It has already been a year since Yusuke came to the Demon Realm. He had made great leaps forward in his power, and earned the trust of Raizen's men. And then, the time of Raizen's passing had finally come. The balance that had maintained the structure between the three nations was broken, and the Demon Realm was faced with chaos.

Yusuke: Hokushin, could you show me the way to someplace? The way to Yomi's nation...

An Unexpected Proposal -
A Change in the Demon Realm

Yusuke screams out to Yomi, and tells him they're coming there now -so put some tea on for them! Yomi tells Kurama that his friend is quite an interesting character. But this is sooner than they expected, and he asks him if he thinks Raizen is dead. Kurama thinks he probably is, but Yomi decides that for now, they'll see what Yusuke is planning. He tells Yuda to prepare some tea, and tells the sentries to escort Yusuke here. When they do, he is to measure Urameshi's spectral power rating.

He then tells Kurama to be stand by in the next room, and have some soldiers with him. He may have Yusuke executed, depending on what kind of move he makes. As he leaves the room, he tells his military chancellor he's counting on him, and says this is about to get interesting. Kurama thinks that, one year later, Yusuke hasn't changed at all. Based on what he does next, they could have an an all-out war. Kurama heads off to tell Chu and the others, who are surprised that they may have to execute Yusuke. Kurama tells them he's looking forward to seeing how Yusuke deals with Yomi.

He says they must want to see Yusuke after all this time, and most of them do (although Shishiwakamaru stays quiet). Meanwhile, Yusuke and Hokushin arrive in the city, and the guards give them no trouble. One of them leads the way, and as he does, Yuda appears. He takes a reading of Yusuke's spectral power, and is surprised to see that it's over 200,000 points.

Meanwhile, Mukuro's mobile fortress is on the move. It comes to a stop, and Hiei jumps down off it. Mukuro calls out to him, and says that she's going with him. She wants to see Yusuke Urameshi with her own eyes.

The two enter the city without anyone trying to stop them, but Mukuro says Yomi's forces know they're here -they intentionally let them sneak in. They look down on the building where Yusuke is waiting. Yomi then enters, and sits down.

Someone passes Yusuke some tea, and he says sorry to put her to any trouble. Yuda then whispers to Yomi that Mukuro has entered the city, but Yomi already knows. He tells Yuda to stay alert. As Yuda leaves the room, Jin is peeking through a gap next door.

(It's been so long, but he doesn't look like he's changed a bit!)

(But he is strong. I can sense his power, blasting away!)

(So, what do we do? If the worst should happen, do we defeat Yusuke?)

(Up until a little while ago, I thought we wouldn't have any choice. I wanted to do what I could to fight Yusuke, more than anything. But that's not how it's shaping up.)

(You don't have to go writing that out!)

(To be honest, I'm not sure what to do. I'd like to hear everyone else's opinions. In the worst-case situation, who will you side with, Yomi or Yusuke?)

(Yusuke -don't even ask!)

(I'm still thinking.)


(Many thanks.)

(No, not at all.)

Yomi says they'll get right to it, and asks Yusuke what his business is here. He asks Yusuke to be candid with him, as he's not very good at sounding others out. Yusuke says that Raizen is dead, and since he has become the king, he wanted to exchange greetings, as well as see the opposing general with his own eyes. Yomi says that, since they have this rare opportunity, he was wondering if Yusuke would hear out his requests. He begins to emit demon energy.

Kurama thinks Yusuke is being too honest, it's like he's asking to be killed. He sees that Yomi's demon energy has changed, and wonders if he's going to attack. Hiei can see what's going on via his evil eye, and thinks Yusuke is an idiot, as he's right in the palm of his enemy's hand. However, before anything else can happen, Yusuke places his bag on a table, and says it is a present for Yomi.

Yomi thinks Yusuke must want to conduct peace talks, and thinks he's unexpectedly slippery. He tells Yusuke he's grateful for the gift, and asks him to open it for him. Judging from the sound the bag made, he's guesses the contents are stones. Yusuke hopes he won't mind if these things scatter a little. He opens the bag, and hundreds of small stones go everywhere. Hokushin realizes what they are: their nation's national treasure, the rurimaru stones!

