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A pirate radio station needs International Rescue's help.
Original UK broadcast date: November 6th, 1966


1) Synopsis
2) Notes
3) Errors


KLA, a pirate radio satellite, is orbiting the Earth and playing music. Hosted by Rick O'Shea, the broadcast is played by Tin-Tin on her portable TV. Jeff is annoyed, believing that the satellite could cause problems as it isn't on a controlled flight path and could cause an accident. As Sentinel base, a rocket blasts off. The launch is being controlled by a computer, which is being monitored by Professor Marshal and Power. Whilst the launch is successful, the rocket develops a stage separation fault and has to be destroyed. Power contacts the International Space Control, who give him a position to send the rocket to in space to be detonated.

In the satellite, Rick and Loman are preparing for the next broadcast, oblivious to the fact they are now in great danger -the ISC position happens to be the same place where their satellite is! The rocket is detonated, which is destroyed in an enormous explosion that damages the satellite. Rick and Loman are unharmed, but Loman believes there is external damage. Rick initially wants to ignore it and continues broadcasting, but when the entire satellite shakes, Loman cuts the transmission. They find out the braking parachutes have gotten a fault, which Loman needs to fix. He heads out to assess things. He finds the damage and wants to try and fix it with a laser, so he returns to the airlock.

However whilst the outer airlock door still works, the inner one doesn't. Rick says he can't open it, it's jammed and he doesn't know how to fix it. Loman has a limited amount of oxygen left, so Rick starts broadcasting again and asks for anyone to send help. However, his call isn't picked up by International Rescue due to Thunderbird 5 having a module replaced, making communications impossible. John and Gordon are working on it, and John says it'll be another two hours until they're done.

However, Tin-Tin hears Rick's message on her TV. Jeff is put into contact with Rick, who explains the situation. Jeff has Virgil and Brains head out in Thunderbird 2, whilst Alan and Scott head into space in Thunderbird 3. Alan and Scott quickly find the satellite, which has begun to re-enter Earth's atmosphere. Alan heads across and rescues Loman first, bringing him back over to Thunderbird 3.

However Rick loses his cool and says he can't do it, he can't head into space! Back on Earth, the ISC have contacted Thunderbird 2, letting Virgil and Brains know that the satellite is in danger of colliding with the Middle East's biggest oil installation. Brains suggest they shoot down the satellite before it can hit the installation, but they then hear Rick O'Shea's voice on the radio -he's started broadcasting again! They believe that he's still on the satellite, and with communications still down, they can't contact any other member of International Rescue to confirm. Brains suggest they divert the satellite instead, so Virgil uses one of Thunderbird 2's wings to knock the satellite off course.

The satellite end up crashing into the ground, missing the oil installation. Believing they failed to save O'Shea, Virgil and Brains head back to Tracy Island, only to find out that O'Shea is still alive. Alan explains that when he cut through the door, O'Shea was still adamant he wouldn't go into space. As he backed up, he accidentally hit a button that caused a tape to start playing, which is what Virgil and Brains heard earlier. Tn-Tin then switches her portable TV on, which has an interview with O'Shea. He thanks International Rescue for their help and then plays a special request, for Mr T and all the family, from TT.

The song that plays is "Flying High", as everyone realizes this was Tin-Tin's doing. Jeff asks Alan how he managed to get O'Shea out of that satellite -was it something to do with that black eye he had? Alan says it was the only way, he had to make him see reason. As everyone jokes around, Alan claims he did it in the line of duty.


-Usually Thunderbirds aired once a week, but there was a two week gap between this episode and the previous one during the original UK broadcast.

-This is the only episode to show Virgil in Thunderbird 3.

-It's also the only episode to show Gordon in Thunderbird 5.

-One of the music tracks Rick plays is an instrumental version of "I've Got Something to Shout About" from the Stingray episode Titan Goes Pop.

-The song played at the end of the episode is called "Flying High". This song was originally going to be used in the series for the credits theme, but ended up going unused until it was put into this episode.

-This is the only second season episode to not have Penelope in it.


-When Professor Marshall says "detonate", her lips don't move.
-Jeff is able to contact Thunderbird 3 despite the fact that all communications are meant to be down -later on in the episode, Virgil is unable to contact Tracy Island.
-When John speaks his lines in this episode, it's Gordon's voice that's heard.

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