Bat and Lynn return to their home. Bat says that the Crossmen won't attack in the rain, but next time, he'll be ready. They then notice Kenshiro is in their home, and Bat asks him what he's doing in here. Kenshiro says he's breathing. Bat tells him that if he wants to keep breathing, he should get out, as this is their home.
Kenshiro notices Lynn, and asks if she's blind. Lynn nods, so Kenshiro asks how it happened. Bat explains that she saw their mom and dad get killed by the Crossmen, and hasn't seen since. Kenshiro looks at Lynn, and hits pressure points on her head. Bat asks what he's doing, and Kenshiro says this is something his father taught him.
Kenshiro then leaves, but Lynn says he can't go out in the rain. They watch as Kenshiro goes out, but the rain doesn't effect him. Bat asks how Lynn was able to see that, but Lynn calls out and asks Kenshiro who he is. Kenshiro says his name, and whilst Lynn asks him to stay and protect them, Kenshiro continues to walk away.
At Southern Cross, Jackal reports to Shin that the townspeople at Paradise Valley are feeble, and the water is unprotected -they can move right in, no contest. Shin tells him to just take care of it. Julia then enters the room, so Shin tells Jackal that's his cue to leave -the clock's ticking. Jackal walks out of the room, as Julia looks at what Shin is working on. Shin says that this is a blueprint of the future, the rebirth of history.
Julia says that many will die. Shin says that the history books will forget his methods, and applaud his vision. Civilization will rise from the ashes, and he'll give the phoenix its wings. He tells Julia he's doing this all for her, he's building the future in her name. Julia tells him he's wasting his time, but Shin tells her that her problem is she can't see the future because she's trapped in the present. Julia says it's not the present, she's trapped in the past.
Back at Paradise Valley, Asher and Charlie start getting things organized in preparation for another attack. Charlie says that another villager, Neville, is trying to talk peace, but Asher thinks he's an idiot. Charlie reminds him that Neville is the leader of the council, but Asher says that doesn't contradict his statement. He knows that Shin doesn't want peace, he wants slaves. Meanwhile, Bat is training some of the other kids.
Asher tells some villagers that for every death, there is a birth. For every pain, a pleasure. Between the darkness and the light is the balance of all things. When that balance is tilted, nature rejects them, and as surely as the seed will flower from the scorched soil, so will hope return. Hope will have the shape of a man: Fist of the North Star. Nearby, Lynn is watching, and mouths Kenshiro's name. Someone then walks up to her.
The man, who speaks with Ryuken's voice, tells Lynn that she must turn Kenshiro's heart. Elsewhere, Kenshiro is having a vision.
He wakes up, having thought of Ryuken. He remembers some of the things Ryuken told him, about how long a man can deny his destiny. He says they will talk. Kenshiro looks up, and sees the Big Dipper shining brightly in the night sky.
Something then bursts out of the ground. Kenshiro is taken aback as Ryuken appears before him!
Ryuken tells Kenshiro that he is in default of his destiny. Kenshiro says no, his destiny is hate and revenge. Ryuken tells him it's not his choice to make. When he died, Kenshiro became the Fist. He says that Kenshiro has set his destiny in motion by his own hand, Fist of the North Star!
Kenshiro screams no, and starts hitting a wrecked car. Ryuken vanishes, and once Kenshiro calms down, he notices that the seven wounds on his chest are bleeding.
Back at Paradise Valley, Charlie is getting weapons prepared. Neville comes up to her and asks what she's doing -these bombs will destroy everything they've worked for. Charlie thinks why don't they all just surrender now, and all be happy slaves? Neville says that fighting will be suicide, and suggests they open negotiations. Charlie tells him that animals don't negotiate, but Asher comes over and asks Neville what he has in mind. Neville pulls out a treaty, proposing shared water rights with the city of Southern Cross. He wants to send an envoy there, to seek a peaceful settlement. Asher responds by asking Charlie how many bombs can they make, so Neville calls them crazy.
Elsewhere, Kenshiro is training, and thinks about what Ryuken said. But he then hears someone laughing nearby.
Bat is being harassed by a couple of Crossmen, but Kenshiro then appears. The two Crossmen try to attack, but Kenshiro beats both of them down easily.
