Here's as much music from the Final Fight series and related games as I can get. Everything is in MP3 format.
= MIKE HAGGAR AWESOME. I really like this track.
[Capcom Vs. SNK] [Final Fight] [Final Fight Amiga] [Final Fight CD] [Final Fight Double Impact] [Final Fight One] [Final Fight SNES] [Final Fight 2] [Final Fight 3] [Final Fight Revenge]
[Final Fight Streetwise] [Marvel Vs. Capcom 3] [Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite] [Mighty Final Fight]
[Namco X Capcom] [Ring of Destruction] [Street Fighter III 2nd Impact] [Street Fighter III 3rd Strike]
[Street Fighter Alpha] [Street Fighter Alpha 2] [Street Fighter Alpha 3] [Street Fighter X Tekken] [Street Fighter V] [Super Street Fighter IV] [Ultra Street Fighter IV]
I really don't think the composers for this knew what they were doing for this. Some of it is great for chilling out to, but most of it doesn't sound like a fighting game soundtrack at all.
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I'll just have the Final Fight remixes used in this game up.
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The music for Haggar's theme is also used in the updated version of the game, Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3.
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I don't know what the track names are for the music in this game, so I've had to go with the names of where they are played instead.
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