These storyboards can be seen in full at the Sunbow and Marvel Productions Script/Storyboard Archive.
These shots were cut. They were meant to be seen after Kup transforms and drives off.
This shot was also cut. It was meant to be seen after Hot Rod transforms.
This shot was cut. It was meant to be seen before Kup says "don't act hostile!".
The storyboard for this shot has Hot Rod say "or our faces!", in response to Kup's "eating our of my hand" line. In the movie, Kup says the universal greeting during this shot.
This shot was cut. This was where Kup was originally meant to say the universal greeting.
This shot was cut. It was meant to be seen before Hot Rod says "no more".
This shot was cut. This was meant to be seen before Wheelie transforms.
The left shot was cut. Kup's dialogue is heard during the right shot. Hot Rod's "lot of good" line was delayed in the movie, he says it during this shot.
These shots were cut. They were meant to be heard before this shot.
This storyboard only has Hot Rod in this shot, and he was meant to say "what's going on over there". In the movie, Kup is also present in this shot, and he says the line.
The storyboards for these shots have the original dialogue -which had Kranix explain that the Quintessons hunt down those who escape Unicron -crossed out and replaced with updated dialogue. The original dialogue was recorded, as noted in the dialogue script.
In the movie, some cell bars were added for this shot.
In the movie, this shot has Kup and Hot Rod's positions switched around.
This shot was cut.