Kurama and Yomi -in the past, the two of them had been thieves together. And now, Kurama has joined Yomi's ranks, as he attempts to take control over the Demon Realm. However, it takes more than just that to settle the history that exists between the two of them.

Yomi: You're thinking of a graceful way to deal with this, rather than of affection or hatred. What a cold fellow you are. That is precisely why I need you...

Demon Fox Transformation!
A Creeping Bloodlust

In Yomi's city, Kurama stands alone. In a room nearby, a parasite demon is watching him. Shachi comes over and asks the demon of any news, but he says Kurama hasn't made any suspicious moves. Shachi says they should be wary of Kurama, whilst the demon asks why Yomi is so interested in a newcomer like him. As they see Yomi enter the room Kurama is in, Shachi says he's heard they were friends a long time ago. He still doesn't trust Kurama though. He orders his demon not to keep his eyes off him.

Yomi asks Kurama if there's any way for their nation to prevail. Kurama says he's already thought of something, and is working on a way to implement it. He's hoping that, in the near future, he'll be able to bring six people here with a spectral power rating above 100,000 points. Yomi is impressed, and says in the past, Kurama had a heart of ice. But now he's changed. He asks him if that's how dearly he holds his family, who he isn't even blood relatives with. Kurama says he'd like to oversee how high the people he's chosen are raising their spectral power ratings, and says he'd like to return to the Human Realm. Yomi says he's depending on him.

Later, at Kurama's school, something that has never happened before has happened: Kaito has scored a higher test score than Kurama. As Kaito looks at Kurama's answer sheet, he sees he got a multiplication question wrong. He then asks if he's involved in some strange predicament, and Kurama tells him you could say that. Kaito says he and his friends will help, if there's anything they can do. Kurama explains that this time, he's going to end up fighting Yusuke and Hiei. Kaito thinks Kurama doesn't seem that affected by this, rather he seems to be enjoying it.

Kurama thinks back to a time when he and his family were at a restaurant. He thinks that lately, about once a month, despite being Shuichi Minamino, he's been overcome by the sensation of also being the demon fox, Kurama. As he stood outside, be started to transform. When this happens, he realizes how belligerent he's becoming. He then heard his new younger brother looking for him, and changed back. His brother's name is Shuichi Hatanaka, a boy from the other half of the remarriage. Even he thinks having two Shuichis could make things confusing.

Back in the present, Kurama's pager goes off. Kaito wonders if it's Kurama's girlfriend paging him, but Kurama says it's his new little brother. Kurama heads off to meet him, and when he sees him, he explains he was in the neighborhood, and thought they could go home together. Kurama tells him to not come all the way to his school, they are to meet at their home only. Shuichi says not to say that, he's just doing his job.

They return home, and Shuichi reveals he has some new information. Hiei is getting more and more powerful, and just like Kurama said, in both Mukuro and Raizen's nation, the substructure is undergoing changes. As Shuichi starts to light up a cigarette, Kurama snatches it from him before he can start smoking it. He tells Kara that didn't Yomi ever tell him to treat hostages with respect?

It's then revealed what's going on -Kara, the parasite demon, is using Shuichi as a host. As he reveals himself, he tells Kurama to watch his tone. If he feels like it, he could rip this kid's head off in a snap. Kurama asks him if he's stupid -hostages only mean anything if they're kept safe. He just needs to stay in there, like he was ordered to. Kara says there are other things he could do besides killing Shuichi, such as cutting his fingers off. Kurama warns him not to make him angry, as he knows several methods of making him suffer whilst keeping him alive.

Kara apologizes, and says he got a little carried away. He then asks Kurama how his plan is coming along. Kurama says the six people he's chosen already have spectral power ratings clearing 50,000 points. Kara is surprised by this, and says it's not as if he doubts Kurama, but if there really were such guys in the Human Realm, the Spirit Realm wouldn't just sit still. Kurama says it's a secret -with one exception.

Later on, Kurama visits Genkai. He asks how things are going, and she says that the six are more rewarding to teach than Yusuke was. Koenma then appears, and says the six's spectral powers have risen again. At this rate, the Spirit Realm will find out about them. Koenma asks Kurama what he has planned. Kurama explains that what he's doing is to preserve the balance within the Demon Realm, as well as the Human and Spirit Realms. Koenma says that up to now, Raizen, Mukuro and Yomi have all kept each other in check. That's preserved what passes for peace in the Demon Realm. But once Raizen dies, a conflict between Yomi and Mukuro is unavoidable. He asks Kurama if he's planning on become a third power.

Kurama says he doesn't know, and it depends on what move Yusuke makes. Koenma thought they wouldn't wish to fight each other, but apparently, that's what they've agreed on. Kurama says that provoke, rather that collude -that's the relationship they appear to have. Koenma says that when the six are ready to go to the Demon Realm, let him know. The current Special Defense Squad captain is more understanding than Otake was. Kurama heads through some doors, and enters a cave.

