Back in 1998, a man named Leo began a cloning experiment to try and take over the world. To help him with this, he had captured most of the HOKUTO SUPER BEST FRIENDS TEAM using his finished experiments to clone them and turn them into bio weapons. Some managed to escape without leaving DNA traces (not sure how); others were successfully cloned, and their fate remains a mystery. Later into the project, Valto, one of Leo's partners involved, was fused with jealousy and attempted to sabotage it. He was found out and fired, banished, and threatened to be killed if he ever returned. Now it is the year 20xx, and thanks to the training he had with Leo over the years, Valto had been working on his own project: he plans to capture the HOKUTO SUPER BEST FRIENDS TEAMER's who had escaped Leo's grasp, and turn them into bio weapons of his own, to get back at his ex-boss.

Using one of the cloning devices he stole from the lab ahead of time, he releases his own successful experiments to help relocate the ones who escaped; Rage "Rage" Quitter 87, Galvatron, Kaioh, and Ironhide (Galvatron a nd Ironhide were the size of normal people...or they were normal size and everyone else was really big. Can't remember). Yegar, a person who had also experienced lab trauma in the past, and Bruce Lee decide to help after getting in trouble with the experiments themselves. All try to help overthrow Valto's plans and destroy him and his experiments for good.



The werewolf of EVIL was created by injecting human DNA into a wolf pup Valto had found. After maturing, the werewolf seeks out the taste of flesh and blood from any living creature, and thanks to chemicals it was injected with, it is stronger and more dangerous than the average werewolf, able to create natural disasters. The said chemicals also caused the wolf to go ballistic and disobey Valto's orders. With that as well as it's disaster ability, it's no wonder Valto kept it secure; chained inside a steel cage, which it later broke out and is on a rampage in the outside world.

The Bionic Lizard is another one of Valto's successful creations. Though less wild than the wolf, it is still deadly with it's razor sharp claws and teeth. It can stand on it's hind legs and drips venom from it's mouth. It has metal parts on it's body, suggesting that it was resurrected.

The Demoness was created from altering genes of other monster experiments (Valto didn't let his failed creations go to waste), and more disturbingly, taking a the body of a recently deceased pregnant woman and gathering the embryo.


"Yo homie, this is proper whack yo!" said Galvatron. "Yeah I know who you mean big GT. What was up with that Valtro guy? What did he want us to do aagain?" asked RQ87, as they walked through the dark forest of mystery. "We gots to find that werewolve dude" said Ironhide, who was lighting up his second cigar. "Oh yeah, right" said Kaioh, who stopped playing Nintendogs and Nintedcats for his Nintendo 3DS, which he purcahsed all versions of at launch, and the console at launch, and then was super pissed when the price dropped because nobody cared about the 3DS and nobody else got one and he couldn't understand why he had to suffer by paying full price whilst everyone else got them cheaper a month later.

"HOOOOOOOWLLLLLLL" said a voice somewhere. "Aw shiz it's da werewolf said Galvatron", who started shaking.And there it was, the disgusting weewolfe of human DNA. But to make things worse, the BIONIC LIAZARD and the demoness were also present, and with the HOKUTO SUPER BEST FRIENDS Group not fully staffed, things did not look good. And then to make things even even even even even even worse, the dreaded VALTRO appeared. "HAHAHAHA you fools" said Valtro. I do no need you any more to destroy Leo! These new creations can destroy him!"

"Who's Leo" asked RQ87. "He's that guy I hate because he fired me so I'm going to kill him" said Vlatro. "Oh I see...I see that YOU are going to DIE!" said RQ87, who pulled out a cannon so big Valtro did a small wee in his pants. The werewolf attacked, but the cannon was fired and the werewolfe exploded. However the bodyparts turned into werewolves with wings on them that could travel at the speed of sound and had big teeth. Ironhide was getting chomped on when suddenly Yegar appeared and beat one of the werewolves up. "Hi I thought you could do with a hand" said Yegar, who had expierienced lab trauma in the past. "Thanks Yegar" said RQ87, who watched as Yegars' mentor, Bruce Lee, also appeared on the battlefield. This stupid werewolf went up to Bruce Lee and gets punched in the face straight away. The werewolve is so shocked at getting it's ass beat so bad it goes into denial and dies of depression. Another werewolve sees this and immediately explodes. Another werewolve sees this and flies away, but then explodes. Then Kaioh flies in in his X-Wing and shoots the rest.