Bat tells Kenshiro that he's really good, but he could have taken them, he was just warming up. Kenshiro asks if he followed him, and Bat says he did. Bat asks if he wants to know why he's here, but Kenshiro says no. Bat tells him anyway: Lynn sent him. The Crossmen are coming to Paradise Valley. Kenshiro says these two Crossmen aren't, but Bat says the ones going to Paradise Valley are the real thing, not like these AWOLs.
Kenshiro then notices that on the back of one of the fallen Crossmen is a picture of Julia. Kenshiro rips it off, picks the guy up and proceeds to batter him until he falls. Bat asks what that was all about, but Kenshiro tells him he's wasted his time. He then says he has business to the south, and leaves. Bat goes after him.
At Paradise Valley, Asher notices Lynn looking out at the wasteland, but then a barbed wire fence is put into place. Meanwhile, Bat is still following Kenshiro, but falls down. As the sandstorm ends, Kenshiro goes back and finds him.
At Southern Cross, Shin continues to work on his plans for the future. Meanwhile, Jackal rallies up the Crossmen, saying that they're going to kill some people. They're going to kill them, and enjoy it.
The Crossmen begin their attack, and easily overwhelm the villagers of Paradise Valley. They start setting fire to things, and then people, dragging them around on their bikes.
As the women are raped, Jackal says it ain't easy being sleazy. The Crossmen continue to attack the remaining villagers.
Lynn screams, and this is heard by Kenshiro, who suddenly holds his head in pain. He sees a vision of Lynn, and then says his father was right. Bat tells him whatever he says, but Kenshiro says he has no choice, he opened her eyes.
Back at the village, Stalin grabs Lynn and shoots a villager. Bat asks Kenshiro if he's talking about Lynn, but Kenshiro tells him they'll go. Meanwhile, the surviving villagers are put in chains and placed into a truck.
Jackal tells the driver to take them to Southern Cross. He then goes up to Neville, Asher and Charlie, and wants to know which one of them is the engineer. Charlie says she is, so Jackal tells her that once the plans arrives, she'll build. Charlie refuses and calls Jackal an ugly son of a bitch. Sandman says work means life, but Asher says that life is nothing without freedom. Jackal says freedom is worth nothing without life, and hits him. Neville says that's right, and Jackal thinks he's a man who understands logic. Neville says he accepts reality. He tells them that they can work together to assure a brighter future for both peoples.
Jackal says he likes Asher, and they need Charlie. But he tells Sandman to kill Neville for being a brown-nosing sack of shit, before he pukes all over himself. Sandman kills Neville.
Jackal says there will be no treaty or partnership, just complete obedience... or death -welcome to the future. The village has flags of the Southern Cross placed around it, and the water well is fenced off. Stalin catches an old woman next to it, and throws her to the floor.
Stone says no water, and the woman says she'll die. Stalin tells her to die, prompting him and Stone to laugh. Lynn runs up to the old woman, and asks the Crossmen if they feel better now.
Stalin says he's starting to, and grabs her. Jackal comes over and asks what's going on, and asks Lynn if she's making trouble. Lynn slaps him and tells him not to touch her. Jackal asks her if she's seen that, and points to a guillotine.
He says it's brand new, and tells Lynn she's the first one who gets to ride on it. As Lynn is taken away, Jackal tells the other villagers that might is right, whilst dissent is intolerable. Lynn is placed in the guillotine, and the villagers are told to move away. The old woman asks Jackal to have mercy, but he tells her if she touches him again, her head is next.
Jackal tells Lynn that in her next life, she should watch her mouth. He tells his men to kill her, and as the guillotine is activated, Lynn says Kenshiro will make them pay. Jackal sticks his staff into the guillotine, stopping the blade from taking Lynn's head off. He asks her if she has something to tell him. Lynn says nothing.
He tells Stalin to go to Shin, and tells him this: "seven wounds". Sandman takes Lynn out of the guillotine, but Stone comes over and says he'll take her. He calls Lynn a tough kid -he likes that.
At Southern Cross, Shin pricks his finger, causing blood to spill onto some of his paperwork. The drops of blood are in the formation of the Big Dipper, and catch fire.