The gates to Cassandra have been opened and as Uighur challenges Kenshiro to a fight, everyone notices some graves to the right, which are the graves of the ones who have died here. Uighur loves to see the amount of tombstones increase and has already gone as far as building a special one just for Kenshiro. Ken doesn't think it is big enough and plans for it to be the final resting place for Uighur.

Uighur does not like Kenshiro's attitude and reveals two whips, getting ready to attack. Meanwhile, some of the guards are placing bets over who will win the fight, with most going with the warden. But one says that he's going to go with Kenshiro as he just feels that he has what it takes to break the legend of Cassandra. Back at the fight, Uighur starts things off:


(Taishan Style Twin Streak Whip)

Uighur starts swinging his whips so rapidly that his opponent cannot even see them. He starts to hit Kenshiro over and over again, ripping up parts of his jacket in the process.

Uighur thinks he's going to win and lands what he says is the finishing strike, only to have one of his whips hit him straight in the face. When he recovers from this, he finds that his whips have been tied together!

Uighur decides to chance his tactics a bit and has a few guards get together and bring out several prisoners, who are all immediately put into guillotines! Uighur says that if he wins, then all of those prisoners will die.

According to him, this way is more fun and he then removes the two horns from his helmet. This reveals some super whips which looks rather chunky at first, but they then break down into many thinner whips. He again uses the Taishan Style Thousand streak whip technique with them - but as there are so many whips now, Kenshiro cannot avoid them all and he gets tied up. Uighur then shoves the horns into the ground and stomps on them before he decides to reveal his "true form".


(Mongolian Champion Way)

This makes Uighur's right arm gigantic and he charges straight into Kenshiro. As he is tied down he cannot block the attack and instead takes the full brunt of it, sending him flying. Could the Fist of the North Star have been defeated? It seems so!

At Mamiya's village, Lin is busy watering her flowers when she suddenly cries out in pain, clutching at her chest. When Airi and Bat arrive to check if she is OK, all she can say is that her chest started to hurt suddenly.

Uighur has won and as he promised, he has turned the hope of others into despair -the so called savior has been defeated. As he roars with laughter, deep within the prison word of Uighur's victory gets out and a guard lets Toki know that Kenshiro has been defeated. Toki says that if this is true than it may have been a good thing, as Kenshiro wouldn't have been able to withstand the trials that still await him. Meanwhile, Kenshiro has not died and Lin enters his thoughts. She tells him not to give up.

Back outside, Uighur had also promised to cut off the heads of the prisoners who were brought out earlier, and tells a guard to do it. The guard is about to when his head suddenly explodes: Kenshiro is back! He reminds Uighur that he will be going in that grave.

But Uighur has yet another surprise and quickly activates a hidden wall of spikes from under the ground to rise up behind Kenshiro. Rather than move out of the way, Ken lets Uighur proceed with his shoulder charge attack but this time, Ken blocks it by using just a few of his fingers. Uighur continues to try and push him into the spikes.

Uighur asks if Ken will be able to keep this up, as his body weighs in at over 500 KG. Does he really think he can stop it with just a few of his fingers? Ken presses in with his hand until it actually ruptures the arm it was blocking, which causes Uighur to finally end his attack and yell out in pain.


(North Star Steel-rending Grasp)

Uighur then has one final trick up his sleeve and he charges forward yet again, saying Cassandra's legend shall never die. But with his arm damaged he doesn't use his Mongolian technique and instead reveals a hidden blade in his helmet, and attempts to ram into Ken with it. Ken avoids him at the last moment, rips his own jacket off and then starts to punch Uighur.

He perform the Hokuto Hyakuretsu Ken technique against Uighur, which is enough to finally defeat him. Uighur is sent flying into the grave he had prepared for Kenshiro, but due to his size he won't fit. Kenshiro has thought about that and hit his pressure points so that his entire body caves in on itself, so he can fit.

With him out of the way the legend of Cassandra is finally over -the prisoners inside can be free. Raiga and Fuuga are both happy that the savior they had been looking out for has not only appeared, but also completed what he was meant to do.

Rei tells Mamiya to listen and they can no longer hear the usual moans and cries they heard when they first arrived at the prison. Even the guard at Toki's cell realises that something must have happened outside as the cries of pain have turned into cries of joy. Toki knows Kenshiro must have succeeded, but he also says that this Hell isn't over yet. Meanwhile Kenshiro still hasn't finished what he came to Cassandra for and as the freed prisoners cheer for him, he begins to walk further into the prison.


Oh no! The next episode is mainly a clip show, even though this preview tries to make it look like it isn't! Maybe you should tune in for "The 2,000 Year-old Tragedy of Hokuto! Hear the Footsteps of Ken-Oh!!" but then maybe you shouldn't.

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