These storyboards can be seen in full at the Sunbow and Marvel Productions Script/Storyboard Archive.

This shot was cut. It was meant to be seen after Daniel trips.

These shots were cut. They were meant to be seen just before Arcee shoots the wall.

In the movie, the camera does not truck in during this shot.

This shot -which would have shown Unicron making energon cubes inside himself -was cut. It was meant to be seen after Daniel bobs up and down in the water.

In the movie, Daniel does not say anything during this shot.

This shot was cut. It was meant to be seen after the above shot of Daniel.

In the movie, there is a close-up shot of Daniel between these two shots, which the storyboards don't have. The dialogue heard in the movie is also slightly different:

Daniel: Dad, what can I do?
Spike: Knock down the acid cover!

These shots were cut. They were meant to be seen before Daniel says "how?".

This shot is used in the movie, but is seen slightly later on (see below). Spike's line here is heard during the shot of Daniel trying to use his exo-suit.

These shots were cut.

In the movie, this shot was not used, and replaced with a close-up of Spike. The storyboards had this shot used earlier, where Spike says "use your exo-suit" (see above).

This shot was cut. This was meant to be seen after Daniel cries out "Dad!".

After Daniel says "I did it!", the movie has this close-up shot of him. This shot is not on the storyboards.

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