The Demon Realm tournament, a martial arts tournament with control of the Demon Realm at stake, has entered the final tournament stage. Yusuke's friends fought well, but Chu, Rinku, Shishiwaka and Suzuki were all eliminated one by one, and then even Jin and Toya were defeated in the first round. In fiercely contested battles, it was indeed those who warranted moving onto the second round that still remained.

Kurama, A Break with the Past

Kurama is on the phone to his mom. As they exchange some small talk, Kurama says he really wants to think hard about his future. He should be coming back in two weeks or so. His mom mentions something about cherry trees, which Kurama remembers he used to climb up when he was younger. He then says he has to hang up, and tells her to tell his brother and father he said hello.

Koto announces that they will be continuing the second round, and the next block B match will be Kurama versus Shigure. The two fighters are called to the ring. As Shigure walks off, he bows before Mukuro, and then walks off without saying a word.

As Kurama heads to the ring, Yomi meets him. Yomi says that on that day when Urameshi came to see him, Kurama didn't hesitate to turn against him. He asks him if he'd figured something out before hand, such as realizing Mukuro was near and so he wouldn't be able to kill them all right then and there. Kurama says that wasn't it, and Yomi realizes he was prepared to die when he betrayed him. He says it's alright, as thanks to Urameshi, he has also changed. As he walks off, he tells him that people can change. He asks Kurama to show his true power.

Koto says that the contestants have now arrived, as Kurama and Shigure meet on the ring. Koto asks Yuda about Shigure's profession. Yuda explains that he is a Demon Realm physiotherapist, and is able to artificially alter a demon's abilities, or implant them with new powers, through the performance of special spectral and surgical techniques. You could call Shigure a doctor of darkness. Someone of his skill can cut to within one several-hundredth of a millimeter. Koto asks about what kind of powers he has given to demons, but Yuda tells her that kind of thing is arranged in secret between the patient and the doctor.

Mukuro asks Hiei what he thinks about it, but he says he doesn't know. Koto says it looks like everyone is ready, whilst Jin cheers Kurama on.

The match begins, and the two run side by side. Kurama leaps up and uses his rose whip, which Shigure blocks with his brimstone ring blade. A thorn from the rose whip breaks off...

...and pierces through one of Shigure's chains, breaking a bell off. He swings his blade and it grazes Kurama, but doesn't do any fatal damage. Shigure tells Kurama he's not bad, and Kurama knows if he gets any closer than just then, he'll be cut in half. Shigure tells him he won't be able to fight if he doesn't come closer.

He throws out his weapon, which slices across the ring. Kurama jumps back, as part of the ring explodes.

As his weapon returns to him, he throws it out again. Kurama tries to latch onto it with his rose whip, but the whip gets broken up into pieces when it touches the blade. Kurama turns around and jumps towards Shigure...

...but Shigure's blade flies back towards him. Kurama narrowly avoids being sliced in two, and falls back. Shigure says he decides on whether or not he accepts requests for operations based on whether or not he is interested in the life of the patient. He thinks Kurama's life appears to have been a most interesting one, something he can tell just by looking into his eyes. He asks him what he's trying to resolve.

Kurama says he may be right, but he has no intention of telling him right now. He then uses his wind petals technique, whilst Shigure surrounds himself with energy, creating a tornado with his weapon.

Koto comments on how much power Shigure's ring blade has. Shigure launches himself high into the air, and then comes crashing back down, right on top of Kurama.

Koto asks if it's over, as the entire area is now enveloped in a cloud of dust. As it clears away, Shigure reveals he's survived, whilst Kurama can't be seen at all. Koto wonders if he got blown away entirely. But then, a demon energy starts to swirl up behind Shigure.

