Kenshiro holds the medallion that Raoh had given to Goximu years a go. He wonders what Raoh was supposed to do on the land of Shura, as the villagers keep referring to him as a savior and many of the Shura are terrified of him. Ken then goes up to Goximu and sees him with his injured son. Goximu blames Kenshiro for all of this, if Raoh had come instead of him then none of this would have happened! But now Raoh is dead, so it means the land of Shura will forever be in misery.

And across the land, Shura are attacking various villagers and burning buildings to the ground. Lin and Shachi watch from the mountains, as Shachi explains that the villagers are all being punished for rebelling and siding with the savior. Lin starts to think about her past, where she saw her foster parents die before her, and asks Shachi if he has anyone to protect here.

Shachi just says that he's died once already and that now he only lives for his ambition of conquering this land, so he only cares for himself. He then warns Lin not to go near the villages if she doesn't want to be put into the chaos, and then he runs off. The next morning, Kenshiro walks across the wastelands...

...and he finds a destroyed village complete with many dead villagers. He wonders if a place like this could really be his homeland, but he then sees several guys on horses heading his way. They aren't there to fight however, as they just survey the destruction. Their leader, Rock, tells them to move on. As they depart Rock throws Ken a can of water and tells him to pray for the dead.

Elsewhere, some of the Shura have been given a new goal: find and kill Leia. They find her hidden school but it is deserted, so they start to search the streets nearby. Leia, Tao and a few students are on a street trying to get out of the village and find somewhere to hide, but then they bump into...

...a very large Shura who tells them that they'll never have to hide again. But before he gets a chance to do anything he is killed via a sword being plunged into his back. A boro has appeared and tells Leia and the others to follow him. He leads them out to a sewer and they use a raft to escape the village. Leia wants to know who their helper is, but he says that he is a boro, and that is all.

The lake leads out to the swamplands and soon the group find Jukei. They tell him what has happened and how they were attacked, but a man helped them. They then realise that their helper has done a vanishing act. However, not far away Shachi is watching and is glad Leia is safe, and should remain so with Jukei. Perhaps he doesn't just live for himself after all.

In a ransacked village, Goximu wakes up to find himself in a room full of women. They explain that Kenshiro brought him here and also left Raoh's medallion. Goximu then finds out that the Shura attacked this village and took all the men!

Elsewhere one boy called Yohan wants his father back and has set out with a shotgun to rescue him. Two Shura soon find him though and regard his weapon as a toy before beating him down. Before they can kill him Rock appears and kills one Shura...

...and it doesn't take him long to critically injure the other one, either. Rock and the rest of his merry men appear and they are the last thing the Shura sees before he dies. Yohan gets up and is glad to see that Rock and his Shura killing team have arrived.

Rock later goes to visit Goximu, who is his father. Sadly he finds out from him that his younger brother, Jay, has died. And even worse is the fact that his father is also dying. Goximu tells his son that Raoh, their savior, is also dead! A man called Kenshiro who used the same style as Raoh killed him years a go. Rock is devastated by this as he has been training for years so he could one day fight at Raoh's side, but now that will never happen. Goximu tells him not to forget about Raoh before he also passes away.

At the funeral for Goximu and Jay, Rock tells the others that they must fight on, remembering Raoh's legend. They will go and save the villagers. Meanwhile, some Shura are taking great pleasure in killing some of the captured villagers they have.

Rock's group then blasts down the door and starts to kill all of the Shura. Rock says that they are Raoh's army and he then slices up the Shura leader here, killing him.

The villagers have been rescued, but Rock believes it was too easy. Sure enough, a giant warrior bursts out of the ground and says that his name is Xie. He isn't impressed with the Shura and says that the ones around today are far too weak, but he will show Rock how they really fight.


(Fang Judgment Compliance)

Xie says he will kill all of them and with just a couple of swipes, he cuts several people in half. Rock throws an explosive at him which keeps him at bay, giving José, one of Rock's team, enough time to fire a bazooka.

This seems to take him out, but he then gets back up and shatters his armor, saying that an attack like that would never be enough to kill him. He then gets hit on the head by a rock and turns around to see Kenshiro up above.

Xie attacks Kenshiro with a quick series of strikes, but Ken is able to keep up with his movements. Ken ends up behind him and a single poke is enough... send him crashing into a wall. As he gets back up he realises something is wrong, but he then explodes. Rock realises that the technique used was a Hokuto Shinken technique, so the man must be Kenshiro. Ken introduces himself but Rock tells him to go away -they don't want his help! Because of him, Raoh is dead and Shura's savior will never come! He and the rescued villagers turn around and leave.

The next morning, Kenshiro walks through another village but the remaining villagers all run away and hide when they see him. As a sandstorm picks up, Kenshiro thinks about what Rock said -has he really destroyed everyone's hope on Shura by killing Raoh?

Elsewhere we see the palace of the second Rasho, Hyo. The river still runs red and it runs through the palace. Han's body is washed up inside and Hyo tells his men to pay their respects to him.

They do so by dipping flags into the red river and then Hyo goes down and hugs Han's body, telling his friend to rest in peace. But Hyo then declares that he will avenge Han and to do that they will destroy their new enemy: Kenshiro!


Rock's army takes on the Shura with less than desirable results. Next time on Hokuto no Ken 2: "Men Who Need No Introduction! Finally, the Seven Warriors Attack Ken!!"

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