A revised scripted is available for this episode, which can be read in full at the Sunbow and Marvel Productions Script/Storyboard Archive. The original script was written by Douglas Booth on 07/02/1984, whilst Ron Friedman's revised script is dated 07/09/1984.
Unfortunately Ron used a pretty thick marker pen to cross out bits he changed, so it's often hard to tell what was there originally.
In the episode, Trailbreaker doesn't saw "Brawn" for this line.
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TRAILBREAKER Hey! Wait up for me! |
The script doesn't mention anything about the Decepticons blasting their way into the factory, but in the episode they blow open a door. Starscream's "It is!" line was scripted to be said after they head inside, in the episode he says it before.
In the episode, Trailbreaker transforms here, but in the script he was meant to wait in his vehicle mode.
The script wanted Starscream to fire missiles at Brawn here, but in the episode he fires lasers.
The script states both Thundercracker and Starscream should fire here, but in the episode only Starscream is seen firing. The script also doesn't mention that the two Decepticons should head outside first, which is what the episode has them do.
As noted above, Trailbreaker was supposed to transform after the factory gets blown up in the script, but in the episode he transforms before this happens.
Bumblebee and Spike were scripted to be sat at Teletraan I, but in the episode they are standing near it.
In the episode, Spike says "up something" rather than "something up".
In the episode, Spike says "uh oh" before saying "it's picking up".
These villagers ay a few things that aren't in the script, and the script doesn't mention anything about any ad-libs needed either. You can hear them say "Look!", "What is it?" and "a storm?!".
There is a note in the script that the camera was supposed to move in towards Luisa's face for this shot, but in the episode nothing happens.
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MEGATRON Silence, you fool! |
The script states Skywarp was meant to look at Starscream before laughing, but this doesn't happen in the episode. Instead, Skywarp laughs and Starscream walks up right behind him. The script also wanted a shot of several Decepticons to happen after this, but in the episode we only see Soundwave and Megatron.
In the episode, Megatron says the "for the crystal" line before the Decepticons take off, and then says the "demolished" line as the Decepticons are shown flying off. The episode doesn't zoom in on Megatron's face either.
The script states Sideswipe should be using his piledriver arms here, but the animators chose to give him a jackhammer instead.
There's a note about Skyfire/Jetfire in the script here. It seemingly hints that originally, the character was called Skyfire, then changed to Jetfire, then changed back to Skyfire... "JETFIRE is incorrectly named "SKYFIRE". But in the series, the character is called Skyfire. When the dialogue for this episode was recorded, the name Jetfire was used, but this was then re-recorded and changed to Skyfire.
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SKYFIRE I... I hope so. |
In the episode, Skyfire doesn't say the "me" at the end of this line.
This shot was scripted differently. What was supposed to happen was, Skyfire wouldn't be in the shot at all at first, but then the camera would pull back and reveal him to be over the Decepticons. In the episode, however, Skyfire is in the distance and the camera doesn't pull back. The animators might have confused this with the below later shot, which was cut from the episode:
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SOUNDWAVE The Autobot jet is afraid to fight! |
Windcharger was scripted to use a jet pack after flinging Reflector, but he's no seen doing this in the episode. He just lands with a last second flip.
There's no obscuring dust cloud in the episode, and Brawn says "yee haw!" before he crashes Soundwave into a cliff.
Megatron neither uses braking jets or shakes his head in the episode for this shot.
There is then three pages dedicated to a scene that was cut from the episode. It involved Skyfire encountering Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker at the temple and fighting them. It was supposed to happen after Windcharger's "I'm contacting Skyfire" line. Some of Windcharger's dialogue here made it into the episode.
Here's another scripted battle that was cut, where Brawn was to easily defeat Reflector. This was to take place right after Soundwave blasts Brawn.
Soundwave was meant to start laughing as he blasts at Brawn, but he's not heard laughing in the episode.
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WINDCHARGER Looks like Laserbeak's ready, too. |
In the script, Megatron was supposed to transform after Skyfire says "three", but in the episode, this was moved to before Skyfire even begins the countdown.
Megatron isn't seen firing at Brawn during this shot in the episode.
You never see Windcharger and Brawn land on Skyfire's wing in the episode.
