Masaomi Kanzaki's manga features all 12 characters from the original Street Fighter II game. The main story involves several fighters going to a place known as Shad, which Bison has taken over. Each one has their own reasons for going, such as Ryu wanting to avenge his master's death and Guile wanting revenge for the death of his friend, Charlie. This manga marked the debut appearance of Gouken, Ryu and Ken's master, who would be featured in future Street Fighter games.
The series has been released twice in America. After the Malibu comic was cancelled, it was decided that it would be best to bring Masaomi Kanzaki's manga out in America instead. In 1994, an 8 issue series was published, featuring the traditional left to fight format (in Japan it's the other way around) and, best of all, the art was now full color.
Udon have since released a newly translated version, which keeps the black and white art and original right to left format. There are three volumes in total and the key one for many fans was the third volume, as it features a new storyline which had never been seen outside Japan before. It involves several characters going up against evil clones of themselves.