On a mountain above the town of Monte Bianco is a solar station. Inside the station are two people: Professor Lundgren and his assistant, Mitchell. They watch the sun rise and Lundgren says he never ceases to wonder about its energy. Mitchell tells him that with the solar generator, he has managed to capture a little of it. Lundgren says this is only the first stage, as tonight they'll generate electricity for one small town. If this is successful, they'll supply the whole valley and then perhaps the whole world!

Mitchell starts the tracking program. This causes the station's dish to chance directions, as it rotates to point upwards at the sun. It starts to collect energy from the sun.

Penelope thinks she's got everything she needs and tells Parker that these cases can be taken down to the car. She also tells him that she wants him to consider the next few days a holiday for him as much as for her. He can feel free to discard his uniform and wear something more casual. She says she wants to be ready to leave in 10 minutes.

However, it starts raining. Penelope notices the rain, but says they've got to make a start. She then sees Parker, who sees that he took her at her word. She tells him she hopes the inclement weather doesn't spoil his outfit. Parker says that he understand the sun always shines in Monte Bianco.

At Monte Bianco, hotel manager Faccini tells Bruno that tonight, the hotel will be full to the roof. Bruno thinks visitors only bring more work. Faccini says the people have come for the celebrations, as tomorrow, their town will be famous. It'll be the first town in the world to be lit by electricity from a solar station. Bruno thinks that is against nature, and this is going to be a great disaster. Faccini asks what he means, so Bruno says the sun will take its revenge -it will be a great disaster. Faccini calls him an idiot and tells him to get back to work. At the station, Lundgren tells Mitchell to keep the temperature below 1000 degrees.

Parker and Penelope head towards Monte Bianco in FAB 1. Penelope asks for some music to be put on, but when Parker tries the radio, the various stations he tries keep suffering from interference. Penelope thinks it must be the mountains causing it, as they're very near them. At Tracy Island, Jeff tells Brains he hopes Penelope enjoys her vacation. He asks him if he's had a chance to evaluate the solar generator at Monte Bianco. Brains says he studied the basic principles of it, he just wishes he was with Penelope so he could get a first-hand look of the project. Jeff thinks this is a great breakthrough. Brains says the idea is old, but Professor Lundgren has licked the technological problems.

At the solar station, Lundgren asks if the output voltage is high enough. Mitchell says it is, they will be able to maintain 150,000 kilowatts for about twenty hours. He then confirms that the cyclonic generators have been checked, so they're ready to switch on as soon as it's dark. Lundgren thinks that could be earlier than they thought, as there are some clouds building up -he thinks they're in for a storm. Later on, Penelope and Parker arrive at the hotel. Faccini tells Penelope he feels ashamed to welcome her to this weather. Penelope tells him not to fret, as the English are always prepared for rain.

Parker notices Bruno staring at him and his now soaked socks and sandals, so he tells him to get the bags inside. Inside, Faccini says they celebrate in fancy dress. He then leads Penelope to her room, saying that it's the best one in the hotel. Bruno tells Parker he'd better change, before he floods the hotel.

Faccini tells Parker he looks very fine, but then asks where Penelope is. Penelope then walks down the stairs, having changed into her fancy dress outfit. Penelope tells Parker than he looks quite dashing. Parker thanks her, but says her costume is a bit of a knockout. Penelope thanks him and says she'll take that as a most gracious compliment.

Faccini welcomes everyone to this great event, telling the audience that tonight, they'll become the first town to be lit by power generated direct from the sun. He asks everyone to be quiet and starts to countdown. At the station, Lundgren also starts counting down a timer. As it reaches zero, Mitchell activates the power, which lights up the entire town.

Lundgren tells Mitchell this is the moment they've worked for. But they then see that the storm is really building up. Lundgren says the forecast was light rain, so much for the weather satellite. He's heard that these freak storms can get pretty violent. At the hotel, Penelope has to explains to Parker how to eat spaghetti. The lights then flicker, but Faccini tells everyone not to worry, as this storm will soon pass.

Bruno is looking out of a window and says it will be a great disaster. The solar station is then struck be a bolt of lightning. Mitchell says the tower has been hit, but Lundgren says they'll just have to hope the conductor can take it.

The reflector dish the gets hit by another bolt of lightning. Mitchell thinks the conductor must have blown, so Lundgren tells him to check the primary circuits. Lundgren says the reflector is attracting the lightning like a magnet. If this storm doesn't repent, they're in real trouble! But then, the tower gets hit be lightning again.

Mitchell says the tower is starting to crack. Lundgren tells him to cut the power, so he does. At the hotel, the lights suddenly go out. Faccini tells everyone to be calm, as they'll light the candles instead. Penelope thinks something must be wrong. Parker asks if it's serious, but she says she doesn't know.

The station's reflector dish then gets hit by lightning again. Lundgren has Mitchell switch on the emergency lighting. He thinks they can't take much more of this, as the tower will collapse. He decides he's going to have to go up to the roof, but as soon as he gets there, the tower begins to tilt over. He has to get down.