Kurama appears in his demon fox form. Koto says that Kurama has transformed at last. Yuda thinks it appears that Kurama returns to his demon fox form when something snaps inside him, as a result of an increase in hate, anger, or another emotion. His transformation makes his demon energy and class also incomparably rise. For this legendary brutal thief, this is his essential form. Yuda thinks Kurama must have been trying to get this to happen from the start, and Koto thinks it must be part of a strategy. Koenma thinks it isn't -he's not sure if Kurama wanted to turn into his demon fox form.

Shigure throws out his blade, which explodes when it hits the ground. Kurama jumps out of the way, as Shigure keeps throwing his blade at him.

Kurama keeps dodging it, and every time he does, the blade blows up part of the ground. Kurama thinks back to how he got to the Human Realm, and how he originally intended to leave straight away. But since that day he took on the name Shuichi Minamino, and when he came to feel love for his new mother...

He remembers what Yusuke told him before -had he ever watched his own mother cry over him, as there is nothing more uncomfortable than that. He thinks of all the friends he's met on the way, and thinks that he's no longer the same Kurama that he used to be. He doesn't want to go on living some lie. Just then, Shigure resumes his attack, questioning why Kurama isn't going on the offense.

As Kurama falls back down, he changes back to his usual form. Shigure asks what he is doing, as does Koto. She comments that no sooner did he become a demon fox, that he turned back to his original form.

Shigure sees that Kurama must want to settle things in that body, and accepts his request. Kurama says he doesn't plan on denying his own strength, he just wants to protect that which is most important to him. Yomi can hear everything, and wonders why Kurama is doing this. Shigure says that all that remains now is to resolve this.

He throws his ring blade at Kurama. Kurama jumps out of the way, but doesn't escape unscathed, as the blade cuts his arm. As he lands, Shigure asks him if he's finished already.

Hiei thinks Kurama should rush up to Shigure and attack him before his blade returns to him, that's the only way. Before Shigure can make another move, he notices some trees burst out of the ground behind him. They soon start appearing all over the place, as Kurama says that moments ago, he planted a seed in the trunk of this memory-recall tree. Shigure asks if he seriously thinks he can revive this fossilized tree in his condition.

Kurama says his demon fox form isn't his ace card, and then strikes the ground. The tree bursts into life, as its roots shoot up out of the arena. Koto comments that this tree has remained fossilized for years, but has now been brought back to life.

Koenma says that he thinks Kurama must want to try and block Shigure's weapon with this tree. Shigure starts slicing apart some of the branches, and says that as a swordsman, he will bring this fight to a conclusion.

Kurama screams out, unleashing several spiky branches which head towards Shigure. Shigure uses the same technique as before, and charges down towards Kurama. As he does, a large branch gets in his way, but he smashes right through it.

He gets right next to Kurama, but suddenly stops -his weapon has been stopped by one of the branches. He jumps up, but as he does, several spiky branches come to a stop centimeters away from his head.

He sees what Kurama has done, and says that he gives up. As petals from the tree start to fall, Shigure asks if these flowers bloom where Kurama comes from. Kurama says they do, and Shigure says he understands.

Before Kurama can even try to stop him, Shigure leaps off the tree, to his death. He thinks that a swordsman cannot lose twice, and Lord Mukuro is his only master. Koto comments that to acknowledge his defeat, Shigure has cast himself away, as if he were laying down his own life. Kurama then collapses.

Many of his friends -including Yusuke, Hiei and Botan -rush off to the arena. But as they get there, they see someone has already carried Kurama out: Yomi.

Yomi asks Kurama if he has forsaken his demon fox self. Kurama says he doesn't forsake anything -not ever. As Yomi walks off, Yusuke and the others run up to Kurama.


(Koenma is speaking)

Two warriors who survived in the Demon Realm without depending on or being helped by anyone: Mukuro and Hiei. The fight between these two, whose hearts both bear scars unseen, is a fierce one, and a sad one, almost as though they were fighting their own reflections in the mirror. Next time: Showdown! Hiei and Mukuro. Another battle now begins here!

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