Danger at
Ocean Deep

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When Ocean Pioneer 1 mysteriously explodes, only International Rescue can prevent Ocean Pioneer II from meeting the same fate.
Original UK broadcast date: February 3rd, 1966


1) Synopsis
2) Notes
3) Errors


Ocean Pioneer I mysteriously explodes in the ocean whilst carrying a cargo of highly combustible liquid alsterene. Fearing sabotage, Jeff has Penelope attend the christening of the Ocean Pioneer II six months later, but she reports she couldn't find anything wrong with the ship when she checked it. Jeff still has a feeling they'll be hearing more about Ocean Pioneer II.

John then contacts the base with details about a typhoon hitting a hospital in Oahu in the Pacific. Scott, Virgil and Gordon head out in Thunderbirds 1 and 2, but radio contact between the Thunderbirds and Tracy Island is met with interference. Only short range communication between the Thunderbirds is possible. The interference has also effected Thunderbird 5, so Alan and Brains blast off into space in Thunderbird 3. They arrive at Thunderbird 5, and Brains takes a recording of the interference, then he and John return to Tracy Island in Thunderbird 3. Scott and the others complete the rescue and return to base.

Jeff watches a report about Ocean Pioneer II, which happens to mention the type of cargo it is carrying: 200,000 tons of liquid alsterene. The ship is manned by a total of just three people. Brains then shows Jeff an experiment he and Tin-Tin have been working on in the lab. The experiments show that the result of close proximity of a high density liquid fuel and a low density substance known as OD-60 produces high impedance waves, which can interrupt and cut off radio communication on their bandwidth for a given distance. Brains demonstrates what happens when the fuel and OD-60 get too close: they explode. Brains explains the origins of the OD-60, and the fact that it's used to make dog food, of all things. Scott gets a fix on the source, but says it's in the middle of the Mediterranean, which doesn't make any sense. Tin-Tin suggests they have Penelope contact the Allpets company, which uses OD-60 in its products. Jeff says that Ocean Pioneer II is sailing with 200,000 tons of liquid alsterene, and it's going to be in trouble if it gets close to the OD-60.

Penelope meets with the Allpets CEO, Sir Arthur, who explains that a large quantity of OD-60 was dumped in the Mediterranean, in the hope it'll flourish and provide further raw material for Allpets. Knowing Ocean Pioneer II really is in danger now, Scott attempts to contact the crew, but radio communications can't get through. Since they also know the ship won't be able to send out a distress call, Scott, Virgil and John head out in Thunderbirds 1 and 2. Meanwhile, the crew of the ship realize something is going wrong, but an explosion takes down the ship's engines and also turns off the air con system. The ship drifts into a thick mist which is being created by the dumped OD-60.

Scott manages to find the ship, and lands Thunderbird 1 on it. He guides Thunderbird 2 to its location, and John is lowered onto it via a ladder. Scott tries to contact the crew, but they don't respond. He uses a laser beam to cut through a door, which he then knocks down. He and John then see that the water all around the ship is bubbling, meaning it must be right over the OD-60.

Scott revives the crew and whilst the Captain tries to thank them, Scott says there is no time -the ship is about to blow up. The crew and John climb aboard Thunderbird 2, which then moves away from the ship. Scott rushes back to Thunderbird 1 and takes off, but the ship's engines then explode, setting off a chain reaction which quickly results in the total destruction of Ocean Pioneer II.

Thunderbird 1 emerges from the fog. Later on, once they've return to Tracy Island, Scott and John discuss whether or not they should have tried to save the boat itself by towing it out. Jeff reminds them that material things can be rebuilt, but life is different. He says that saving lives in danger is their job, but then suggests they dip their hot heads in the pool, so he can read his book.


-This is the only episode where John is seen going on a rescue mission.

-It isn't stated if the crew of the first Ocean Pioneer died or not, but the Commander can be seen at the launching of Ocean Pioneer II -he's seen standing behind Penelope as she gives her speech.


-During this shot, it's "Ocean Pioneer I" using a roman numeral. But during this shot, the "I" has changed to a "1".

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