Duck King has opened a new club, called The King of Dancing. There's no fee to enter, so he wants to pack everyone in! Andy and Mai arrive, and whilst Mai thinks this place is cool, Andy wonders why Jubei would hang around here. Mai wants to dance, but Andy claims he can't hear her, then suggests they split up and look around. Richard Meyer then walks up, having recognized Andy. He thinks Andy is doing alright, and asks who the lady with him is.

Andy starts to introduce Mai when he sees that Mai is gone, and that another woman is in her place! She says she'll dance with Andy instead. Jubei then appears, and tells Andy how he did well to enchant Miss Reiko so quickly. But he hasn't caught up with him yet, as he introduces his new lady friends: Miss Banana, Miss Tomato, Miss Strawberry, Miss Papaya, Miss Raspberry and Miss Muscat!

Andy asks to talk with him, but Jubei says later. Duck King then dims the lights, and tells the crowd that they've got a sweet young ninja babe who's come all the way from Japan to dance for them! Andy thinks Mai wouldn't...

...but Mai has, as she appears holding an umbrella. As some fireworks go off, Mai turns around, which gets most of the crowd excited.

As Mai starts dancing, Duck suddenly has some flowers thrown towards him. He sees that Billy is here, and Billy tells him this is a nice place he has. Duck tells him to enjoy himself, and Billy says he thinks he will. Meanwhile, Andy tries to ask Jubei about the armor.

But he keeps getting distracted by Mai, who is still dancing. He thinks she really is the best, but Andy then asks him again. Jubei mentions the Ryu-o temple in China.

Billy then goes up to Andy, and says it has been a while. Andy is surprised he's still alive, but Billy says he doesn't die so easy. Hopper and Ripper are also there, and Hopper throws Billy his staff. Richard tells Billy that's enough, but Billy notices something.

He strikes the glass behind Andy, which shatters, revealing Hauer. Hauer jumps up, and says they've made the lady stop dancing.

He jumps down and tells Mai she was exquisite. Andy tells Mai to run away, but Hauer thinks Mai has a lovely name. He asks if Andy is her boyfriend, but Mai wants to know who he is, sneaking up on her like that! She wonders what the deal is with his dumb mask, so Hauer takes it off. Mai thinks Hauer is pretty, but Andy is still cuter!

She leaps away, so Hauer tells Andy that the next time they meet, they'll see which of them is stronger, and the most attractive. He then uses his wind technique to create a whirlwind in the club.

As the wind dies down, Hauer is gone, and the club has been wrecked. Duck can't believe it, and swears revenge. Billy tells Hopper and Ripper that they'll go now. Andy wonders who Hauer was, but Jubei tells him he was no weakling. He tells him to engage Hauer with caution.

Geese is training, and listening to Billy's report. Billy tells him about the man who could control winds at will, and that he seemed to be quite interested in Andy Bogard. Geese tells him not to interrupt his training with such trivial matters. As Billy asks to be pardoned, Geese suddenly uses a new technique...

...called the raging storm. His attack rips the forest apart, as Billy thinks that the move was incredible.

But Geese says it's still too weak. So long as he bears this wound, he can't use the technique's full power. Billy can't believe that Geese thinks his technique is incomplete. Geese thinks about Terry Bogard.

Meanwhile, Sulia has taken Terry to an abandoned church. She tries to heal him, but can't summon enough power to keep up, and worries that Terry will die. She decides she won't let him die, even at the cost of her own life. She removes some of her clothing, then lies down on top of Terry. Her entire body starts to glow.

Terry suddenly finds himself back at the Pao Pao Cafe, and hears someone say the South Town queen is here. He looks over and sees Lily, who says whoever catches this rose will get a night out on the town with her. She throws the rose out, but suddenly Terry then sees Lily with some kids. He says that now he finally sees her true colors, and tells her to find the courage to escape from her cage.

He then kisses her, but then sees her fall. She tells him she was glad to have known him, but then dies. Geese suddenly appears, telling Terry to keep Lily's body, if he'd like.

As he starts laughing, he suddenly changes into Laocorn. Terry looks back down and sees that he's now holding Sulia, and realizes it's happened again!

Terry wakes up, and sees Sulia. Sulia is glad he's alright, and says she used too much of her power. She says she'll be alright, but needs to stay here for a while. As she shivers, Terry places his jacket over her. She says he's so kind, like her brother used to be. Whenever she fell down, he used to hold her just like this.

Sulia says that their father was the archaeologist who found the ruins at Rhodes. Their mother died giving birth to them, so their father raised them by himself. He was also interested in the legends of the Gaudemus bloodline, and together with his best friend, they started researching the family pendant. He was able to use the map in the cave to find the first piece of the armor. The discovery overturned everything they knew about history.

But their father's friend betrayed him, and destroyed the happiness they found. He covered up the murder as a burglary attempt, then took the credit for their father's research, and became famous. Laocorn couldn't bear it, and confronted their father's friend. He accused him of murdering their father.

The friend says so what if he did, and shot Laocorn. Laocorn was injured, and thought that he needed incredible power. It was at that moment that he put on the armor piece.

He threw out an energy blast, which killed the murderer, leaving no trace of him. Soon after, the world forgot about the legend of Gaudemus, and Laocorn began his search for the armor.

Back in the present, Terry says that as a fighter, he's always wanted to fight stronger opponents. But this time, it's different. He tells Sulia he wants to protect her from both sadness and pain.

