In a peaceful town, two evil figures enter. Not far away, an Cybertron walks towards them. The two evil robots have guns and start causing destruction.

The two robots are Destrons! The other robot is an Cybertron, and he approaches them. They blast him but their shots seem to have no effect, as he pulls out a sword.

He starts absorbing their shots with his sword before using it to cut down the two Destrons. He is the new Cybertron leader, and his name is...



"God Ginrai and the other Cybertrons drove the Destrons off Earth. The Destrons are searching for a new planet to make a base on, and are continuing to invade all over the galaxy. To combat these invasions, the Cybertrons joined forces with other peace-loving lifeforms across the galaxy, and created the Galactic Peace Alliance. To combat the Destrons, the Galactic Defense Force was formed."


"It's headquarters were created on Planet V, a planet some distance from Earth."

At the GDF HQ, the narrator says that the commander of the force is Star Saber, the strongest Cybertron.

Meanwhile, in space, a mysterious figure sends forward six red beams of light which contain new Destrons -the Dinoforce. They are led by Gouryuu, and his team consists of Kakuryuu, Gairyuu, Yokuryuu, Rairyuu and Doryuu.

The Dinoforce see a space station in their path and destroy it. Gouryuu tells his team that their mission is to attack the Lunar base and steal energy from it.

Star Saber gets a report from Wingwaver, who tells him that a human lunar base is under attack by Destrons, rumored to be the Dinoforce. Star Saber has him send a squad of Cybertrons out to it. Elsewhere in space, an Cybertron called Blacker tells God Ginrai to relax a little, but God Ginrai says he cannot. He's still a Commander and so he can't take time to rest. The two talk about how Star Saber is taking over command of this defensive sector, due to the new Destron leader making moves recently. Holi, another Cybertron, and Jean, a human boy then appear and report that the Dinoforce have appeared.

Blacker heads off to meet up with his team, but God Ginrai doesn't. Jean asks him why he isn't going to help, but Ginrai tells him that he is the Commander of the sector 2 defense force, and has powerful enemies to fight there also. He teleports away. Meanwhile, Blacker has met with his team, and the three of them move out. The team are part of a group known as the "Brainmasters" -they are very small robots who can unite with larger robot bodies. The team do this... they merge with their larger bodies, which transform from cars to robots. The smaller robots merge with the larger bodies, a process referred to as "Brain Set" and the trio are ready for battle. As well as Blacker, there is Braver (blue) and Laster (yellow). The trio head out to the Lunar base, as Jean tells them that Star Saber is also on his way.

The Dinoforce are already attacking the lunar base, and the humans inside it are forced into evacuating. As the Dinoforce moves in close, they all "trans-out" and leave their dinosaur bodies behind to reveal their true robot forms. Blacker, Braver and Laster arrive at the base and start to fight the Destrons, but they're outnumbered two to one.

Help is at hand as more Cybertrons arrive in the form of Dashtacker and Machtackle. Blacker says that the humans in the base are still in danger, and sends them to go and help. The deal with Dashtacker and Machtackle is that they are part of a group known as the "Multiforce" -basically, Dashtacker is two robots called Dash and Tacker joined together into a larger robot, and the same goes for Machtackle -who is made up of two robots, Mach and Tackle. The multiforce split up into their vehicle modes and head towards the base. Soon Dash, Tacker, Mach and Tackle are helping people evacuate.

Star Saber gets closer to the lunar base, but as he approaches there is some kind of strange energy in front of him. Star Saber transforms -like Blacker, Braver and Laster, Star Saber is a Brainmaster.

This means he is a very small robot which can merge with a larger transector body, however, unlike the other Brainmasters, he can merge again with his flying battle platform, the V-Star. This turns him into a giant robot.

As Star Saber finishes his transformation, he looks at the strange light in front of him, which suddenly stops shining and reveals a Destron! The Destron transforms from a bird creature to a robot.


Deszaras sees that Star Saber is still around, but he will never stop him. Jean and Holi somehow are managing to watch Star Saber, but Jean thinks Blacker and the others are in trouble. He contacts Star Saber and tells him to get to the Lunar base quickly.

Star Saber tells Deszaras that they'll continue this duel another time before blasting off. He soon arrives at the Lunar base and tells the other Brainmasters to go and assist evacuating the base, whilst he deals with things here. Gouryuu tells his troops to go and fight, as they have the advantage, but Kakuryuu believes their leader should go first. Gouryuu tells his team that in times like this, the minions are meant to go first! But the others think he is only thinking of himself -that's rude!

They then see that Star Saber has his back to them and most of the team charge, only for the Cybertron leader to turn around and smack them all down. Meanwhile, the other Brainmasters have finished the evacuation, having gotten all the humans onto a large Cybertron called Galaxy Shuttle. Galaxy Shuttle takes off and is escorted by Machtackle and Dashtacker. Meanwhile, Gouryuu is the only Dinoforce member still standing, and he has a go at fighting Star Saber.

He doesn't do well though and gets blasted, just as Deszaras shows up to continue his fight with Star Saber. He tells the Cybertron that he is now his opponent, and his presence here means he must consider him to be the number one Destron. Star Saber tells him that as long as he is a Commander, he will never let him take a step on the Earth. Deszaras tells him to bluff whilst he still can.

As the two start to battle it out Deszaras uses the "brest attack" -two robots transform off Deszaras' chest and appear as the Tigerbreast and Eaglebreast. Star Saber evades their attacks, but the tigerbreast reveals it can transform again, becoming a bow that Deszaras can use.

Deszaras takes a shot, but Star Saber deflects it with his sword. Deszaras then reveals his own sword and the two clash with each other.

Star Saber eventually knocks Deszaras back, and then blasts with with a shot from his sword. He then threatens to seal Deszaras away in the dark nebula again, if he desires. Deszaras crashes into some rock, just as his own ship, the Thunder Arrow, arrives. He gets on it and warns that he will defeat Star Saber one day, before he and the Dinoforce retreat.

Jean and Holi arrive as all of the present Cybertrons look from the moon at the Earth. Star Saber says that they will defend the Earth and protect it at any cost.


Whilst it is never revealed in the series itself, some merchandise and other notes reveal that Transformers Victory takes place in the year 2025 -14 years after The Headmasters, and a "short amount of time" after Super-God Masterforce.

Gouryuu is always seen riding on the back of his Pretender shell, whilst the other Dinoforce members stay inside theirs.

Deszaras' name is spelt in many different ways, one of the other popular ones is "Deathsaurus". I'm going with Deszaras out of personal preference, plus the Metrodome DVDs I'm using spell it like this.

The scene at the start in Iron Town features some cameos and oddities, including one of the robots being a Junkion, another being a Lithone (the robot species briefly seen at the start of Transformers: The Movie) and then...there is also a Jawa (a creature from Star Wars) and a micro elephant.

Yeah, so Deszaras has a "Breast attack" and later on in the series, you'll get to see the "Breastforce"...what were they thinking with those names, honestly.

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