Natsuki Crisis Battle is a Super Famicom exclusive, released in Japan in April 1995. Developed by Tose and published by Angel, this is a one on one fighting game. Based on the Natsuki Crisis manga, making a fighting game was clearly the best route, especially given how popular the genre was at the time. The results aren't too great: this game has a small cast of characters, with only eight unique characters in total. The sprites are quite small and don't have that many animation frames, and there aren't that many backgrounds to fight on. There are some questionable gameplay mechanics too, namely the fact you can get stunned whilst blocking, and the red stun gauge exclusive moves -it's difficult to use these moves much, and they aren't worth the effort as they don't do that much damage. And given the other fighting games which were already available for the SNES -namely Super Street Fighter II -this one is pretty lacking.
This game quickly fell into obscurity, not helped that the Natsuki Crisis manga or OVAs have received an English release -currently Wikipedia has a page for this game, but not the series it's based on! I kind of have a soft spot for it though, as this game was included in a bundle I bought on eBay years ago. I'd always wanted to know what was going on in the story mode, as for a fighting game, it's surprisingly in-depth. There are cutscenes and dialog before each fight, along with multiple endings. And now, thanks to shmuplations, you can enjoy an English translation of the story mode!