The girders on the tower snap, causing it to tumble over and fall down the side of the mountain. The reflector dish comes to a stop on a cliff, and is in a position so it's pointing directly at the town. Mitchell asks Lundgren if he's alright. He says he is, but wants to know what happened to the reflector. Mitchell says it's lodged about halfway down the mountainside, but it still looks in one piece.

Faccini says the storm is passing. Everyone in the hotel sees that the clouds are beginning to move away from the Moon, letting it shine once more. Faccini says it's a giant mirror. Penelope says that the reflector dish is reflecting the moonlight down onto the town. Faccini says they should go outside, as the storm has passed and the night is very warm -the party will begin again!

Parker thinks things have a strange way of turning out for the best. He thinks it certainly gives a nice light, it's almost like day. Bruno then comes over and whispers to Penelope about how this will be a great disaster. Faccini tells him to get back to work. As the two leave, Parker asks Penelope what Bruno said.

Penelope says he said that when the sun rises tomorrow, it will be a great disaster. She thinks he may be right, so she's going to have to contact Jeff. She tells Parker to get Bruno and make sure he talks to no one, and nobody must be allowed to leave -they may need every pair of hands they can get. She then heads to FAB 1, but when she tries the radio, she can't get through to International Rescue. She decides to find a place free of interference, so she drives off in FAB 1.

She drives FAB 1 off a pier and into the sea, but then deploys the car's hydrofoils, allowing it to move on water. As she drives the car, she passes a boat. One partygoer sees FAB 1 and thinks that whilst he's heard of pink elephants, a pink Rolls Royce out at sea, driven by Marie Antoinette, is ridiculous!

Penelope stops the car and tries the radio again. This time she gets through to Tracy Island and says about what happened at the solar station. The reflector is now at such an angle that tomorrow, the sun will be concentrated down onto the town. Brains says it'll be like holding a giant burning glass over the town. Jeff says that when the sun moves, everything in the town will get burned. He tells Penelope they're on their way.

Scott heads off to Thunderbird 1, whilst Virgil makes his way to Thunderbird 2. Jeff tells Brains to go along with them, as this is going to be a tricky one. He'll contact them on route and they'll try to work something out.

Alan and Brains take the elevator to Thunderbird 2. As Jeff and Grandma watch the Thunderbirds take off, Grandma tells Jeff he looks kind of worried and asks him what's wrong. Jeff says he just has a feeling about this assignment. They watch as Thunderbird 2 blasts off and leaves the island.

Penelope returns to the hotel and tells Parker that International Rescue are on their way. She explains what the danger is and says the whole town will be burnt to a cinder unless the reflector can be moved before the sun comes out tomorrow. She says she's going to change then drive out to the solar station. She's relying on him to keep the guests in the hotel. As she leaves, Parker wonders how he can do that. Penelope then gets back into FAB 1 and drives off to the solar station.

Parker finds Bruno and tells him tomorrow morning they could be in trouble. Bruno says it will be a great disaster. Parker knows he doesn't want that to happen, so he can help him. They need to keep the people here, in case they're needed to fight a fire. Bruno believes if people think there is danger, they will panic and leave. Parker says that's why tomorrow morning, they must keep them occupied. To do that, they must take their mind off things and get them to play a little game. Meanwhile, Penelope has arrived at the solar station.

She asks what time the sun will rise, and Lundgren says 6:03. Mitchell says he's done some calculations, and believes the sun won't be high enough to do much damage until about 6:30. But after that, it's frightening to think about. Penelope says it's now 5:13, which gives them just under an hour until sunrise.

Jeff and Grandma watch the sunset. Grandma says it's wonderful, but Jeff says it holds no pleasure to him. As the sun sets here, on the other side of the world it'll rise on sleeping Monte Bianco. At Monte Bianco, the sun begins to rise. Scott tells Virgil that his ETA is 5:49 local time. Alan says they're about twenty minutes behind him. Brains asks Scott if he's been able to contact the solar station.

Scott says he hasn't, as the residual static is really heavy. Brains would like to get an idea of the problem, so Scott says he'll use the radio camera and send him a few shots as soon as he can. At the station, Mitchell says he can't use their radio, as the lightning has ruined it. Lundgren asks if there is anything they can do other than sit here and watch the town burn up. Penelope says there's no point in her staying here. She tells Mitchell they need to get the Professor to a hospital, as he needs treatment. She's called International Rescue and they'll take care of everything.

At the hotel, the main hall has been setup to a game room, for Lord Parker's Bingo. Parker tells Bruno this seems adequate, so he can go and wake everybody up. Bruno isn't sure that's wise, as everyone didn't go to bed until three. Parker says they've got to get them into the game before they realize the danger. He tells him to go and wake them up and start with the manager, as he'll need him to assist them. Bruno goes to Faccini's room and tells him to wake up.

Bruno tells him that Lord Parker wants to see him downstairs. Faccini says it's six o'clock and tells Bruno to go away. But when he hears the name "Lord" Parker he decides to get up. Meanwhile, Scott arrives at the mountain and takes a few shots of the reflector dish. These get sent to Thunderbird 2, so Brains takes a look at them. He thinks this looks like a tricky setup.