Yomi thinks this definitely means peace talks, which makes things easier for him. He picks one of the stones and thanks Yusuke for such a valuable gift. As he feels the stone, he realizes there is a name inscribed onto it... Mukuro.

He sees that all of the stones have names put on them, with stones stating the names of Kurama, Hokushin, Hiei and more. Yusuke asks him if he knows what he wants to do, but Hokushin is a lot more alarmed at the fact that Yusuke has flawed their national treasure! What was he thinking?! Yusuke says that when Raizen died, he thought about things. But he's a moron, and not fit to be the head of some nation. So instead, he decided to do this the way he wanted to.

These stones are to be used as lots in a lottery. He wants to just have themselves fight, and leave their nations out of it. They can all go back to being their own selves, use the lottery to decide the match-ups, and have themselves a tournament! And whoever wins it will become the supreme commander of the Demon Realm. Everyone who loses will have to follow the winner, no matter what. Yomi thinks that Yusuke's serious about this, and asks if he expects him to agree do such a ridiculous proposal. However, the door opens, as Jin says he's ok with it -as is everyone else! Yusuke is happy to see them all.

Kurama tells Yomi that from now on he's just plain Kurama, he no longer has some fancy title. He tells him if he doesn't agree with Yusuke's proposal, they're going to side with Yusuke right here and now. Yomi realizes he's been outwitted.

Mukuro tells Hiei to go and tell everyone that as of today, she's just an ordinary demon. She has nothing to do with her nation, she's just plain Mukuro -she's going along with Yusuke's plan. Yomi hears her words, and realizes he has no choice.

From that moment, it took only half a day for the news to spread to all areas of the Demon Realm of Raizen's death, and the dissolution of Mukuro and Yomi's nations. It was decided that a tournament involving the entire Demon Realm would be held.

In a laboratory, Yuda says Yomi's son, Shura, will awaken in two or three days. Yomi says they'll begin his combat education as soon as he awakens, as they don't have much time. He asks what Shura's current spectral power rating is, and Yuda says it's currently above 80,000 points. He's afraid of what he'll be like once he's all grown up. Yomi says that, no matter the case, Shura is his ace card. The match between himself and Mukuro will be everything, as there's no one else who can even come close to their spectral powers. But if he can take Shura, who carries his blood, and raise his spectral power rating over 500,000 points, together they can defeat Mukuro.

And once that happens, the Demon Realm shall be ruled by his hand. Even if this tournament is held, nothing will change that. Meanwhile, Yusuke asks everyone what's with them -they shouldn't glare at him like that! Raizen left things to him, so he did what he wanted to. The monks have an issue with the tournament. Hokushin says he and the three other strongest monks will offer what little help they can. Yusuke asks them to wait a moment -what kind of sneaky maneuvering are they up to?

Hokushin asks him if he truly believes that Mukuro and Yomi have dissolved their nations. He says that at the tournament, the two will use whatever means they can to win. Yusuke says it's true that Yomi is pretty shady, but he's sure Mukuro will fight seriously. He holds up a flower, something that Mukuro gave to him earlier. Earlier on, Mukuro and Hiei met Yusuke and Hokushin inside Gandara.

Mukuro says it was a pleasure to meet the son of Raizen, and presented him with the flower. Mukuro asked him to plant it in front of Raizen's grave. When he goes there, tell him that Mukuro says he's a fool. Back in the present, the monks say they'll help Yusuke win any way they can, as that's what they've decided for themselves. They ask if Yusuke has any problem with that. Yusuke says that's not the idea, and tries to think of a way to put this.

But before he can, someone calls out to them. Two demons appear, and walk right up to them. Yusuke asks who they are.

One of them says that they heard Raizen was dead, so they hurried here from the countryside. The larger demon of the two says his name is Enki, whilst this is his wife, Kokou. Hokushin asks them what they have to do with Raizen, and Enki explains that they were sparring buddies from long ago. Whilst they were strong, Raizen was much, much stronger. If Mukuro or Yomi were to see Raizen then, they'd wet themselves.

