckle, whilst Jamin uses his boost knuckle. The two collide into each other.

Laocorn and Sulia arrive at the place where the final piece of armor is. They see a statue at the back of the room, which has the mask on it. Sulia asks her brother to stop this, but he says that at last the time has come. He'll transcend time and humanity, and then become a god!

As Jamin and Terry's techniques clash, Jamin unexpectedly suddenly ceases his attack, and allows himself to be hit by Terry. He gets blasted across the room.

Terry asks him why he suddenly gave up. Jamin says that if they'd both unleashed their power then, they both would have died. But he knew that one of them had to live, to save Lord Laocorn. He believes Terry is that man, and for Sulia's sake, he wants him to save Laocorn. He then dies from his injuries.

Laocorn takes the final piece of armor. Sulia tells him to stop, as once he puts it on, she'll lose him forever. Laocorn says that if the armor grants vengeance on those who destroyed their country, he'll become a devil if he must. Sulia says it's all pointless, the conquerors and that nation are all dust now.

He tells her to be quiet, and that every nation and culture in this world is built upon conquest. But now, he'll destroy them all! Sulia asks what'll happen if he gets his vengeance, it'll just mean that someone will come for vengeance against him. Laocorn laughs, and asks who can harm a god? Terry then appears, and calls out to Sulia. Laocorn thinks him being here must mean he defeated Jamin. He tells him that he's earned the right to be the first to face a god!

He puts on the final piece of armor, and starts to change. The armor changes form, and Laocorn is surrounded by energy. As it dies down, he says that every cell in his body explodes with power!

He releases a fist shaped projectile which Terry leaps over. But Laocorn teleports behind Terry whilst he's still in the air, and hits him from behind.

Terry lands, and as Laocorn dives down, he uses his rising tackle technique. But Laocorn grabs his leg, and throws him into a pillar.

Terry falls, and Laocorn says it's lamentable how limited humans are. They refine their will and train their bodies, but they'll always have their limits. But he's now surpassed those limitations, and has become a god! He tells Terry to die whilst cursing his own human weakness, and readies a projectile. But before he can release it, Andy throws a projectile at him. He tells Laocorn he won't let him hurt his brother, and then uses his splitting shadow fist, but Laocorn stops it with one hand.

Mai throws a couple of fans at him, which he destroys. Andy then uses his rising dragon bullet technique, but Laocorn avoids this and then kicks him away.

Mai tries to get him with a kick, but he creates a projectile that grabs her leg. Andy destroys it and tells Mai to get Sulia, just as Joe jumps in, and starts to use his tiger kick move.

Laocorn stops him before he can do it, and then sends him flying across the room. He lands next to Mai and Sulia, and thinks that was a pretty uncool start, but don't count him out. Andy says they can't let him win, even if he is some kind of god. He uses his sky rendering bullet technique...

...but Laocorn teleports out of the way, then starts throwing several projectiles at Andy. Andy performs his super rending blast bullet, but Laocorn is even able to stop this, and then hits Andy back.

Laocorn goes to finish Andy off, but Joe distracts him with a hurricane upper. Joe tells him his opponent is right here! Mai and Sulia get to Terry, who wakes up. Mai says she'll leave the rest to Sulia, and heads off back to the battle.

Terry stops her, and says Laocorn is too powerful for her. He wants her to take Sulia and get out of here, and when she protests, he tells her to do as he says. He tells Sulia that he'll bring back Laocorn to his old self. Terry runs off, whilst Laocorn has knocked down both Joe and Andy. Laocorn is about to kill Joe...

...when Terry does a jump kick on him. Terry tells Andy and Joe to come on. Meanwhile Mai has taken Sulia out of the room, but Sulia says she can also fight. Mai tells her no way, the best thing she can do right now is to believe in Terry, it's a fine way to fight. As for herself, she'll show her love the way she always does.

As Sulia watches Mai run back into the room, she wonders what she should do. Laocorn knocks Terry, Joe and Andy back with a large blast of energy, but then Mai uses her super deadly nina bee. But this fails to do anything to him.

He kicks Mai away, and Andy catches her. Laocorn throws out some projectiles, one of which hits Andy. He and Mai land, and he asks Mai if she's alright. She tells him they have so much ahead of them, so he'd better not dare die on her. She then passes out.

Laocorn is about to kill them both, but then he feels a pain on his arm. He wonders what's going on, but Joe sees this as his chance. He performs the screw upper, but falls down after doing it.

Laocorn gets hit, but breaks through the hurricane and tells Sulia that she'll pay for that! Sulia walks into the room, and has stabbed into her own arm. She says the armor has further strengthened the bond they share as descendants of Gaudemus. She tells her brother they can end this now.

She says farewell to Terry, and goes to stab herself. Laocorn goes to kill her before she can do it, but Terry gets in the way, and takes the hit meant for her. He asks Sulia about what happened to their promise.

Laocorn tells them to die, and prepares another energy projectile. Sulia stabs herself, and Laocorn feels a great pain in his chest.

Terry asks her what she has done, and she says she couldn't take it -watching all of them getting hurt for her. She pleads with Terry to strike her brother through the breastplate, but Terry wants to know what it'll do to her. She says it was her fate to put an end to the rage of Gaudemus. She must take his deep hatred to God herself. She says she has no regrets, as she had the chance to meet Terry. She says that if he loves her at all, he'll do this for her. Terry places her down, then turns to face Laocorn. Laocorn thinks he's a fool, as what can he possibly do to him in his condition? He thinks that one more hit will kill him. Terry says he'll show him the limitless potential of humanity!

Laocorn throws out an energy beam, but Terry charges right through it. He uses the burn knuckle, striking Laocorn's chest.

The armor disappears, as Laocorn falls to his knees. Terry goes back to Sulia, and asks if that was enough. Sulia nods, whilst Laocorn cries. He realizes what he has done.

Sulia says her brother is back, and thanks Terry for keeping his promise. She thanks Joe for everything, as she had so much fun, and then tells Mai and Andy to make each other happy. She asks where Terry is, and he takes her hand. She says she's sorry, but he tells her not to talk. The two kiss.

As Sulia dies, Terry asks why this happens to every woman he loves. Laocorn then notices something happening to what's left of the armor pieces -they start to melt, and the liquid moves back... where the statue is. The statue is set ablaze, and then melts. A being of energy appears: Mars, the god of War! Laocorn realizes Gaudemus was using him from the start, using him to collect the armor.

Mars releases a projectile at Mai, and whilst Andy tries to protect her, Laocorn gets in front of them both. He gets hit by the blast, and is incinerated on the spot. Andy says he'll distract Mars, and wants Joe to take Mai and Terry out of here. Joe refuses, saying that if they're going to die, they'll all go down together.

They then see energy emitting from Terry. Terry stands up, and screams out. He heads off to fight Mars himself. Joe goes to help, but Andy tells him to wait. They'll have to let Terry handle this, as if the enemy is a manifestation of energy, a more powerful energy might stand a chance!

Terry uses the whirlwind punch, which breaks apart his opponent's hand.

But Terry then takes a hit, and falls. Mai, Andy and Joe run up, but an energy blasts separates them all from Terry. Terry hears Sulia's voice calling him, just as Mars goes to hit him with a final attack.

Terry gets up and yells, and unleashes a massive energy blast. It stops Mars, and then completely destroys him.

Terry, Andy, Joe and Mai leave the shrine, and look at what's left of it. Mai says it's finally over, and Andy says it is. Everyone turns around...

...and starts to walk away. As they walk, Terry throws off his hat in silence.

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