Soon all the stupid werewolves are defeated/dead so the BIONIC LIZARD shows up, which is huge. Voltro is laughing manically because he thinks he bio lizard is going to eat everyone, but yeah right. This lizard tries to eat everyone, but everyone just grabs onto one of it's legs. Everyone then throws the lizard straight up into the air by 10,000 feet, and then as it comes back down again, Ironhide realses his signature locust swarm attack, who eat the lizard whole, and then explode. Bits and pieces of the lizard rain down all over Volto, and Kaioh says "hey do you need an umbrella" and everyone starts laughing.

Then the demoness shows up. She is very pretty and has boobies and wings and everything. Nobody wants to beat up a girl because girls can't fight or do sports and stuff like that, but then she falls over because Kaioh stepped 10 feet away from her, and the ground shock makes her stumble and everyone starts laughing because girls are so weak and useless. The demoness gets up and says "Hey I'm very powerful" but this just makes everyone just laugh their asses off even harder, including Valto. The demoness collapses because she did not have the self confidence to win, and Valto stops laughing because he's about to get MESSED UP by the HOKUTO SUPER BEST FRIENDS TEAM.

"Hey asshole you will never see your boyfriend Leo again" said RE87. "ARGGHGHHHH" said Valtro. "Why does this happen to me?! Nobody understands my works of ART! I am a BRILLIANT ARTIST!" "Yo why have you got a watermark on yourself?" asked Galvatron. Valtro said "it is because I don't want anyone stealing me or my wonderful art and art ideas!"People of the world don't care if you watermark your work. I don't care if you watermark your work! Since it's your art, you do what you want! I won't stop you! And yes, I do recall you commenting on my previous arts...if that's what you want to call it. And I explained why I did those things, but since I never got responses out of you, I moved on and continued. And people change official character's appearances a lot, so why am I suddenly bad for doing it myself? Maybe I was bored. Maybe I wanted to be a little more expansive. Maybe I just got tired of doing the same crap and wanted to experiment with a hair style or something. And I'm not giving up on what I love just because YOU GUYS don't like it or just because I seem bad. I NEVER expect to be perfect, but I know if I continue, I'll get better!

You actually took the time to beat up my monsters just to prove a point?? .......I told you guys I'll get rid of the watermarks if that'll make you happy! And I never said I was happy being a shitty artist! I just said I don't expect to be perfect. I'm still trying to improve, I really am! I went to school for art classes and I'm currently studying online tutorials! Sometimes they help, sometimes they don't, as you can obviously tell, but I'm still not giving up! The monsters you just beat easily are the result of me having bad perspective, but I'm still trying. And to be honest, those werewolves were meant to be side-by-side, but I ran out of room in my lab and had to improvise. That resulted with the wolf being moved to the bottom, I'm afraid. The lab...I just wanted to make a full colored image.

You think I'm happy being a shitty artist?! No, I'm WAY FAR from happy with my art level! If I could take more classes in art, I...WOULD!!!!! But I can't because I'm barely surviving on the income I'm getting now! And there's no way in hell my parents are going to help me pay for schooling. I know because I bugged the shit out of them about going to college or some kind of art school ever since I graduated high school, but nothing's been done, and nothing's ever going to BE done, so I try to improve by self-teaching or by references! You can tell how far that's gotten me!"

"Yo, maybe if you didn't get fired by Leo, you wouldn't have a cash problem" said Kaioh. To which Valtro said:

"My parents still won't let me go to college for whatever reason, even though I told them I'll find a way to pay for it myself. ......Almost 3 minutes of fighting. See, THIS is why I don't accept criticism; it causes nothing but trouble. I know the whole thing started over watermarks, but I didn't expect it to go this far. I really didn't! Speaking of which, I want to put an end to this feud before it gets even more out of hand. I don't want to get in trouble, and believe it or not, I don't want to see anyone else get in trouble either. Whether I'll continue making monsters here or not, I don't know if I should anymore since no matter what I do or how I do it, I'll get yelled at. I try to explain what I did and why, and things seem to get worse from there. I didn't expect this to get too out of hand. Now you know why I said I don't want criticism; I take it too seriously and it causes trouble. I SHOULD learn to accept it, but I just can't for some stupid reason. Anyway, like I said, if I ever plan to post more art here again, I'll try to put more work into it, but don't expect a masterpiece. I might try someday, but thanks to stress, I'm taking a break from making monsters for a while. Luckily, editing monsters in the lab is something I like to do, though I admit I need more practice doing it. I didn't draw any of this stuff, but one of them is a gift to me from a friend. ....I'm only saying this once: boredom+not being able to sleep=me doing stuff like this, so there's no real meaning behind the monsters."

"Yo, I think you don't accept criticism because you are a GIANT PUSSY" said Kaioh. This argument had totally killed his boner, and he began to look at the corpse of the demoness and get terrible ideas of things to do to it and insert into it, mostly things that go erect. And with that Valtro vanished in a flash of light, hopefully never to be seen again.