Kokou gets right up to Yusuke's face and tells him that some human woman took Raizen's spine the hell away from him! She'd been fighting for him long before that, so what happened to her standing then?! Yusuke realizes she reeks of booze. Kokou says she got so desperate that she wound up with Enki, although he does treat her well. She screams out that Raizen is an idiot. Enki apologizes for this, as she's been drinking for quite a while. Kokou responds by biting his finger. He asks her to behave herself, whilst she tells him to shut up.

Yusuke and the others aren't quite sure what to make of them. Later on, Yusuke visits Raizen's grave, and places down the flower Mukuro gave to him. Kokou then walks over...

...and starts wailing loudly, saying that she never once got to beat Raizen in a fight. He'd even promised her that she could come at him at any time. Enki sighs and says she'd said she wasn't going to cry. He tells Yusuke that when they'd heard Raizen had gone into retreat, and had given up both fighting and eating humans, they'd been so hot-blooded that, no matter what, they couldn't find any reconciliation. They ended up forgetting about fighting, and went on living. They never imagined that Raizen was thinking about the future of the Demon Realm. He was someone who never told them anything important. They then hear some more voices calling out to them, and Enki recognizes who they are.

Another group of demons appear, and Enki tells Yusuke to make them welcome. These guys also used to be Raizen's sparring pals, and they all liked Raizen. Enki says that Yusuke must be Raizen's son, and Yusuke is surprised he could tell. Enki says he looks just like him -maybe he didn't notice it. The new arrivals surround Raizen's grave, and mourn. Yusuke tells Hokushin that all he did this last year was exchange punches with Raizen, and it never felt like he was his father.

But right now, he feels happy. Enki then tells everyone that's enough of that, as there's another reason why they've all come together. The group all stand up, as Enki shouts out to Yusuke that they're going to enter the tournament too.

Kokou warns Yusuke she's not pulling any punches, so don't blame her if he dies. She also tell her husband that if she runs into him, she'll fight like she means it! Enki understands, as loving and fighting are two whole different worlds. He tells everyone that as much as they all regret Raizen dying, they'll have themselves one hell of a tournament! The whole group are up for that.

He suggests they find out if their rusty bodies can still put out after all this time. The group start charging up their demon energy, and it soon becomes apparent that they're all really strong -enough to blow Yusuke and Hokushin back! They unleash all of their energy together, and it heads straight up into the sky.

Yusuke thinks these guys are awesome! Hiei and Mukuro see it, and Mukuro thinks it's really quite something. Kurama's group see it, and are amazed.

In Gandara, Yomi asks what's going on. Yuda reports that the energy is coming from the direction of Raizen's nation, and there are multiple readings. He says the spectral power rating is impossible to calculate, and his scanner device explodes. Yomi thinks this is impossible, as each one of these demons is a match for him... or even greater! He wasn't planning on this, as who knew these guys were hiding themselves, without any ambitions? But he is having this inspirational feeling... could his old blood be beginning to stir? He wonders if he wants to forgo these petty strategies, and try his power as an individual.

A guard then rushes in, and says it's Shura. Yomi goes to check on his son, and finds that he is laughing. Yomi believes his son must be having the same feeling he has.

Yomi tells Yuda he's free to go now, and can do as he likes. Yomi says not even he can tell who's going to win now. Yuda says he can't seriously be saying he's abandoning his nation and fighting in the tournament. Buy Yomi says he is, as he is also a fool.

Yusuke's unexpected proposal was a tournament that would draw in the entire Demon Realm. But who will be the winner?

The tournament was fast approaching...


(Yusuke is speaking)

The Demon Realm Unification Tournament is underway. Everyone must have improved themselves since last time, and I'm looking forward to fighting! Even so, I can't let myself get careless. There are so many strong guys in the Demon Realm! I'll guess I'll get fired up and have a go at this! Next time: Great Battle in the Demon Realm - The Preliminaries Commence! The Other World's not watching for nothing!

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