Street Fighter II Yomigaeru Fujiwara-Kyou is an educational film, which was originally released on video in 1995. Created to help promote a Fujiwara themed exhibition, the anime has Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and Honda sent back through time, where they learn about Fujiwara -a place considered to be Japan's first real capital.
If you're expecting any fight sequences, you're doing to be very disappointed -this is strictly an educational tool, so no violence. The story has Ryu meet up with Ken, and the two spend some time learning about the goings on in Fujiwara. They eventually meet up with Chun-Li, and realize they've got to find Honda fast, so they can all return to their own time.
Aside from the video release, the only other release of the film would be in 2004, where it would be available on DVD in a box set along with the complete collection of Masaomi Kanzaki's Street Fighter II: Ryu manga. And again, this set was only released in Japan. This film has yet to be dubbed into English, and was missed off things like the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary set.
Which is where I had to step in. With thanks to shmuplations for accepting my commission to get it fan subbed, you can enjoy the entire film right here. Alternatively, check out my cartoon coverage section for more screen grabs and some other stuff.