Virgil asks him if he has any ideas. Brains says the rotation gear seems undamaged, so they may be able to tilt the reflector up so it faces skywards. At 400 tons it won't be easy, but it's their only chance. At the hotel, Faccini asks Lord Parker to excuse him, as he didn't realize. Parker says it's quite understandable, as he often travels incognito. He asks if the other guests are ready to join them for the game. Faccini says once the guests heard he was an English Lord, they will most willing. At Tracy Island, Jeff finds out Thunderbird 2 will be over the solar station in two minutes. The signal is weak, so Jeff tells Virgil he's making him responsible for any necessary on the spot decisions due to the communication problems. He tells Virgil to be careful, as he has a feeling about this one.

Virgil has Thunderbird 2 hover over the reflector dish. Brains says he'll have to be lowered down so he can get a real close look. Alan says it's not his job, so he'll go. But Brains says he needs to see it at close quarters. Alan says he'll radio a full description, but Brains says that's not the same. Virgil tells them to stop arguing, so Alan tells him it's his decision. Virgil tells Brains to go, but he must not take any chances.

Brains puts a suit on and Alan helps him get ready. Alan tells him to remember not to look down too much, as it's a long drop. Brains is lowered out of Thunderbird 2 via a winch and is put onto the reflector dish. Brains tells Alan to stop the winch, which he does. Brains thinks this harness is making it hard for him to move, so he takes it off. When Alan and Virgil realize this, Virgil tells Brains he said don't take chances!

Brains says not to worry, he knows what he's doing... he hopes. Brains checks out the place and then starts to climb up the girders, to get to the rim of the dish. As he struggles to his way up, he tells Alan to lower the high tensile cable. The cable is lowered out of a hatch on Thunderbird 2.

Brains guides Alan as to where the cable needs to be lowered. Back at the hotel, Lord Parker says he doesn't pay out until he's checked your card. Brains gets the cable into position and tells Alan to activate the magnetic clamp. Alan does so and the clamp is attached to the reflector dish. Virgil tells Brains to get down out of there.

Brains says it's getting mighty hot inside this suit. He gets clear, so Virgil says he'll take Thunderbird 2 up. Thunderbird 2 starts to rise, but the reflector dish doesn't move. Virgil says he'll increase power, but the dish still doesn't shift. Virgil says he'll go all the way and use full thrust, but it's still no good.

Alan says they can't move it. Brains says the rotation gear must be jammed, so he'll need the laser unit sent down. He finds the trouble and says that the gear is jammed, and will take him a couple of minutes to cut through.

Virgil says he doesn't think they have a couple of minutes, he can see that the hotel is starting to smoke! Brains asks why he didn't think about that before and asks if Scott is still there. Virgil says he is, so Brains says to tell him to use the new device he fitted last week. Scott says he heard him, so he flies Thunderbird 1 towards the mountain.

At the hotel, someone shouts bingo. Parker tells her well done, now they're going like a house on fire! He realizes he probably shouldn't have said that. The hotel's continues to smoke, which gets worse. Meanwhile, Scott uses the new device to create a smokescreen around the mountain.

Brains uses the laser to cut through the jammed gear. Scott asks him how he's doing with the smoke, and Brains tells him FAB -the smoke is covering up the sun. He then tells Virgil that the rotation gear is free, so it should be ok now. Virgil tells him that they'll start to lift as soon as he's clear.

Brains says he can hardly move in this suit. He then tells Virgil and Alan to take Thunderbird 2 up. Virgil has Thunderbird 2 rise up again, but this time the dish begins to move. Virgil moves the dish so it points up to the sky. But as this is happening, Alan sees Brains fall down the mountain!

Brains falls all the way to the bottom. The movement of the dish causes a landslide, and rocks pour all over Brains. The dish itself then slips and also falls down the mountain, right over the place Brains got buried. Virgil tells Scott there's been an accident and asks him if he can assist. Scott says he'll go down and see what he can do.

But Brains then contacts them and says he's fine. He says he had to take the suit off as it was so awkward to move in. Virgil says that's a relief, but tells him to get back into that safety harness -that's an order! Virgil contacts Jeff and tells him what's happened. Jeff is just glad this one is over, as he had a bad feeling something might go wrong.

Brains tells him not to worry, as they handled the situation. Alan says they'll be home for breakfast, but Jeff says it's 2 am here, so he's going to bed! Thunderbird 2 heads off back to Tracy Island. Meanwhile, Penelope has gone back to the hotel. She asks "Lord" Parker for an explanation. Parker says he thought the guests would be more inclined to take orders from an English Lord.

He'd anticipated she would not mind. Penelope says that in the circumstances, they'll forget it. She asks what game engrossed the guests so much that they didn't notice the danger. Parker says it was a game very popular in his youth: bingo. Penelope says he'll have to instruct her how to play it sometime. She suggests they try the beach and tells him to go and change, as the sun is shining. Parker says he'd anticipated her again, if she'd pardon the liberty. As he gets up, he shouts "bingo" and reveals he's already ready to go.

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