Supreme Leader Han!
The Man Who Stains White Snow Into Blood Red!!
-From RQ87's Fist of the North Star site
Hokuto no Ken 2 episode 18 |
Episode 127 overall |
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For a detailed overview of this episode, click here.
Kenshiro confronts Han.
Original broadcast date: August 20th, 1987
1) Synopsis
2) Manga differences
3) Notes
4) Errors
Two pirates return to Akashachi and ask for him to leave this place, as they think the Asura may attack him if he stays out here. Akashachi refuses, as he wants to wait until Kenshiro returns with news of his son. Meanwhile, Shachi and Lin enter Han's fortress. Even though he is disguised as a rag, Han sees through this right away. Shachi tries to attack Han, but his moves are ineffective due to Han being able to move so fast.
Shachi decides to go back to his original plan, and gives Lin to him before running off. Han doesn't understand what is going on, and finds it amusing when Lin tells him he will be defeated, but then Kenshiro enters the room. Han is impressed that he managed to get in here without him knowing about it, but refuses to give Lin to him. He wants to fight, as he can tell Kenshiro is strong. Shachi returns and takes out Lin's guards, but does not get in the way of Kenshiro and Han's fight.
Han starts the battle by using a kick move called shikka koujin (rapid fire glimmering wind), which hits Kenshiro. He thinks that Kenshiro may not be the challenge he had hoped for, but is then shocked to discover that his hand has been cut without him even noticing it. This just makes him more excited, as he finally has a strong opponent to fight. He believes he is equal in skill with Kenshiro, but he is determined that this fight will not end in a draw!
-In the manga, the scene with the Asura in a jeep Kenshiro encounters is slightly different. The Asura doesn't have any weapons, but refuses to tell Kenshiro where Han's fortress is. Kenshiro keeps smashing his head into a cliff until he decides to reveal it.
-Han does not actually drink the poison in the manga, but in the anime, he does.
-The Asura Shachi runs into dies in front of Shachi in the manga.
In the anime, they changed it so he goes to Han, and dies before him instead.
-The flashback scene with Shachi and Leia happens later in the manga -it's shown after Shachi kills the two rags with Lin. In the anime, it's shown before Shachi and Lin get to Han's fortress.
-This episode's preview (shown at the end of the previous episode) has a few differences in it when compared to what's seen in this episode, including a rare case of a character being redrawn -click here for more details.
-In addition to the above, in this episode, a shot of Lin and Han cuts here. But in the preview, there is a bit more animation which got cut, showing Han turn his head to look at Kenshiro.
-It is never revealed in the manga or anime who that woman was who tried to poison Han. She is not seen again in the series.
-The Asura's car has the word "TOYO A" on the back of it, a reference to Toyota.
-One of the pirates initially has a chest tatoo, but this goes missing in later shots.
-Lin's headband is colored red instead of pink during this shot.
-During the flashback, Leia only has bandages on her right hand at first. But then she has bandages on both hands for almost all later shots.
-I say "almost" because when she jumps into Shachi's arms, her left hand bandages are missing again.
-When the dog dies, there's a pool of blood around its mouth. This blood goes missing for this shot, and then again for this shot.
-When the car first appears, Kenshiro's glove is missing.
-When Kenshiro gets out of the way of the car, his glove is missing again.
-When Kenshiro walks away from the exploding Asura, his glove is missing again.
-Just before Kenshiro tells Lin he's come for her, his glove is missing during this panning shot.
-When the Asura with the sword walks up to Han, Kenshiro's glove is missing again.
-The chain for Han's cape is usually colored entirely green, however for this shot, part of it is colored yellow.