Waiting for him are Toya, Jin, Rinku, Shishiwakamaru, Suzuki and Chu. As Chu greets him, Kurama tells him he reeks of alcohol, as usual. Chu says that the more he drinks, the stronger he gets. But who ever would have thought he could get his spectral power up this high? Rinku says that everyone should have such an excellent teacher. Jin says that even so, Yusuke must have gotten even better than this -he wants to fight him again soon.

Toya tells him not to be hasty, as right now, the most important thing for them is to raise their base spectral power up even higher. Suzuki says that, having been allowed to let his once-shattered dream blossom, he's sure to work hard to repay Kurama's kindness. Shishiwakamaru says he really does resent all of this. Kurama tells them their reasons don't matter. Over the next half a year, he'd like them all to double their current spectral powers. They all respond positively.

As their training resumes, Kurama thinks about there being half a year to go.

The six do other types of training. Chu walks across a rope, and takes a drink. He slips and falls, but as he does, he charges up his demon energy...

...and survives by charging through the rock below. Elsewhere, Rinku brings out his devil yo-yos, and uses them to destroy some of the cliffs around him.

He also reveals that he can now use the yo-yos with his feet, which he demonstrates. As Genkai and the others watch, she tells them it looks like they still haven't reached a spectral power rating of 100,000 points. She says they're going to train ever harder, as Jin and the others fly off to train more.

Back in the Demon Realm, Shachi asks Yomi if he's sure about this. They haven't heard anything from Kurama, despite him talking about bringing six people with spectral powers of over 100,000 points back here. He thinks Kurama was bluffing, and asks how he could have included a liar like him as one of his advisors. He thinks Kurama is going to ruin their nation. Yomi tells him he'll bear in mind his feelings for their nation, but tells him if he has to think over something, he should think about something else. Yomi then leaves the room.

As time goes on, Kurama brings his six back to the Demon Realm. Yuda uses a device to read their power, and finds that every one of them has spectral powers ratings that exceed 100,000 points.

Yuda asks Kurama what kind of sorcery he performed to do this. Kurama says it was just a good diet and moderate exercise. The six think otherwise -Chu says their training including eating poisonous-tasting herbs, and Rinku says it was not "moderate exercise" at all. Yomi says he will reward Kurama by making him his second military chancellor, and he will command these six.

Shachi says this is too dangerous, as these guys were all trained by Kurama -there's a risk of insurrection. Yomi silences him, and asks him what has he done over the last 500 years. Yuda tells Shachi that his spectral power is the second greatest in their nation, but as a tactician, he's incompetent. He's hasn't ever done anything like Kurama has, and has never even tried just looking for someone who exceeded 100,000 points. But Kurama has brought six of them in just a short time.

He asks Shachi that if he's not incompetent, what is he. Yomi tells him that's enough, as everyone acknowledges Shachi's outstanding spectral power -it would be cruel to think anything more of him. Later on, Kurama walks down a hallway by himself. Shachi starts following him.

He uses a device to read his power, and sees that his spectral power rating isn't even 10,000. As he continues to follow, Kurama stops and tells him to come out, as he knows he's there. Shachi appears, with his trident ready. Kurama asks him if he's prepared for the punishment for this. Shachi says there will be no evidence left, as he's going to destroy him, bones and all.

Kurama says he doesn't know how many prospective officers Shachi has done away with, but for the last few hundred years, Yomi has been waiting for someone capable of defeating him. Shachi tells him not to be ridiculous, and then calls Kara. Kara picks up his call.

Shachi tells him that when he gives the signal, kill the kid. But Kara says he doesn't take orders from him any more. He now works for the demon fox Kurama. Shachi starts yelling at him, but there is no response. Kurama says that if it were Yomi, Yomi would have found a way to threaten him without taking any hostages.

Despite not being there, Yomi is listening to what's going on, and says what Kurama said is correct. Shachi then attacks Kurama, and tells him that with his power rating being a mere 8,000 points, he's no match for him. Kurama dodges every attack he makes, and then leaps back.

As he drops back down, he transforms to his demon fox form, and easily defeats Shachi.

Kara says it looks like his duty is over, and leaves Shuichi 's body, leaving him totally unharmed. As Shachi hits the floor, his device now shows that Kurama's power rating is over 150,000 points. Kurama tells him not to ever play your trump card first.

As Shachi dies, Yomi says if you do play your trump card, you need to have something else up your sleeve. Kurama transforms back to his regular state.

At that moment, Kurama became Yomi's military chancellor. As Kurama predicted, the number two man in Yomi's nation has changed.


(Yusuke is speaking)

Father, why did you stop eating? In that decrepit state of yours, it's laughable to call you a god of war. I wanted to fight and beat you when you were strong. Come on, tell me your reasons, already. And if I don't buy it, your 're going to pay. Next time: A Father's Last Words - Memories of a Distant Day.

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