The clock struck 7:00 AM and the alarm went off. It was at exactly that point when Da Dick, the single greatest mind of technical genius in the history of all of Yuku, got up. For today was the day. The day it all ended. The day where he would successfully do what the others had failed to do: destroy the one known as Greybob.
Running to his computer and hitting the power switch, he sat down and waited. Throughout his mind the same plan kept appearing over and over. He knew what he had to do. He knew how once completed his greatest enemy would be annihilated. Everyone else at the Port Saiid forums would finally recognise his superior intellect. Not that it mattered, he thought, as everyone there was friends with him and everyone there hated Greybob anyway. For 10 years he had posted there, fitting in tightly with the community whilst this Greybob had come out of nowhere and obviously not been popular at all and clearly stood out. Well in a few minutes, he would wipe him off the face of the Earth...forever.
His computer booted up and after getting to the main screen, he quickly went to the Port Saiid forums. Having logged out of his original account, he was now an invisible ghost there, nobody knew of his plan. Clicking on the "Create new account" option, phase 1 of his masterplan was initiated. Filling out all of the required information, Da Dick once again though of how only he could think of something so clever. He finished filling in the data and hit the create account button. He was in.
Time was not on his side. He had just a scant few minutes before somebody realised what he was doing. Finding the most recent, important and relevant topic he would that Greybob had posted in, he casually went on the reply button. Phase 2 had begun, and he'd broken out in a sweat. Suddenly a wave of terror hit him as he realised just what little time there was left. Smashing the keys on his keyboard with all his might, he clicked on "post preview"...
"SHIT!" he thought. In his haste to defeat his arch enemy, he had put his entire plan in great jeopardy! He now had mere seconds to get it right otherwise it would never work! Emptying his mind of everything but the plan and his many friends on Port Saiid, he clicked the edit post button and slowly but correctly typed out his message of pure hatred:
"MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Da Dick said triumphantly before logging out of the account he had just made. With but this single action, he would have successfully made Greybob fell unloved and he would surely vanish from the Internet forever. Whilst he would make his way back to the forums after a long absence, surely to be accepted and appreciated by all. Today had been a day of total victory, his only regret being that he would never get to see the look on Greybob's face after he saw what he had done. But then, this was the price of such perfection.