"WHAT?! What do you mean you trained someone else in Hokuto Shinken?!" Kenshiro screamed. It was Christmas Eve in the Hokuto Shinken dojo and as ghost Raoh and ghost Toki were putting up the decorations, Kenshiro demanded an explaination from his master, ghost Ryuken. "Yes I'm afraid it's true" ghost Ryuken said as he floated up to put a star on a tree. "You see Kenshirou I had to keep him a secret from you all. Whilst you were thought to be the most powerful fighter on this planet now, there is another one who is even greater than you" For the first time since Shin had kicked over his master's grave, Kenshiro felt angry. Nobody was as strong as him. He'd beaten Raoh and fucked up Kaioh, who could possibly be stronger than him now? Over the years he'd faced the likes of Thouther, Han, Hyo and come out victorious. Nobody could brag more than him, but he was too cool to brag. He then heard a quiet smirk behind him and turned around to see ghost Raul grinning like an idiot. Yeah laugh it up buddy Kenshiro thought. I still beat your ass in our final battle. Kenshiro sent the last part of his thought to Raoh via a psychic link to his ghost mind, and Raoh frowned straight away.
"Kenshirou, you must understand. The battles you have faced are nothing compared to this guy! You see the fighters you faced were actually all clones." Ryuken said. Kenshiro was like "Yeah right" but then ghost Ryuken hit a button and a large door opened up, reavealing thousands of clones of his opponents! Rei, Souther, Jagi, nearly everyone! "You see Kenshiro, you never fought the originals. But the truee successor to Hokuto Shinken did, and he defeated them all flawlessly." Kenshiro could not believe this. All of his battles were pointless, he'd done nothing with his life. "Who is this successor" he asked. A voice suddenly called out "I'm right here."
"His name is Michael, and he is known for his powerfol Rage. When he is in a fight he's never a Quitter, plus one time he beat 87 million Shura in just 10 minutes " Ryuken said. Kenshiro looked at the successor, and tried to hide his amazement. He looked so much like him! Yet somehow he also looked so much better, and more muscular, and cooler, and he had a slightly better voice and everything. "Kenshiro, you are good, but as the true Hokuto Shinken successor, you must give up your art now" the new successor said. "No way." Said Kenshirou. "I dedicated my entire life to fighting! You can't take it away from me!" "Kenshiro stop acting like a silly diaper baby such as Jagi" Michael said. "You know the rules of Hokuto, you know there can only be one sucessor. I am that succesorr, not you".
Without warning, Kenshiro used Souther's speed to get over to where this so called Successor was and Hokuto Zankai Ken'd him.
"Omae wa mo shin deru -bitch!" said Kenshiro. "You have 7 seconds left to live, Mr. Sucessror" he went on to add. 6...5...4...3...2...1... Kenshiro was confused. His opponent hadn't exploded! "Hahahaha. You are no match for me, Kenshirou. Not only I have mastered Hokuto Shinken, but I have also mastered anti-Hokuto Shinken, along with every other fighting style ever made ever...Hokuto Ryuuken, Gento Kouken, Nanto tatsu maki shoraiooken, you name it, I know it" Michael said, smiling. Anti-Hokuto Shinken?! Kenshiro thought. He'd never heard of it, no wonder he couldn't win! "You see Kenshiro, Michael really is the strongest" Ryuken confirmed. "I think you know what you must do".
30 seconds later Ghost Kenshiro helped ghost Toki put some tinsel on another one of the Christmas trees. "This is going to be the best Christmas ever" ghost Raoh said, although he did not go on to say that it was because Kenshiro was made to look weak and had to end his own life, he just thought about that part instead. "Yes it is" Kenshiro said even though deep down he was really upset that he wasn't the successor, but he didn't want to look weak infront of Michael. "Happy Christmas everyone" Michael said before he turned around and left the dojo.