Hebei Province, China

Mai is waiting outside a temple, annoyed that the place has rules against women being there. She wants Andy to hurry up, as she's been waiting for two hours! She then feels a breeze, and turns around. She sees someone down below, who uses a technique.

It's a blast of wind, which rips through Mai's dress. She leaps up and changes into her usual outfit, and sees that Hauer is here. She tells the pretty boy not to underestimate her, and imagines he's here to look for the armor. He asks so what if he is?

Mai says she'll teach him a lesson, and she jumps up. She throws two of her butterfly folding fans at him, but he slices them apart. Mai lands and sweeps him, causing him to stagger back.

She follows this up with her dragon flame dance move, which sends Hauer flying. Mai declares she's Japan's number one, but Hauer quickly recovers. He throws out another, larger wind projectile.

Mai leaps away, but the projectile catches up with her and explodes at the temple's gate. Andy has just obtained the piece of armor, but then hears the explosion. He heads back, only to find that Hauer has captured Mai.

Hauer tells him that if he makes one false move, he'll hurt Mai. He tells Andy to put the box down on the ground, then move away. Mai shouts not to do it, but Andy says he will. He puts the box down, then steps back.

Hauer jumps down with Mai, and says that was obliging of him. As he ducks down to get the box, Andy sees his chance. He uses his splitting shadow fist technique, but Hauer uses Mai as a shield. Andy stops his attack at the last moment.

Hauer then hits Andy several times, and sends him flying back. He thinks Andy is making Mai suffer, and it looks like he doesn't have the strength to stand. He tells him to watch and suffer whilst his beloved is taken from him, as he then kisses Mai.

Andy tells him to stop, and runs forward. Hauer calls him a fool, and uses his super vacuum slash technique. Andy is defeated, and Hauer leaves, leaving Mai to see to Andy.

At Stroheim castle in Germany, Panni has entered the place. See sees Laurence looking at a picture of Krauser.

Sebastian appears, asking if Lord Laurence is down here again. Laurence says he still can't believe the manner of Lord Krauser's demise. Panni looks at some of the other pictures, and sees that one of the people in the paintings is wearing a piece of the armor. She reads the plaque under the portrait, which states it's Richard Stroheim. Richard was born in 1075, and performed meritorious deeds during the crusades before his death in 1130. She believes the armor piece is hidden here.

Laurence senses someone is there, and asks who it is. Panni walks out, and says she doesn't need to introduce herself to scum like him. She wants the armor, but Laurence says he has no idea who she is. He says this is his castle, and after changing outfits, he starts attacking her with his sword.

Panni parries his thrusts, but he wraps her up with his cape, then slams her to the ground. He then uses his bloody flash technique.

Panni leaps up, and whilst Laurence thinks she's not bad, she's still no match for him. Panni tells him they'll see about that.

She uses her powers to send lots of water crashing through the walls. Laurence asks if she really expects her childish tricks to stop him, and then uses his bloody spin technique. He crashes into the water...

...but gets knocked back. Panni then uses the water to smash him into a wall, and he says she's too strong before passing out. Panni then asks Sebastian where the armor is.

The next morning, Joe arrives at the castle, but as he goes inside, he finds the place flooded. He thinks whoever was here lost a fight, but then sees Sebastian slumped next to a secret passage. Terry and Sulia then arrive, and Terry says it looks like they're too late. Joe sees that Terry is injured, but Terry says he's okay, thanks to Sulia.

Terry says he's sorry for letting an armor piece get away, but Sulia tells him he already risked his life to save her. She's the one who has been putting him in danger. She then falls to her knees and starts screaming, before collapsing.

The reason for this is because Laocorn has put on his new pieces of armor. He says now only the mask is left, but Panni says they have no clues to its location. Laocorn says the key must be hidden within Sulia's pendant. He tells her, Jamin and Hauer to get Sulia and the pendant, and use any means necessary. Once he has all of the armor, he'll have his dream: a world controlled by force!

Terry's group have returned to the cave in Rhodes. Sulia says this is all her fault, but Terry tells her not to blame herself. They're all here because they chose to be, and Andy agrees, saying that they just weren't strong enough. Joe says there is still one piece left, but Mai says they don't have a single clue to where it is. Terry says there must be a clue in this room, and in Sulia's pendant. The descendants of Gaudemus wouldn't want the secret to be revealed to anyone outside the bloodline, so the pendant which was handed down through Sulia's family must be the key.

Joe says they've gone over this room already, and he hits a wall. But when he does this, a brick moves into the wall, and a hidden door drops down. They see a light inside the room, and Sulia says it must be coming from the other side.

There seems to be a space for the pendant, so Sulia puts it in place. It shines a light onto the map, and Terry thinks it must be showing them where the last piece is. Sulia says the light is shining on the Dead Sea, in Israel.

Panni tells Jamin and Hauer that Sulia and her friends are on their way to Israel. Jamin says he doesn't like this idea, but Panni says these are Laocorn's orders. They fought with him so far because they share his dream. But Hauer says he doesn't care about Laocorn's dream or orders.

Jamin asks why Laocorn is so obsessed with that armor, as true power comes from training. Panni says Laocorn's power has already surpassed what humans are capable of. She says she's going to report in, then they must go after Sulia. After that, everything is in Lord Laocorn's hands.

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