This shot was cut -in the episode, it cuts to a shot of Brawn and Windcharger already inside Skyfire.
In the episode, Skyfire does not say "hey".
As Skyfire heads away, he was supposed to say "I'm with you" but in the episode he says nothing. After this, there was some more dialogue for Megatron where he would tell Soundwave and Reflector to let the Autobots go, as they needed to complete the weapon, but this was then all crossed out on the script.
Skyfire was not scripted to laugh before saying this line, but he does in the episode.
What was scripted to happen here was that you would see Skyfire trying to keep out of sight whilst moving along a stone wall. In the episode, however, this shot doesn't have him move at all, he just stands there looking up at the Decepticons.
In the episode, Brawn doesn't say "have" when he says this line.
Prime was meant to use his horn a few times, but it's not heard in the episode.
This was cut from the episode. It was supposed to happen after Prime's "finish them off" line.
In the script, Brawn was supposed to fire off a grappling hook, but in the episode, he deploys a claw.
All of the above was cut from the episode. This was scripted to happen right after Megatron gets his cannon back and starts firing at Brawn.
This part was changed slightly in the episode. What was scripted to happen is Skyfire would try and draw his weapon first, but Starscream would shoot him. In the episode, however, the shot of Skyfire going for his weapon was cut. Starscream fires first, making it look like he'd fired at Thundercracker. Thundercracker ducks (which he wasn't scripted to do) and the laser hits Skyfire instead.
This scene was scripted to happen after Skywarp attacks the Autobots. In the episode, it was moved forward and put before Skyfire starts to move up the temple. There's some removed dialogue here -Luisa's "evil robots" line was cut. Another cut was with Soundwave -in the episode it cuts straight to him sending out Ravage, but in the script he was meant to laugh (although this was crossed out) and a shot showing that he'd been watching Spike and the others.
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MEGATRON (CONT) For our friends, a little going away present. |
The Decepticons were scripted to appear as the mountain fell away, but in the episode they aren't seen.
In the episode, whilst the camera does show the old woman for this shot, she can't be heard saying "we're doomed!".
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LUISA Yes, I have come this way before... |
This scripted shot is never shown in the episode. It was meant to come after Megatron's "excellent catch" line.
Bumblebee was scripted to have his lights on when he enters the room here, but in the episode they're off.
The scene where Megatron fires the improved cannon was scripted to be longer. There was supposed to be a part where Soundwave would be seen using the stolen alloy to create a new casing for it, but in the episode he's not seen doing this, and the new casing has already been completed. All of the above dialogue was cut as well.
In the script, Megatron was supposed to fire another test blast right at the camera after he destroys the mountain, but he doesn't do this in the episode. You just see him pat the weapon a few times instead.
The above short scene was cut from the episode, it was scripted to happen right after Megatron test fires the weapon.
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LUISA The ancient ones knew many things. |
Here's another sequence that was mostly cut, which was scripted to happen after Ravage attacks Bumblebee. The only bits that made it in are were Laserbeak flying upwards and Windcharger's last line here, although it was shortened to just "Uh, Brawn!" in the episode.
The script states it's Trailbreaker and Wheeljack who were meant to get buried here, but in the episode the animators switched out Wheeljack with Sunstreaker. However, a few seconds later, when these Autobots are shown getting up out of the rocks, Wheeljack is used.
To me, it sounds like Optimus Prime says this line in the episode, although Ironhide's mouth is seen moving.
In the episode, Ravage isn't seen hitting the wall, it cuts to him landing on his feet.
Skyfire was scripted to tousle Spike's hair when he says this line, but he's not seen doing this in the episode.
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BUMBLEBEE Hey, c'mon guys! There's a battle out there! |
This sequence of Skyfire attacking Soundwave and Reflector wasn't in the script.
Thundercracker was scripted to make a sonic boom here, but in the episode you just hear the regular jet sound effects. If the sonic boom sound effect had been included, Starscream's line would have made more sense.
Megatron was scripted to look angry for this shot, but for some reason the animators decided to have him smirking.
The shot of the temple's interior was cut from the episode.
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SKYFIRE (VO) Wheeljack, you did it! If I could see you, I'd shake your hand. |