Chapter 4:
The Old Dog and the Boy

Yusuke and Botan observe Shota, a bullied kid who's only friend is his old dog, Jiro. Jiro dies, but due to his love for Shota, his soul won't depart to the afterlife. Worried that Shota may take his own life, Yusuke enters his dreams and pretends to be a demon, and reveals he has Jiro. He tells Shota that because of his whining, Jiro can't find peace, and is going to be taken to hell. Yusuke proceeds to taunt Shota and threaten Jiro, but Shota eventually fights back. Shota promises to stand up for himself, so Botan appears and takes Jiro away to the afterlife. The next morning, two other kids try to mock Shota, but he puts them in their place.

Chapter 5:
Her First Christmas!

Botan finds a ghost girl, Kana, who is waiting for someone: her boyfriend, Kenji. She reveals she fell into a coma and died, but had promised to meet him at her current location so they could spend the previous Christmas together. She wants to wait at the same place again just to see if he'll show up once more. The group wait around and Kenji eventually shows up, only to have come here to meet his new girlfriend, whilst also mocking Kana -revealing that he doesn't even know that she's dead. Kana is upset, but Yusuke tells her not to have another thought about Kenji. He takes her out for the night of her life, and the two see a movie, go to a theme park and more. Later on, Yusuke gets Kana to look down on the city, and tells her to give Kenji a piece of her mind. Kana instead thanks Kenji and wishes him well, as thanks to him, she got to meet Yusuke, and be happy. Botan takes Kana away to heaven, whilst Yusuke prank calls and then scares Kenji and his new girlfriend by appearing as a ghost before them.

Chapter 6:
The Lonely Journey

Botan finds an old man, who is close to death. The old man lost his family in an accident, and since then distant relatives have been pestering him about the estate, so he got rid of most of the estate and now keeps to himself. She and Yusuke happen to see a tanuki near the old man's home, and wonder what he's doing. Botan reveals animals have keen sixth senses, so the tanuki is able to understand them. They find out that that the old man, and Shinji, his grandson, had freed the tanuki from a trap. The tanuki wants to do something for the old man, and learns of Shinji's death. The tanuki transforms itself into Shinji, and enters his house. The old man's health is worsening, but for the next few nights, the tanuki takes Shinji's form, and helps him. On the old man's final night, he reveals he knew the tanuki was pretending to be Shinji, but isn't mad. He says he's ready to see his grandson now, and dies peacefully.
